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Author Topic: UW and GSoA  (Read 47389 times)
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« Reply #45 on: March 09, 2016, 04:16:16 am »

Thank you, Dimur for clarifying, what it seems i couldnt.

Hate's Most Hateful Hater
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« Reply #46 on: March 09, 2016, 04:23:45 am »

I'm not sure how you expect a reduction in the supply to somehow decrease the price. It would only increase it. So yeah, even if you wanted to remove it from lower tier content completely you would still need to increase the drop rate significantly in the higher tiers in order to reduce the price.

My problem is not that the gsoa is a rare drop in t7/t8/9/10....it's that it drops in Qvic/CT/t1/t2/t3/t4/t5/t6/......where people dont need a 10-15m item....that messes up the economy...if it ONLY droped in t7/8/9/10 then only the people who were at a point to possibly need it would be getting it....and you probably wouldnt see it sold...becuase they would need the item. Wonder why you dont see things for sale in content you dont want to go back to EVER again?  Because someone just scored a GSoA so they dont need to sell spare ess of x or SLS...they have access to an item that is above what is needed....they move up too quickly...get burned out because they dont get xyz....leave server and we are worse of than we were before....here is another idea if you didnt like the first one.  Remove UW/EoA all together....then this would be a none issue and the server economy would auto correct itself.

Hate's Most Hateful Hater
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« Reply #47 on: March 09, 2016, 05:11:10 am »

Why is UW related to this issue exactly?

~The Thanatos Instinct~
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« Reply #48 on: March 09, 2016, 05:33:13 am »

I honestly think at this point this thread could be locked. Because it's starting to devolve into a mud slinging contest. All issues, points and contentions have been made clear at this junction.


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« Reply #49 on: March 09, 2016, 06:22:28 am »

Nobody has to point out anyone in Qvic with an EoA 50 because nobody claimed that people were doing EoA in Qvic gear...choosing to ignore points offered up does not mean that the points are invalid.  I'm confused how either of the previous 2 posters are having an issue understanding the point OP was trying to make.  You can certainly disagree with it, but this hyperbole is ridiculous.  I'll do my best to clarify what I understand as OP's point.

1. UW and Earring of Ages were designed and intended to be something that END GAME people could focus on, as per Hunter's original intent
2. EoA's mitigating factor for progressing it is gsoa...the AA required are pretty much negligible given the current plethora of people doling out MGB exp boosts
3. EoA drop with at least as much frequency or more in lower tiered zones as they do in higher tiered zones

I don't necessarily agree with OP's opinions, but I feel quite compelled to point out that he never once said that anyone in Qvic is sporting an EoA 50, nor did he infer that this is the issue he has with the current system.

I'm not in any way confused about the OP's point or his further points.  I specifically stated examples of ways to repair the situation and supported the idea of making the items no drop and/or reducing their drop rates in earlier tiers.  You seem to think I'm somehow disagreeing that a problem exists and you're taking sides here, when I have done nothing of the sort.  Eliseus maybe has, but he's his own man and can defend himself.  

The OP's argument, however, has begun to take tangents which are inconsistent to his premise.  He started by talking about its effects on how it ruins the economy, which is a valid argument.  He said making the content too easy by having early tier players have instant access to 10s of millions of plat would cause them to leave the server when they breezed through it too quickly.  Yes, that's a valid argument, too.  Then the thread began to take strange tangents regarding Hunter's original intent for the item, and he specifically stated himself that the earring shouldn't be a doable quest prior to RoA 1000, and that the quest shouldn't be startable until higher tiers.  However, these last two points are irrelevant to the GSOA's effect on the economy, thus why I'm pointing out the inconsistency.  If you want lower level players to not have access to lots of plat from selling GSOA, make them no drop or reduce their drop rate.  However, if you want to state that players are leaving the server because they breeze through content too quickly, then fine.  That's valid, too.  But don't think for a second that making players farm GLS for hours on end as players did in the past, or to farm qvic trash for plat bag drops, in order to gear their toons with strikes and necks and SotA isn't going to make them quit too.  Farming GLS is the most mind-numbingly boring farm on the server.  In addition to that, as stated repeatedly, if you just remove the GSOA from dropping in lower tiers completely without increasing its drop rate in higher tiers, it's only going to exponentially increase the frustration of players attempting to level the earring (and I'm one myself, currently) due to your reducing its supply by 1/2 or more.

So what's the fix?  Remove GSOA from lower tiers and have it only drop from higher tiers is not a good fix, sorry.  Not on its own, anyway.

I realize Hunter gets a lot of love around here due to his creation of something everyone loves, and I'm sure it's well deserved.  His legacy lives on and everyone is doing their best to progress the server's evolution based on the legacy they feel he wanted to continue to mold.  With that said, I'm sure he made plenty of changes to the server that went contrary to his earlier visions.  There's not necessarily a need to make the Earring only be an endgame item.  He may have decided that at some point on his own, as well.  

So overall I agree on the "plat lottery that is GSOA" being harmful for younger players, however I think GLS farming is even worse.  Here's my personal opinion, formulated by some great posts in the thread, as well as some of my own ideas, to address most of the issues presented in the thread:

1) As was stated by some other posters, alter the level which buffs can hit lower level players.  2 levels sounds solid, but I don't think it's necessary.  Instead, just make it so that the buffs don't land on a player that's not at least in T3. Buffs make a huge difference at 70 and 71.  At 72? Not even remotely as beneficial.  Their issue at 70 and 71 isn't the % of HP gain from Oak, it's the total flat HP gain.  The % of HP gain is what makes the buff better for players as they earn higher tier gear.

2)  Remove GSOA drops from T1-T4.  Allow them to drop in T5 or higher.  Also, make them no drop.  Players in T5 can still try to sell no drop looting rights.  At this point is when they start to need an additional source of plat because strike augs and mana necks are a lot more important to speed up their progression, particularly in a zone like T5.  

3) Institute a plat sink alternative for GSOA.  Have it purchaseable for 20m from a vendor.  Every MMORPG has inflation issues, whether it's EQ, EQ-Emu, WoW, or any other MMORPG, with old servers having too much plat in the 1%.  If you're going to remove a source of platinum for lower level players, you have to also take some away from the highest tier players or else you have a broken economy in the other direction.  
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« Reply #50 on: March 09, 2016, 11:09:48 am »

ladies and gentelman let us not lose sight of the true reason for GSOA..... the mask of illusions!

I mean come on...thats where its at man...dont waste them on a stupid earring! I want to be the first player with 12 masks..

that is all..

ohh and don't bring up the removing the UW.... if you remove the UW then wtf am I going to do? log in and hold my balls in t10?

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« Reply #51 on: March 09, 2016, 11:15:39 am »

More end game QQ from Orthanos and crew. GSOA dropping in lower tiers is cool and lowbies barely benefit from the 3 or so they sell. Stop trying to re-write the rules for lowbies it makes you look petty. Plus Balidet is right, GSOA is only useful for mask of illusions anyway.

Also I am going to start making this point over and over for end game folks who QQ from now on:


Quit QQing and have fun! Grin

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« Reply #52 on: March 09, 2016, 03:44:59 pm »

1) As was stated by some other posters, alter the level which buffs can hit lower level players.  2 levels sounds solid, but I don't think it's necessary.  Instead, just make it so that the buffs don't land on a player that's not at least in T3. Buffs make a huge difference at 70 and 71.  At 72? Not even remotely as beneficial.  Their issue at 70 and 71 isn't the % of HP gain from Oak, it's the total flat HP gain.  The % of HP gain is what makes the buff better for players as they earn higher tier gear.

2)  Remove GSOA drops from T1-T4.  Allow them to drop in T5 or higher.  Also, make them no drop.  Players in T5 can still try to sell no drop looting rights.  At this point is when they start to need an additional source of plat because strike augs and mana necks are a lot more important to speed up their progression, particularly in a zone like T5. 

3) Institute a plat sink alternative for GSOA.  Have it purchaseable for 20m from a vendor.  Every MMORPG has inflation issues, whether it's EQ, EQ-Emu, WoW, or any other MMORPG, with old servers having too much plat in the 1%.  If you're going to remove a source of platinum for lower level players, you have to also take some away from the highest tier players or else you have a broken economy in the other direction.

I like all of this the only thing I think I may bend a little is maybe have it start t6 (although I still like t8 better but hey thats just me)   all in all i think you got a pretty good middle ground going there.

And to my buddy Eliseus...once again you continue to take everything i say out of  context...but i have come to expect that from you.

Warrior5....all i can say is eat a dick and choke on it.

Hate's Most Hateful Hater
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« Reply #53 on: March 09, 2016, 04:29:33 pm »

1) As was stated by some other posters, alter the level which buffs can hit lower level players.  2 levels sounds solid, but I don't think it's necessary.  Instead, just make it so that the buffs don't land on a player that's not at least in T3. Buffs make a huge difference at 70 and 71.  At 72? Not even remotely as beneficial.  Their issue at 70 and 71 isn't the % of HP gain from Oak, it's the total flat HP gain.  The % of HP gain is what makes the buff better for players as they earn higher tier gear.

2)  Remove GSOA drops from T1-T4.  Allow them to drop in T5 or higher.  Also, make them no drop.  Players in T5 can still try to sell no drop looting rights.  At this point is when they start to need an additional source of plat because strike augs and mana necks are a lot more important to speed up their progression, particularly in a zone like T5. 

3) Institute a plat sink alternative for GSOA.  Have it purchaseable for 20m from a vendor.  Every MMORPG has inflation issues, whether it's EQ, EQ-Emu, WoW, or any other MMORPG, with old servers having too much plat in the 1%.  If you're going to remove a source of platinum for lower level players, you have to also take some away from the highest tier players or else you have a broken economy in the other direction.

I like all of this the only thing I think I may bend a little is maybe have it start t6 (although I still like t8 better but hey thats just me)   all in all i think you got a pretty good middle ground going there.

And to my buddy Eliseus...once again you continue to take everything i say out of  context...but i have come to expect that from you.

Warrior5....all i can say is eat a dick and choke on it.

Lol genius Roll Eyes

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« Reply #54 on: March 09, 2016, 05:41:55 pm »

1) As was stated by some other posters, alter the level which buffs can hit lower level players.  2 levels sounds solid, but I don't think it's necessary.  Instead, just make it so that the buffs don't land on a player that's not at least in T3. Buffs make a huge difference at 70 and 71.  At 72? Not even remotely as beneficial.  Their issue at 70 and 71 isn't the % of HP gain from Oak, it's the total flat HP gain.  The % of HP gain is what makes the buff better for players as they earn higher tier gear.
I wrote out this nice big response then said fuck it……the point of my response was that these buffs aren’t as meaningful as you believe they are. They are great and helpful, I agree, but the benefit a lower player receives from having buffs for 24 hours of play time pales in comparison to tagging along with an essence farmer and looting their ROT for 30 minutes. Leave the buffs alone, it’s not really that important to make people spend a little bit more time in the lower tiers by making sure they pull less mobs.

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« Reply #55 on: March 09, 2016, 06:04:21 pm »

nerf the buffs! nerf the buffs!

dont make GSOA no drop..thats just a pain in the  ass..

adjust the drop rate some? ...meh...nah..just leave it alone...

make them no rent!

cause...that shit is now fixed..

you are welcome..

no hoarding..market will only be for what is available right now...

wait wait...

no drop and no rent

thats the ticket...

price will come down....

the timmer will be ticken when one drops!:)

admit I had a smart!

do it!

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« Reply #56 on: March 09, 2016, 06:05:01 pm »

The one beautiful thing about newbies and GSOA selling is this:

It allows them to access to a lottery in which they progress in their normal QVIC/CT/POD/HOH type zones to better their characters. They get to actually kill content with the small chance a GSOA or unicorn poop drops. And they can sell that to buy their DPS stuffz (strike augs/SLS/mana necks etc).

They can do dranik and get essences, SLS, plat, uw augs (eventually)...

They get to progress and have fun on the server instead of ask in /ooc 'my crew is 70 now what should i do?" ....

and get the ooc response 'Spend the next 5 weeks in jagged pine to 'progress'.

Thats a big win for the server and for new player retention.

The only real loss is people don't really farm SLS in bulk anymore so people gotta drag their 18 toons through dranik themselves instead of buy them with plat off younger players. I'm well ok with that.

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« Reply #57 on: March 09, 2016, 06:08:15 pm »

And seriously, anyone who has issue with MGBs and spreading the wealth and power and helping out their fellow players..

Needs both sunlight and human contact in a bad, bad way.

This server was built on a helpful community, it separates us from the idiots answering text messages at 4 am to log in and deprive others of content. And its why people stay here. Smiley

Ponzi Scheme - Monk
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« Reply #58 on: March 09, 2016, 06:28:06 pm »

And seriously, anyone who has issue with MGBs and spreading the wealth and power and helping out their fellow players..

Needs both sunlight and human contact in a bad, bad way.

This server was built on a helpful community, it separates us from the idiots answering text messages at 4 am to log in and deprive others of content. And its why people stay here. Smiley


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« Reply #59 on: March 09, 2016, 07:10:14 pm »

I have a differing opinion regarding no restrictions on content relevant overpowering buffs, I don't think totally trivializing content for newer players is helping them at all.  I also could care less if someone chooses do take it upon themselves to MGB a round of buffs, if it's your position that speeding people through lower tiers is going to help the server community that's fine.  I don't admonish people in /ooc for doing MGB's because I honestly think they are doing what they think is helpful for the most part, my stance that it is the opposite of helpful in no way means I'm somehow vitamin d deficient.  There are a lot of people who offer help in other ways, don't pat yourself on the back because you rallied the hoarde into the Nexus so you can help them somehow survive the cruel online world of EZ denziens with a round of buffs.  This server was built on a helpful community, that's correct...but what you might consider helpful to the community might be different than what someone else does.

I feel much more connected to this community when I see people ask questions in /ooc and get actual answers instead of the canned, Read the wiki, responses.  I feel much more connected to this community when I see someone accidentally destroy an epic 3.0 and someone takes time out to run them back through farming them a new one, because to the person who lost the item it meant everything to them.  I feel much more connected when someone gets pissed and vents about how running through LDoN before you're fully keyed through 6 sucks and has someone offer to run them through to remove the tedium.  I also feel much less connected when I see buff beggars hanging out in the Nexus constantly asking if anyone will come do MGB buffs and Exp mask buffs rather than just doing the content until someone /ooc's to gather in the Nexus to do MGB's.

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