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61  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Charm! on: May 12, 2010, 12:03:15 pm
yeah i was doing ldon and a person boxing kept running ahead killing mobs ahead of me forcing me to do the same. We got to that room and the person got upset with me that while i was playing and killing my mobs they got charmed and wiped out their group. they believed i should have been watching their every move and known they were charmed. I had no idea what was going on untill i noticed i was being attacked by the other player (i was ahead of them starting up the small set of stairs) >_< but by then it was to late they had already wiped out their 2 boxed toons.
62  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Charm! on: May 12, 2010, 11:50:43 am
I've seen 2 spawns of that mob in ldon 3 1 at the stairs in the side as you are almost to the petrified tree and one thats hidden just inside a door in ldon 3. Not sure if others noticed the second one or not as you can get past it and many run past it without realizing it lol I have seen a few groups wiped by the one hidden just inside the door way >_<
63  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: New players? on: May 12, 2010, 11:46:43 am
Zolton, most of what i say is in general... not so much you. You are one of the good few that tries to help themself as much as possible. I can respect that

yeah i understand i wasn't aiming my post at you or danny or any one specific. Most thought i posted this as if  wanted every single thing handed to me on a silver platter which is not the type of player i am lol Which is why i posted the way in which i was able to get the things i did. People say that i did good to get to where i am in 2 weeks. But if you factor in that i play 14+ hours at a time for those 14 days you can easilly see how i got there that fast so 14 times 14 = 196 hours divide that by 4 the average number of hours some get to play and you get some where around 49 days. or even 8 hours equals 24.5 days. So i do not think its that strange i got as far as fast as i did do you? Tongue
64  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: New players? on: May 12, 2010, 11:24:41 am
maybe help someone with 1.5 pages or with Quillmane/Terror.. good deeds some times return 10 fold (read that somewhere)

This. Very much this.

How in the holy hell do you think i got to where i am? Am i top of the line? No. but i'm not a pushover that's for damn sure. Femme did most of it with me i won't lie but i got numerous things in return for all the help i gave other people. Just gotta be nice to people. Also this isn't WoW where logging in is like the ultimate cheat code, handouts don't exist in this game (from players maybe but from the game itself no they do not.) you gotta put some serious elbow grease into it or find someone or multiple someones to help you Tongue

Also play a female character with a female name. It's a fact that people are more likely to help the cute dark elf than the fat ogre. I learned that the... interesting way XD

Ok ignore that last part Tongue but in all seriousness offer help where you can, even if you get the ever living shit kicked out of you at least you tried and people respect that. Also realize people here tend to respect self-sufficiency. They like it when you try again and again and then (if they know you're trying) they'll come out of the woodwork and offer assistance without being asked.

Yeah and dany you helped me out in game and we had fun if you remember Rhianna my ranger lol If you remember you helped me out a bit with my 1.5's by helping me kill dragon slave. I killed all the other bosses by making a mage to help me get the pages in potime but mage epic 2.5 pet is just no match for dragon slave >_< and i boxed my way through ldon and got all 8 of the first pages of 2.0 soloing and repeated that 3 times and just got rotting pages in ldon 6.

Thats where i met Allizia that i helped to coh with my mage while they looted charm drops (i have the luck of the irish with charm drops for some odd reason /shrug) and they helped me out by letting my ranger have the page rotts. So i have and do try to do things myself if its at all possible.And only generally asked for help with things i could not do alone such as 1.5 epic book and dragon slave and mow. FG and 2.5 and every other thing i could do myself i did so without complaints.

And each time a person helped me out i thanked them repeatedly as well as told them how much i apreciated their help. I'd much rather work at some thing and if its possible for me to work towards it without help i do so. Like tonight i could not get a group to invite me so i instead asked to follow a group that was after gear and not tokens and asked to follow them in and loot the rotting tokens.

That left me with 5 left to do i then tried to get a group going to do ldon when that fell through i talked to the next group coming in and followed them and looted the 5 last tokens i needed that were rotting. i even lucked into 4 pieces of qvic ranger armor that were going to rott (head arms 1 wrist and gloves). So if i can do things myself i do. I don't just sit around begging hoping some one else would do all the work for me.
65  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: New players? on: May 12, 2010, 08:29:50 am
I really want to tell the OP to gfo but I do not think they would get the picture. Just as they do not seem to grasp the way of the world.

Either go make friends or box the shit your self and stop crying. I can tell you to fuck off as I spent a couple solid months hand feeding new players 2.0/3.0/T1/T2 and the required shit to get all of that.

I go away for a few weeks and come back to see a new crop of people with no fucking clue.

wtb a sticky thread that reads "Rules of EMU-EQ"
(1) Make Friends and group to beat content.
(2) You fail at friends? Box shit.
(3) You say you can not box? WhataFaggot, Get a new computer.
(4) Shut the fuck up already.

I am certainly glad that i have only ran into a few players that behave in this fashion. Although this is the most extreme i have met. And none of them have ever acted this mean towards me and other players. But you can bet that this person if acting this way in game would quickly make my ignore list which generally has 0 people >_<
66  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: THE RL PICTURE THREAD!! POST YOU IN RL ~HERE!~ on: May 12, 2010, 08:24:01 am
That, I believe, is the bad guy from the kids show LazyTown.

Yeah robbie rotten is his name my kids love that show >_<
67  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: New players? on: May 12, 2010, 08:18:37 am
I would suggest making the mobs drop double their loot. This way it will make it much more usefull for players to group up for certain tasks. such as 2 qvic tokens would give those running alts through a reason to allow a new person to tag along to get the tokens and gear. Same would be nice for pages and epic books as well as fighter/caster guild quests. It would give an incentive for new players to group as well as both benefit if the drop comes. i read that a while back hunter did this as an event? Doing it permanent then double double loot as an event (4 drops at a time) would really give a huge reason to group up.

Although some incentive for veterans to help out new players as well would be great as well. i have met many players that helped me out with nothing to benefit them but my thanks. and it be nice that they get something as well. there is an engine i know of in another game (fiesta) that utilizes a system that higher level players can get a deciple (lower leveled player) and the new player gets rewards for every so many levels they gain (gear and such) and there is a chat system that links them (so the new player can ask questions). And the veteran is rewarded with gear/cash as well. Not sure if its plausible to do here but something similar would be awsome.
68  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: New players? on: May 12, 2010, 05:03:50 am
Did you ever play live? Yes I read whole post, but I agree with Eliseus.

You are comparing apples to oranges here. Yes i played live and quit right before por came out. On live you can find others to group with quite easilly much larger player base and all over in levels. I got some help from following a group in and helping me to get the last 5 tokens i needed. And i greatly apreciate their help. Got a few armor pieces (cap arms gloves and 1 wrist) that helped me out alot. I do find it funny how it says to ask for help but when you do you are told you are QQing? Really mind boggling.
69  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: New players? on: May 12, 2010, 01:34:58 am
What's there not to get, your post is about how hard it is for new players, yes it is hard, but with patience, it can be done, and iirc EQ is about patience. me and my brother took days to go through PoTime because we had to do it ourselves, but still I sit here and wonder what I don't get.

A huge difference between potimea and qvic really. 1 well equipped player could do all the time bosses (although dragon slave could be more of a challenge) And if you read i do have patience took me 5 days to do fg quest because so many camping and me needing to wait untill they were done before i could try my luck at getting a drop. And i finally did this by some how lucking into my own zone after a server reboot.
70  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: New players? on: May 12, 2010, 01:17:57 am
OMG sorry if I missed something, I couldn't read the QQ anymore

I typed so much stuff but just kept deleting it cause honestly, IDK what to say to this thread lol, I just feel like its another person complaining.

And this guy just does not get it.
71  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: New players? on: May 12, 2010, 01:00:16 am
Bikaf i have met several nice people on this server that have been kind enough to help me out when i was stuck on some thing i could not do alone. Such as Allizia Spikez Danyelle and a few other people (sorry i am terrible at remembering names >_<). I would have to say these players are very nice and not above helping a new player out. I remember these people more as when i needed help they were the first to speak up and say they would help out.

2 weeks may not sound like much but keep in mind i do play 12-14 hours a day at times Tongue And i posted this after sitting for almost 6-8 hours trying to get help and unable to do so. I do not really like to multibox very much. I did make a second account to box ldon to get my 2.0 pages and king chest cards but really do not like to. To me it takes away the main aspect of a mmorpg and thats to be sociable with other players.

I could probably just make my own boxing group to try and do this content but what is the real difference between doing that and playing a rpg offline? Like final fantasy 7 just as an exampile (as it is one of the more popular and well known rpg). I can't tell you how many times i have asked a player a question and be met with crickets chirping instead of an answer.

Such as an exampile "How many more *insert specific drop* do you need?" or "Are you here for pages or points?" or "are you here for tokens or gear?" Nothing complicated yet many just do not answer and completely ignore you. Many seem to forget that they to were once a new player in that same situation.
72  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: New players? on: May 11, 2010, 11:48:29 pm
Not to be a jerk, seriously im understanding your plight.

If you get to frustrated with the server as is, and dont see things going the way you like try out Shards of Dalaya.

2 box limit, lots of player... still same kinda people high end though. would recommend trying it at least.

I have tried the other servers out. And liked this one the most. Do not get me wrong other then running into the occassional slump such as the 1.5/2.0/cg/fg/qvic problems i've listed i have been having alot of fun.  Just wish there were more help out there for players to advance. Its just a shame that you run into a blockade so soon into the game. Heck it took me about 5-6 days to get the fg quest done. But i took the time and did it.
73  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: New players? on: May 11, 2010, 11:33:04 pm
without a good set of regular folks to play with you wont get much farther than just sitting at the zone line begging for scraps.

Judging by your post you may not have learned this yet though.

wanna know why so many people box?  Cause they heard how hard the content after qvic is.  It's not because they don't like people.  It's so that they can bring something to the table if they decide to join a guild that is doing plane of dragons.

I'm no little kid. i'm a veteran when it comes to mmorpgs. And i know that each is different. I've played just about every mmorpg from phantasy star to runescape to wow and even free mmorpgs such as shaiya. And i'm not so slow that i have not seen this. And if you read my post i acknowleged that.

Problem is how are you to meet people when most are boxing so much that they never group with people? This makes things more antisocial not more social. And i'm not looking to have things handed to me i like to work for it. And i also am just looking to get to a place to be able to help others not steam roll to end game content. Problem is that to effectively help others in lower content you need to get your 3.0 done.

And that is where i am dead locked at my 3.0 unable to procede. Its just frustrating. I play mmorpgs to be socialable if i wanted to play an unsocial game there are many non online rpgs out there. The most fun in mmorpgs is meeting players hanging out and helping each other.
74  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: New players? on: May 11, 2010, 11:22:31 pm
here are your options:

a) start a 5 or 6box and you can get from level 1 to level 70 through T2 content without any outside assistance
b) find other people who are in your situation and group together with them. good luck with this though, because you'll actually have a challenge doing stuff like qvic the first time and most people would rather beg for help
c) beg for help and pick up rots
d) quit

I am curious as to if you even read my post fully or not >_<
75  General Category / Rants and Flames / New players? on: May 11, 2010, 11:10:27 pm
I'm not sure why i'm writing this other then to vent. but i have noticed a disturbing problem within the game. New players have very little luck within the game after getting 2.0 epics. And to even get that far discourages new players. You basically have to beg for scraps like a wild dog.

Getting 1.5 epic pages for the first time is really hard to do and requires help. Then you definitely need help to get the book. Then you get to ldon searching for 2.0 pages and you are forced to follow other players in hoping there will be a chance you can get to the boss and that there will be a page rotting away. Then you're forced to beg for help with the 2.0 book.

Then you begin your long life of camping fighter/caster guild mobs hoping some one will leave so you have a chance to get the drop to enter. Surely those camping are there for the same reason you are right? Nope most are there for alts not even in the zone or as bagaining chips to use for qvic runs.

Then you get to qvic where you will spend the remainder of your game sitting in qvic sending out shouts and /ooc for help. Then if you are lucky a group will come in not needing tokens so allow you to loot the rotting carcus for things you need. But even that does not help you to get all the tokens needed for your 3.0 epic as you need 15 and most only camp 10 bosses or so.

I love the game and the server. Its really well done. And alot of players will help you out without thinking "whats in it for me?" But not all are like that. And many are very antisocial and never answer your question and are boxing 6+ toons camping bosses and such. This game is so geared against new players that it would not surprise me if many get to this point say the heck with it and quit and start on a new server.

I'm almost to that point to be honest. Its very frustrating to not be able to do things by yourself and being forced to beg for help. MMORPG's are made to meet new people team up and work towards common goals. With 1 page/book/token drop per kill its not aimed that way. Maybe i'm doing something wrong i do not know. i do not spam /ooc or shout constantly asking for help.

I know that kind of thing anoys people. So only ask for help with things i absolutely can not do myself. Maybe some one can give some hints as to what i can do to procede? i can't get past the qvic area without help and asking for help gets me the sound of crickets so what am i to do? Sorry long winded but i'm truelly frustrated. So how is a new player expected to procede?
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