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1  General Category / Updates / Re: Guild Quest Camps on: September 21, 2010, 06:19:27 am
Cracken is right, I take back my post.
2  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Gnome Shadowknights on: September 20, 2010, 02:46:53 pm
on a roleplaying aspect, gnome anything is kind of a fail! But its fun for some people. Shit, i loved my gnome mage.

Because tinkering and being a magical race isn't fantasy at all!
+1 to humans being fail.
3  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Gnome Shadowknights on: September 20, 2010, 06:53:12 am
Sounds like you aren't comfortable in your own skin.  As far as I recall, Gnomes, no matter what class, have the same spells/abilities as their cohorts of the same class.  Why not hate on the Euridite SKs? Or even Humans, since half of them were goody-two shoes?
2 damage, 2 damage, 2 damage!
4  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Rot Bot for Qvic/Tacvi on: September 18, 2010, 02:42:24 am
So instead of buying the items with plats, have then purchased with cards or coins, LDoN style.  This way, people still need to group/play the area, but also have an alternative to farming a drop.   Seems win/win to me.
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Idea to give SK's more balance + utility on: September 18, 2010, 02:35:10 am
I don't want major DPS on my SK, but I would like things to work, make sense and make him more desireable as a tank.  Give the epics a clicky, all of them, that makes sense.

Having a group tap is too much like the Pallies epic, we didn't make pallies for a reason!  We dont need AOE aggro b/c Gaze does an exceptional job with basically no cooldown and we have Voice/Terror for added hate.  We dont need an AOE DD since that would just fall under AOE aggro since the damage would most likely be anemic.  Between the passive tap on the epic, shroud tap and spells, adding another one is just overkill.

Keep it class defining....wrap our 3 torrent spells into one clicky : Torrent of Hate, Pain and Fatigue, maybe lessen the effects on group mates for having it on the convenience of a clicky, but hits the SK for full effect.

HT was a class defining ability at release but the timer...90min to 54min with AAs and mine is only hitting for 7k max.  Useless and doesn't make much sense, never did. 

We don't want to be OPed DPS supertanks, we'll leave that to the warriors....but the gap is way too big between the two.   We want group viability, not asking too much.
6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Idea to give SK's more balance + utility on: September 17, 2010, 09:36:18 pm
Actually, the answers to ALL the dps classes concerns is quite simple. Just make augs that are in line with damage that warriors have. I don't know excactly what said augment would be, but comparable to the Anger IV without the hate component. Not only would this buff SK's, but rogues, zerkers, monks, etc.

Just my 2 cents.


^^ this.
I touched on something like this in the talks about the new guild implimentation thread.  Even having base anger augs in the FG guilds has other melee classes scratching their heads.

HT definitely needs a revamp.  It's pretty useless in its current state.  Whether the dam is scaled or not, the timer needs to be turned WAY down and possible put Life Leech on its own timer, but keep the same dam/heal it currently does.
7  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Gnome Shadowknights on: September 17, 2010, 06:08:12 pm
Just for the record the OP isn't about what gnomes look like, it's about gnomes being able to be SKs. Think this change came around luclin, and it was like the whole SK-class got kicked in the groin.

How so?  Gnomes already had the Rogue and Necro guilds that were down in the pits of Ak'anon, away from the goody two shoe Gnomes, so it's really not that far fetched for them to extend their evil shortness into the SK realm.  It's not like High Elves were thrown into the SK mix....now THAT I could see someone getting all LARP-aggro over.   But Gnomes....don't see it.
8  General Category / Cleric / Re: Cleric and Masters Ring? on: September 17, 2010, 06:04:27 pm
Just throw in a class specific aug that procs light damage with a moderate self heal, which can be obtained early T1.  The class shouldnt have to get a 3.5 to farm gems/AAs at a reasonable rate.
9  General Category / Shadowknight / Re: Upgrade/Enhance Shadowknights? on: September 17, 2010, 02:13:23 pm
Make it so, when a SK joins the CG, that their summoned pet is at least the minimum level to proc the fireblades. 
10  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Idea to give SK's more balance + utility on: September 17, 2010, 02:03:23 am
or make the sk epic clicky a group buff lifetap or something

Right direction, but I dont see how a clicky group lifetap, which would most likely be on a 2-3min timer brings SKs on par with a Pally which is basically group healing every time they swing.  

Just make the idea a focus effect of the epic itself;  all SK taps (whether through the epic, shroud or spell cast) self heal for full but also heal the group for 50%.  THEN make the clicky effect enchance this effect by 100%, for 15 seconds and throw it on a 5min recast timer.

11  General Category / Updates / Re: 3 New Guild Quest on: September 17, 2010, 01:36:58 am
My apologies for the incoming wall of text.

The Assassin/Gladiator could be branches off of the FG guild; more specialized in DPS / tanking respectively.

Then down the road, set up the same type of specialized branches for the Caster's Guild; DPS / buff & healing : say something along the lines of Evoker / Alteration guilds.

The FG/CG remain prequisites and offer what they do now, except the warrior Anger Augs get moved to the subset guild,  where each class will have a class defined aug and/or charm they can build upon.  Each toon can still join the FG and CG, but can choose only one specialized guild.  For instance,  my SK is FG/CG but could only join one of the 4 subset guilds and my aug/charm would reflect that decision.  If I went Evoker, my DOTs and damage portion of my lifetaps would increase, if I went Alteration the heal portion of the taps would increase but not the damage, and self buffs would increase by a %.

To incorporate the tradeskill guild into these new class based guilds, they would have access to some sort of gem or material [possibly quested] that could be used in enhancing an already crafted, high end, item.  Id say limit this to 2-3 pieces, chest and leg for example.  So the tradeskill guild member can craft an high end BP/robe and then a member of the evoker guild comes along with some material/gem that they got from a quest which would make that robe enchance cast time/damage.  A cleric comes along with their material/gem from the alteration guild and once placed into that crafted BP, it has a more healing/buff oriented effect.

Also make it a pre-req to have the ROA at a certain level before be able to enter the tradeskill guild, say 75, not max, but to where some crafting time was put into it.

No idea if this is along the lines of what you were thinking Hunter and not sure if my idea is coming across clearly in text; but either way, it would be nice to see this build off of what is already in place [cg/fg/roa] and it all to have some sort of stand alone as well as inter-twined structure WITH each class being able to benefit greatly from the time/effort put in.  As it stands now, not all classes benefit the same from the FG/CG and I see this as a way to bring some underutilized classes up to par instead of just remaining buff/bot boxes.
12  General Category / Cleric / Re: Cleric and Masters Ring? on: September 16, 2010, 08:30:18 pm
So here we have a problem where CLRs can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag no matter what Tier they are in and Druids have no use besides ROAing post Qvic.

Giving the CLRs the CG/FG pet makes it so they can acutally do SOMETHING besides needing their hand held.  I recall when I went back to EQ a few years ago and came across the Vow of Valor buff and thought it was genius.  Of course CLRs will always have their role as main healer but I actually liked being able to go farm something, or grind some AAs solo.

13  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Idea to give SK's more balance + utility on: September 16, 2010, 08:07:36 pm
I'd rather see us become more balanced through other class defining avenues; make HT useful [severely decreased reuse time, better epic clicky and possibly slightly better DOT damage], than just adding some pet damage.
14  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Disabling Startup Programs on: September 16, 2010, 07:59:05 pm
Google Autoruns.  Put into folder, run the exe and go to the logon tab.  
15  General Category / Cleric / Re: Cleric and Masters Ring? on: September 16, 2010, 08:59:13 am
Sorry Xigs, but it really hard to argue that point since druids get heals, insane regen, DS AND can output hefty damage themselves.   But arguing it is moot.

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