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General Category / General Discussion / Re: Explosive AA gains.
on: October 24, 2015, 06:08:37 pm
so... Yes, the mask rebalance (I refuse to call it a nerf) would affect 'the little guys' the most. I'm one of those guys. I have RoA 324 on my tank, sitting in the mid-to-high 100s (150-190) on my toons. I have a rank 38 mask. I run three groups, and i'm working on T5 right now. Any major change to the mask would affect me, mainly in how fast I can farm up my RoAs.
So what? I'm pretty sure even with the rarity of rainbows, that rainbows have contributed more to my tank's RoA than actual farming exp has. I still remember the first crystal I got, it boosted my warrior's ring by a full 25 levels. All of a sudden I was tankier. I recently gambled ~30 crystals, got some number back, and boosted my ring to where it is now... it was a pretty impressive jump. Even when I get a rymo super-buff, my best bet is to run into HoH real quick and try to clear that twice before the buff runs out. And then I make 3-5k in that one hour, and I'm super happy. Then I realize thats only 4-6 levels on my ring, except I'm at a hell level, so its maybe 30% of a level. I can't pull T6 (can't even enter it), so the readjustment of massive gains from there doesn't affect me.
What I'm trying to say is, in the end it might take a few more rainbows to get me to the top. But game balance is more important. Having an actually good game is more important. I will (probably) never be rymo or kruciel levels of power... I just don't put in the time. Maybe I'll never get the RoA1000... or the mask1000... or the EoA50... or the newest ages item. I'd still rather see Hate fix the issue, even if it slows me down, than dustball it entirely.
Personally, I really liked the idea of having the first, say, 50 or 100 levels of mask be the same, with diminishing returns following. But realistically, I don't care, so long as the game becomes better.
/shrug, my rambling 2cp
General Category / General Discussion / Re: MySEQ
on: August 22, 2015, 12:01:59 pm
I had no troubles with win10 and EQ. I had a few problems with some other programs, but my entire EQ setup (ROF2, MQ2, EQBCS) worked just fine. as far as "whether its worth upgrading", that's a really long topic You should almost certainly upgrade within a year, because it'll stop being free after a year. They implemented some really nice features, including new privacy / security features. But, there are some things that people still aren't satisfied with (eg, automated data collection that you can't turn off). Overall, I had very few complaints aside from "certain programs still don't work for some reason", which was enough of a complaint for me to roll back (for now).
General Category / General Discussion / Dropping Quests on char
on: August 09, 2015, 11:08:53 pm
My main char keeps dropping quests, I'm pretty sure it's on zone. This is actually a pretty big problem, since i'm just starting t5 and he keeps dropping the first boss list quest. He also for-sure drops the SoT kill quest, and I think he was having trouble with the fg/cg quests too.
If anyone has any ideas if i'm doing something wrong, that would be great. If its some weird server issue with my char, it'd be great if a GM can look into that.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: DPS memo
on: August 09, 2015, 10:58:05 pm
Awesome idea but would it be possible to create chars that have lesser gear as well?
this. it would also be interesting to be able to create / spawn custom sets of mobs, so for example we could parse dps vs bunch of mobs or a single boss, depending on what we choose. I don't even know if thats possible... maybe a 'parse zone' for each tier?
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Issues with VT/VT2
on: August 09, 2015, 01:44:48 am
not to be a like.... one to throw water on a good roasting thread but after logging in and doing some clearing in t9 ... I cant tell that anything has changed.../shrug seems like a non event to me
I envy your overpoweredness. It now takes me almost twice as long to kill t5 mobs, and normally I only have access to VT1 (unless some gentleman is mgb'ing VT2).
General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Rainbow Crystals: When should you gamble?
on: July 29, 2015, 07:50:55 pm
has it ever been confirmed that .33 is the gamble 'victory' rate? or is that just player guess? from personal experience that sounds a little high, but i've only gambled maybe 20 crystals /shrug. nice work It would be neat to see the basic results for other values, maybe going down to .25? ...I suppose I could run those, but that would involve opening my python interpreter...
General Category / General Discussion / Re: >.BAT launch assist< By popular demand.
on: July 09, 2015, 08:56:14 pm
So just to verify Phah, if I wanted to use your method of getting server # to auto update would I put in your script and then add all the:
it would look something like this, your results may vary since i'm too lazy to test it out @echo off SETLOCAL enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set "_serverId=LastServerID" set "_serverName=EZ (Linux) x4 Exp" set BackupFile=<path to MQ>\MQ2AutoLogin.txt set OutFile=<path to MQ>\MQ2AutoLogin.ini set firstFile=<path to ROF2>\eqlsPlayerData.ini
echo Getting server number...
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims== " %%a IN ("%FirstFile%") DO ( if "%%a" equ "%_serverId%" (set serverID=%%b) )
echo Server number is: %serverID% echo Backing up MQ2AutoLogin.ini file... COPY "%OutFile%" "%BackupFile%" echo Backup complete echo Rewriting .ini file... >"%OutFile%" ( FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i IN ("%BackupFile%") DO ( IF "%%j"=="" (ECHO %%i) ELSE ( IF "%%i" EQU "%_serverName%" (echo %%i=%serverID%) else (echo %
%i=%%j) ) ) ) echo Finished writing .ini file
cd ""C:\ROF2"
start "Character1" /b "C:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxx timeout /t 5 start "Character2" /b "C:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxxx timeout /t 5 cd ""G:\ROF2" start "Character3" /b "G:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxxx timeout /t 5 start "Character4" /b "G:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxxx timeout /t 5 start "Character5" /b "G:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxxxx timeout /t 5 cd ""D:\ROF2" start "Character6" /b "D:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxxx timeout /t 5 start "Character7" /b "D:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxxxx timeout /t 5 start "Character 8" /b "D:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxxxx timeout /t 5
I use a slightly different setup, so I'm not 100% sure that works; but I'm like 99% sure If you only have 1 hard drive, remove the lines that go like cd ""G:\ROF2", you won't need those. You'll need to be sure to replace a few lines that contain paths with the actual paths that exist on your system. E.g. <path to MQ> should be replaced with the actual path to the folder where MQ2 lives, and C:\ROF2\eqgame.exe should be replaced with the proper path to your installation of EQ.
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