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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Games to Play While EZ is Down on: April 11, 2010, 11:20:41 pm
Robot Unicorn Attack


Pony Island

You will thank me or curse me later Smiley
2  General Category / Updates / Re: New server hardware on: April 11, 2010, 07:31:02 pm
How many times do we hear PoFire crashed over the months but we never see a zone reconnect... Like I said, just pointing out: Crashing a Zone is still possible when over pulling.

I was using Rampage + Aug V x4.
I think the Aug 5 when it kills a bunch of mobs all at once, that's when it causes a zone to hiccup/lockup
3  General Category / Updates / Re: New server hardware on: April 11, 2010, 07:19:24 pm

Couldn't upload it here because I'm not an internetz genius

edit: o, that was only like 30 mobs btw... Whisky is weak ;(
4  General Category / Updates / Re: New server hardware on: April 11, 2010, 06:52:48 pm
Femme, please don't spread FUD unless you are sure of your information. I killed 150+ in PoF with my warrior at one shot and hit rampage no issues, zone didn't lag/reboot while the server was under load.

Secrets/Hunter also provided this image which shows Hunter killing every single mob in PoF at the same time without an issue.

I'm not saying the new hardware upgrade did nothing. All I'm saying is that the opportunity of crashing a zone is still there.

However, as for T3/T4 - I have no idea why we are still crashing up there. Basher appeared on /w all to be with us, maybe he can shed some light if the server side has any datail/info about it.

I am thinking that when we use #hatelist, it pulls from the server so much info for 24-30 toons to be called up and when multiple players use it at once, it leads to a lock up. Which is why we have so many crashes - mostly around a boss's death.

2 Nights ago in Nexus, I told my guildies in vent that it seems converting a huge amount of coins to copper and moving it to bank quickstyle also crashed the zone. I replicated that 2 more time that night. Tried now and obvious performance upgrades seems to have fixed that.
5  General Category / Updates / Re: New server hardware on: April 11, 2010, 04:56:29 pm
So does this mean, Warriors wont crash zones anymore? cause that would be amazing news to hear

Yes, zone crashes still occur with AE's.

Don't believe me? Can send me a /tell in game and I'll gladly show you in PoFire with my Warrior.
6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Brawler Charm (a fixing tale, includes pictures!) on: April 11, 2010, 02:23:26 pm
The latest one is April 7th 2010 - which is dated when you click the link on the left Panel...

Yes, some spells, discipline are not working as intended and they have been like that for a while. And will probably remain. Since it's an EMU thing and not EZ problem.
7  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Fix Class Roles on: April 11, 2010, 02:17:49 pm
Padme, Icarus is right. WAR's with at least Sorc Focus II and 4 Aug IV's out dps most classes.

And Icarus, WARs already had their DMG Aug's nerfed by -50% and -66% on IV and V respectively. The GM has already said many times "play a warrior then"
8  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Brawler Charm (a fixing tale, includes pictures!) on: April 11, 2010, 02:09:50 pm
Update hasn't gone thru..
9  General Category / Server Status / Re: Server down - April 09 2010 (Friday) at 6:00 PM EST on: April 09, 2010, 05:01:46 pm
it's reset...  happens every 6am and 6pm est. down for 10 mins.
10  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Brawler Charm (a fixing tale, includes pictures!) on: April 08, 2010, 09:22:24 pm
Danyelle without a doubt has the correct way Brawler's Focus should work: Raising Crit mod + DMG Mod which are obviously shown on her parses.

If you feel you got it right, maybe you should send it to Hunter so he can have a look at it and add it the spell file or mod spell file id 9985-9989 which are the Brawler Focus I - V

Hopefully Hunter will look at this and take your code Smiley I feel we are getting very close to a functioning Brawler's Charm
11  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Brawler Charm (a fixing tale, includes pictures!) on: April 08, 2010, 06:25:28 pm
I submitted directly to hunter what I thought would fix the brawler charm but it is still broken and I know why:

1) Change it to Worn Effect (Done)
2) Added Cleave 6 to Focus I and increases by 20 each focus level upto 5 (Done)
3) Add DMG Mod Effect 185 to Slot 12 with min/max dmg to 10% increasing by 10 each level upto 5 (incomplete)

#3 is what the community can all agree is what will make brawler's charm worthwhile. Cleave isnt so important because we already have an easy to acquire Cleave.
12  General Category / Server Status / Re: Eq emulator login on: April 08, 2010, 02:17:31 pm
some people on p99 and tz/vz use exploits to advantage themselves above others via dupe, corrupt gm's, etc. when they get caught and banned they resort to DDoS'ing the server. In turn, the host shuts them down. We all suffer since it seems login is tied to P99.

P99/Rogean can't do a thing (legal wise) , even though DDoS is considered a federal offense, because there aren't losses over 10k USD due to these attacks on EQEmu.

in few words: someone is nerd raging cuz they can't haxxx/dupe/etc
13  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Hunter: Brawler Focus Update on: April 06, 2010, 12:04:23 am

You don't need parses when the spell file says it incriments your mod by 10/20/30/40/50 and it's not doing a damn thing with your melee right now.. well like I said,

Focus Effect = broken.
Worn = The Fix Smiley

I'll see if Camric puts up the 30 min parses he ran with and without B.Charm.
14  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Hunter: Brawler Focus Update on: April 05, 2010, 07:49:12 pm

Analyzing the Brawler's Charm focus, it might be fixed and actually work if it was changed to Worn and not be Focus Effect Smiley Cuz as a focus effect, DMG Mod don't work~

Even then, might need to confirm/test if Charm Slot Worn works :\ that, I do not know~
15  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Hunter: Brawler Focus Update on: April 04, 2010, 05:04:22 pm
The Update done on Brawler's April 4th

It just got reverted back to what it used to be before it added Cleave 1-6..
A Broken Focus - It does not work. Yes, I downloaded the new spell file. >.>
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