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General Category / General Discussion / Looking for some advice (T10+)
on: July 20, 2024, 07:59:07 am
I am a returning player. I am currently stuck trying to get past the first dragon in Veeshan and looking for the advice on where to focus my grinding.
24 Chars (2 war, 3 rog, 2 monk, 3 pal, 2 rng, 2 zerk, and 1 of every other class) 4 UWs (12.5 main war, 12 rog, 11 zerk, 11 2nd war) Main war is full UA, but no other UA and 16 GSS in bank
I've gone through the wiki and change long to maximize dps with changes since the last time I played. The options I can see are:
1) Work on UAs to enter sleepers 2) farm what I can in Veeshan 3) create a 5th group of rogs (while working more UW)
I've been doing #1 as it sounds like Sleepers is a big DPS increase and can't be skipped. Looking at my parses the rogs are 4x more damage then other classes (except for monk) and it's starting to look like creating a 5th group with mostly rogs would be a better idea.
General Category / Updates / Re: Halloween 2017
on: November 12, 2017, 09:00:15 pm
I really liked the event. Just like everyone else I thought Zone Pull + Double/Triple Loot Instance items were awesome. I didn't think I would see these types of items as drops.
I really liked both the random essence drops and augment system. I felt like I still made progress even when I had bad luck on the bosses.
The zone and diversity of mobs was great.
Overall this was a really good event and I spent a ton of time in it. Really enjoyed it.
Thanks Akkadius and Rent
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