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General Category / Suggestions / Re: Broken Stuff Repair Shop v2.0
on: January 12, 2017, 01:00:11 pm
Public Lower Guk is down? I was farming this morning but the named mobs stopped respawning. When I ported back and went back in it crashed. Just heard an ooc right now that other people are having issues too. (crashing) I cannot make instance of lower guk either.
Edit: Public Zone now works. However created Lower Guk instances cannot be entered.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Server Lag
on: January 10, 2017, 01:26:37 am
I personally experienced a pretty bad lag during some of my runs, however it never reached to disconnect me. It involves time stopping (well apart from your character) and then fast forward when it comes back, slow looting and so on. It lasted between 30 - an hour for me. I live in EU, and I noticed this happening around mid day or sometimes early prime time (20:00 onward).
General Category / Suggestions / Re: Broken Stuff Repair Shop v2.0
on: January 07, 2017, 07:41:03 am
I am not sure if this is a bug, or just how instance works. In Bastion of Thunder instance, when you try to go up the courtyard via teleport, it goes on an infinite loading loop. Basically the character teleport where the teleporter is and can't get out of there unless you use the server character move command. (tried relog, exit game etc) Only tried on the teleport platform behind the Earth wing. It works fine on public side.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Few questions from a newbie
on: January 06, 2017, 03:57:37 pm
Just to clarify I am using both MQ2 and Isboxer. Have been using both for a while, and am quite familiar with basic commands so yes I do understand that controlling 12 characters won't be an issue. I am trying to make my base group first. Specially the tank, meaning once I reach 70 I want to grind as much AA as I can before challenging to the next progression content. I have read that Raid XP is not that great compared to Group XP (Although that post was back in 2012 so not sure how is it right now). I have played a warrior on many EQemu and live servers and they need a ton of grinding (I know that this server uses huge amount of AAs to upgrade items), and this is the reason I want to stick with 6 at first to have a good solid group before moving on to the next 6. If the raid experience has been changed (I have searched the forums and couldn't find those changes yet) then I may start playing with 8 maybe 9 (have all needed classes + extra healer. not sure if extra tank is needed considering paladins can also tank to an extent). Edit: That reminds me... is there any good zone to grind AAs? I believe I need some good chunk of AA before I start epic 1.5. And yes I am going to attempt doing it without the uber buff (Still yet to know how good those buffs are) people are kindly MGBing. Although most of the time they are buffing on zones that I have never been.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Few questions from a newbie
on: January 06, 2017, 11:35:09 am
Currently farming BoT for gear, and some AA as well as some money. I am feeling 4 melees (swapped chanter with a zerker) is becoming a little too excessive. Also not having a proper support like buffs apart from what I get in the glades does worry me. Mobs do start to hit harder so I do want to keep my cleric. Paladin not sure... at first she was nice, but I am not getting when she gets those heal proc weapons many people states. Probably epic 1.5? I am using 2 hand weapon dropped from BoT since the original epic procs damage.
Yes I do have the Focus heal spell active and I also do have the range item purchased and equipped. Just that her heals compared to cleric's complete heal when I get like 4k damage (flurry and all other nasties on the tower bosses) not sure if paladin alone can keep up. Guess I have to see...
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Few questions from a newbie
on: January 04, 2017, 04:27:47 pm
Thanks everyone for the reply. I ended up going with these composition but I may change a little.
Warrior (Tank) Paladin (Healer, offtank?) Cleric (Healer, I might change this since well paladin does all the work and she is just standing there doing virtually nothing) Monk (DPS1) Rogue (DPS2) Enchanter (I was thinking some sort of support, and maybe debuff but right now, like the cleric she just stands there doing nothing. Things just die too fast)
Probably swap Enchanter for Zerker or Cleric with Zerker. Not sure to keep enchanter for future buffing, or swap to shaman as balidet mentioned. Or a bard, something that enhances the melee members. Since I am still on the 30s, I can just repeat what I was doing till now. Only issue I am finding so far is that the skills just doesn't catch up with the leveling. Probably need some long sessions vs the target dummies.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Few questions from a newbie
on: January 04, 2017, 09:08:59 am
Thank you for the response. Its very informative and gives me hope that you can get to even Tier 9 with just 6 toons. I will probably start off with 6, and since CCing seems not so important in here cut the utility and go with the holy trinity build focused on melee at first. Perhaps when I progress further I may add little by little a few more toons until it reaches 12.
As for ISboxer, the answer is what I was looking for. Since EQBC does mostly the exact same thing. I like ISBoxer for the sole reason of the resource management is good (CPU, RAM etc), the fact that it creates an ini file for each toon and most importantly to give a shortcut key to switch over each toon.
Edit: Not sure if its me but is the Donation working at the moment? I have followed the instructions but it returns me with an error on Paypal stating the recepient is not accepting.
General Category / General Discussion / Few questions from a newbie
on: January 04, 2017, 02:53:20 am
Would like to ask a few questions before starting to play on this server. I have read many threads, wikis prior to asking but I couldn't find a satisfactory answer.
Question1: Toons needed to Progress
I know this is a boxing server and I am fine with that. Question being the amount of toons needed to progress from one tier to the other. Probably as many of you, I have played during the era of Kunark - PoP on live servers. The difficulty of each raid zones depended on how geared you were, or how many bodies you could bring. Now question being what is the minimum characters needed to progress through out the Tiers. For example, can you down say boss 1 and 2 of one tier having enough AAs and best gear to this point, farm enough for lets say 6-12 characters and with enough AA grinded can you slowly progress to boss 3-4 of that tier?
Question2: ISboxer Keypress broadcast
This is a tricky question I believe, but not sure if considers as automation. I am fond of using ISboxer as my multiboxing tool. I have read that MQ2melee is considered as automation (and yes I believe it is an automation to some extent), although not sure why it is included on the MQemulator's download package. (I downloaded the correct MQ package, selected EZGold and Rof2 client) None the less, is Isboxer's keyboard broadcast considered as an automation? Should I stick with the EQBC commands? (Which I think its the same thing)
Question3: Group Composition
I have read a few threads regarding about the healing and seems Paladins are a very viable class to heal, but Clerics surpasses their abilities once reaching a specific point. I did read a few group composition involving a warrior, paladin, 2 dps, 1 utility and cleric. However having only 2 pure dps seems a little low? I could be wrong.
Regarding DPS, I always thought the casters usually had disadvanteges over melee for their resists. Not sure if this is true in this server. I liked Wizards and Mages. Not sure if monks and rogues have an easier time boxing.
Thats about it for my questions. I am specifically interested in the first question. I have boxed in the past up to 12. But if it requires more than 12 to progress from a specific tier, I would like to know. And if you can do it with less with the AAs and Alternative way to get gear or farm the first few bosses / trash mobs of that specific tier in order to progress then I am fine with that since I am in no rush to clear the content in a few days. So long as there is a steady progression and not requiring a huge army to compensate the lack of heal/dps.
Thanks in advance.
And happy new year.
Edit: Deleted question 4 since I managed to find the answer on one of the stickied threads.
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