Its these people that ruin it for the guilds..We are suppose try work together in the server but hard to try work in public zones when all that happens is lose loot cause of this. I have lost SM loot to one these people aijax and crew was there along with others so no clue who got...But definitely don't want to do public zones at all. With the announcement of bosses spawn in certain zone these people just watch and try come when see that message.
Playing together is what a lot people are saying here but also that there is some big guilds that if was to get all together will have 80 to 100 char there self. So add couple these guilds plus general population can expect 250+ trying to be in the zone. I like the idea of if do have instances can have to pay so much or make little harder. You will still have 70 to 100 people in general public instance. I know i experiences bad lag out situations when have 50+ in most zones. Some the bigger players in EZ have issues due to not the greatest computer or internet which makes large populated instance horrible for them. So all in the Bosses Hands but Instances of a certain kind will help out everyone have a better Halloween event.
Have to agree on Essences if weapon comes out needed them also Earring should be different. Would be nice to be able to farm a different style item while trying to Grind essences for other items and switch every few days to keep mind Sane.
I would agree that the poofing of T6 instances has been very bad. Make instance kill 3 hours then wipe and instance gone. Would be nice see something happen for stability of instances or cost. The first lower in cost was nice but still 250k for 3 to 6 hours little ruff when end up getting 1 bag during time also.
I would have to agree on both sides of the convo. Just like any other zone like ldon to others that shouldnt camp public zone all to yourself. Alot people have got in the habit of certain zones being that way but same time was done wrong in alot ways what has done. As severs said if asked should be nice enough to let a kill be done if in a public zone. If want to hog and camp a zone thats what a guild or private instance is there for. So on both notes there is a right and a wrong.
I agree with most about is truly a zone to Hate. At same time most the content up to T5 is relatively easy to say. I spent about a month just on last 5 bosses. During this time in T5 though you are able to get other progress done when don't want to play in abyss. Go farm essences or UC or do some ROA just anything besides T5 then come back grind some more bosses. Yes if you thing t5 100 bosses is bad wait till have to do T6 and get the quest for UCv2. Most that have completed T5 already with a group are actually making more alt to do t5 again. Im sure with people like Fugi and few others when the timed bosses was actually longer then is now or the recent change to DK and Oma has made it easier to get all 100.
I agree with napo on this your doing a terrific job hunter. By far great server and very enjoyable has been hard to obtain the good stuff but its part of the game. If every single person had it all be no fun. So keep up good work and looking forward to more come.