I realize to a large extent the ninja looting and general dickhead behavior is expected to peak during events like this. But is it supposed to be happening for every boss, in every public zone? There wasn't a single time today my public boss kills weren't being sniped by multiple people.
In fearplane I was holding a Cazic Thule corpse with charms for a couple guildies enroute. Before the boss was dead 4 players were immediately stuck to to the boss. I asked them to please back away multiple times to no response. When I told them I was starting FRAPs 3 immediately ran. Pallyden said: "submit what. its a free zone and if a corpse is open to loot its open to loot" I told him to check the rules and he said "make a gi stop crying"
I'm fucking tired of this attitude from them but also all the players on the server who encourage this as well. Ya, I get it, GI's are safe and they prevent me from getting ripped off and you having to hear about it. But now you can't kill a boss anywhere remotely populated without having to coordinate and sync loot spamming. If you're lucky, you'll get to loot your items. Typically these fuckheads are running loot macros though and your typical player is hosed if they aren't prepared.
I've had this exact scenario happen at least 5 or 6 times today in various pub zones. Of course it could just be bad luck. I love the Halloween event so far and these shitheads aren't keeping me from enjoying it overall, but the problem is becoming excessive. If the idea of the event is community, how is that supposed to work when you can't use public zones at all safely?
I got a tell later in the night from someone in Unrest asking for help with a rampant Stone Monster preventing them access to their CT corpse. I know there's been a lot of discussion regarding this already, but the part that really sucks is the ninja looters are using this as an easy opportunity to steal loot. So you can choose between sacrificing/risking your boss to insure you get the corpse looted, or attempt the new boss while simultaneously warding off these cocksucking shitheads who are being told it's really no big deal, quit crying.
Anyways we got the Stone Monster dead, but of course the CT corpse had long been picked clean. I immediately locked the Stone Monster with a char and started looting the droppables. After looting the augs I realized the Goblin had spawned. So he's wrecking my shit and by the time I get resituated back to Blarr's screen he's loading to bind with a tell "Watch out Aijax looks to be looting the SM" I was able to open the corpse one last time on another bot before full wipe to see of course the pet and sceptre gone.
I hope this doesn't come off as another whining complaint about lost items. I can get the items fine. But a lot of people will only have 1 or 2 opportunities this Halloween event and many of them have been waiting a full year already for those opportunities. So when I hear this quit crying attitude from the same people I listen to year around bitching about charms or t5 bosses or whatever daily accessible content ... my fucking blood boils. <3
What I'd really love to see happen, and I have no clue if it's feasible or even possible:
The lockout timer on the bosses needs to be changed from 2.5 minutes to a minimum of 15 minutes.