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1  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: UC supposed to be a downgrade? on: February 16, 2018, 02:45:31 pm
One high level strike aug maybe, but the entry level augs don't add enough damage to offset the white damage done by double/triple attacks and riposte damage. Proc damage only goes off the one time per attack round. Yeah, fine, increase that by 250% and now your strike aug is doing 153k (307k crit) once per attack round. Increase your white damage by 250% and you're doing 105K per swing (assuming a tier 3 weapon, not UW) and 330k crits, upwards of 3 times, not including ripostes.

assuming a successful triple attack goes off all hitting for max damage, 10% crit chance (I have no idea what actual crit chance is), crit modifier is what mine is currently.

Sorc at lvl 50
((42k white damage * 3 * 0.9) + (42k * 3 * 0.1 crit chance * 3.65 crit mob)) + (153k proc * 0.9) + (153k * 0.1 crit * 2.25 crit mod) + whatever minor procs you have (the 2 I have running add like 4k tops? (4k proc * 0.9) + (4k * 0.1 crit * 2.25 crit mod) = 335.2k

Brawler at lvl 50
((105k  * 3 * 0.9) + (105k * 3 * 0.1 crit chance * 3.65 crit mod)) + (61.5k proc * 0.9) + (61.5k * 0.1 crit * 2.25 crit mod) +  (2k proc * 0.9) + (2k * 0.1 crit * 2.25 crit mod) = 469.9k

Obviously I'm still dicking around at T4 and once I go up to level 73, the returns on the baby charms go down dramatically.
2  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: UC supposed to be a downgrade? on: February 14, 2018, 07:50:42 am
Thank you Dimur, that's an adequate reply. That definitely explains why so many guides push people towards the Sorc Charm when it's clearly an inferior choice for a melee attacker.

3  General Category / Rants and Flames / UC supposed to be a downgrade? on: February 10, 2018, 09:36:05 pm
This thing is garbage. I solo with my paladin, spare me your thoughts, and going from a 250% increase to my white damage (90% of my damage output) to a 35% increase is a punch in the dick. I farmed my way up to UW2, started doing some real damage with a 350k avg hit, and 1.2M crits, down to 100k avg and 500k crits. I have a single damage spell that went from 25k to 61k, which is great, but that's once every 6 seconds, so pretty useless. My passive healing wasn't even a factor, so whatever increase it's gotten goes unnoticed. Having my damage go down by 60%? That's noticed. Was that planned? Carry over all the bonuses from the other charms, but gut the physical damage increase? Or is it an oversight that nobody has brought up until now?
4  General Category / Server Status / Re: Stuck in limbo on: January 09, 2018, 11:36:20 am
Indeed I was, thanks for the help!
5  General Category / Server Status / Re: Stuck in limbo on: January 07, 2018, 07:51:22 pm
If anyone was curious, the problem was that the buff the Angryface Familiar applies takes away 100,000 HP. If you don't have it, sucks to be you.
6  General Category / Server Status / Re: Stuck in limbo on: January 07, 2018, 02:49:59 pm
I've downloaded what #files gives me, the files that the big red "EZ Server Files" link gives me, and the UFMissingFilesList gives me. The "Downloads" link at the top of the page gives me an empty page.

Is there a file I'm missing?
7  General Category / Server Status / Re: Stuck in limbo on: January 07, 2018, 12:11:49 pm
New development. Moved myself to one of my instances. Now I'm "dead" in North Qeynos.
8  General Category / Server Status / Stuck in limbo on: January 07, 2018, 12:08:45 pm
I activated the Angryface Familiar item in the Nexus, apparently I'm now dead and unable to do anything but chat. Can't respawn, mouse is disabled, /camp and /quit won't work because I'm "dead", ezerserver.online/charmove didn't do anything but move me to the middle of the Nexus.

Don' know what to do to fix my character. Help please.
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