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1  General Category / Updates / Re: Halloween 2015 Live! on: October 28, 2015, 03:00:27 pm
Thanks alot hate, diablo no longer just spawning CTs. That goes a long way. thanks alot
2  General Category / Updates / Re: Halloween 2015 Live! on: October 28, 2015, 12:49:25 pm
I think the biggest issue with the event is that Diablo ONLY spawns CTs.

Yes, lag is an issue and it needs to be resolved, but its not stoping ppl from playing. they adapted fast to keep pulls smaller. But Diablo ONLY spawning CTs makes it almost impossible to get deep into a chain. I myself only witnessed 2 BU in what must be by now over 100CT. From ooc accounts its been only 2 chilled devils. How are we to see and MoF much less an angryface??

Last year diablo would spawn up to MoF. Could we please get that back?
3  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Ideas for spending more AA's on: October 24, 2015, 10:19:04 am
I also remember hunter saying that he didn't have any idea if it was going to break anything long term and may need changed later on.  it's not your fault it has to be done on your shift and you have to take the heat for it.

I remember the day Hunter created the Exp v2 and v3 reward items. He said that with the v3 there is prolly going to be xp issues. I think he even managed to get a rollover with it. He said he would adjust them in the future.

It is probably smarter to adjust xp and xp bonuses now, rather then down the line after some1 qqs about how  all of sudden they lost 200k AAs because of xp roll over.
4  General Category / Updates / Re: Instance System Update on: February 05, 2015, 07:52:18 am
Thanks for all your hard work on the server.

5  General Category / Updates / Re: On the Warpath #2 on: May 24, 2014, 07:31:16 am
First off, i want to thank Akka, Hate and Love for their hard work keeping this server up in memory of Hunter.

Secondly, i have to admit that i have not bothered to play since UW changes. I spent too much time working on it, for it to become a dps weapon only. I understand that changes were needed  in order to add new Tiers and make it possible for non UW holders to do T8. But understanding and liking something are two diferent things.

  • Ultimate Weapon Augs - Yeah, that's right. I'm actually going to start constructing them, deciding on the effects/click/procs/etc that are worthy. It will take a bit to get them where/how I like them.

Adding UW Augs, now this i dont understand. When you were planing the UW changes, you wanted to keep the UW damage at a 3x or 5x Epic damage. But other players convinced you to keep UW at least as a DPS weapon since its Tanking stats (HP) got greatly decreased.  Now you want to add even more DPS to the UW. Something you wanted to cut short when you started working on UW changes. Never posted about th UW aug before, since i always figured it was a way to shut up all the people whining about their UW clickies being gone.

UW changes are not the only reason i'm not playing anymore. At first it was UW changes, but then changes to resist and spells, kept me away. Again, i understand that either resisting or not made content quite boring. But I had enough to do already 12boxing and most of the time watching TV series or movies at the same time. All i wanted to do is pull, position the mob(s) and kill. If id wanted to be fully concentraded on the game i would be playing something else, not EQ.

6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: EQ1 to give everybody ~5k AAs, end powerleveling abilities. on: February 05, 2014, 07:33:08 pm
I don't get how the tasks would work Dim.  How would that help when you need to backfarm things.
The idea was to farm AA in your current content rather then content you are overgeared for.
7  General Category / Updates / Re: Update 09-26-13 on: September 28, 2013, 06:30:15 am
No Acceleration/Deceleration on mount that sounds awfull much like mq2docrack. which had a lot of smaller options ,including the mount stuff, but i think it aswell had some OP features
8  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 12-11-12 on: December 12, 2012, 10:55:57 am
love and hate this update hunter.....hate the fact that everything in T5 summons mainly b/c while hunting boars in the tunnel i got summoned underworld b/c they didnt leave their "plane" and ended up wiping twice....its been a long time since i've wiped in this zone but couldnt recover from being summoned underworld

Boars have been summoning before today. pretty much same thing happened to me, got summoned underworld while in tunnels.
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