First off, i want to thank Akka, Hate and Love for their hard work keeping this server up in memory of Hunter.
Secondly, i have to admit that i have not bothered to play since UW changes. I spent too much time working on it, for it to become a dps weapon only. I understand that changes were needed in order to add new Tiers and make it possible for non UW holders to do T8. But understanding and liking something are two diferent things.
- Ultimate Weapon Augs - Yeah, that's right. I'm actually going to start constructing them, deciding on the effects/click/procs/etc that are worthy. It will take a bit to get them where/how I like them.
Adding UW Augs, now this i dont understand. When you were planing the UW changes, you wanted to keep the UW damage at a 3x or 5x Epic damage. But other players convinced you to keep UW at least as a DPS weapon since its Tanking stats (HP) got greatly decreased. Now you want to add even more DPS to the UW. Something you wanted to cut short when you started working on UW changes. Never posted about th UW aug before, since i always figured it was a way to shut up all the people whining about their UW clickies being gone.
UW changes are not the only reason i'm not playing anymore. At first it was UW changes, but then changes to resist and spells, kept me away. Again, i understand that either resisting or not made content quite boring. But I had enough to do already 12boxing and most of the time watching TV series or movies at the same time. All i wanted to do is pull, position the mob(s) and kill. If id wanted to be fully concentraded on the game i would be playing something else, not EQ.