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1  General Category / Guild Recruitment / Re: (Shadow Council) is recruiting ! on: March 19, 2011, 08:51:36 pm
 Shocked I have not quit, i simply told you how i felt about my toons saying they seem to suck and be stuck at half t3 with out a  UC or High end guild and that it made me feel like quitting and as soon as i did you were basicly like oh that sucks can i have your account?, i did not even respond, who would? so i was chating and joking around about chuck noris or what not in ooc with asharx and a few others when you sent me a tell saying how i was looking real bad in ooc i only told you that i in fact was doing nothing to look bad and that you were the one looking bad after a year of being by my side and leading sga/sgu along that i tell you i feel like quitting and all you do is ask for my account rather then try to pick me up and tell me i dono maybe not to quit that sga / sgu or w.e needs me ? lol anyway i do not want to rant or flame i still have love for everyone on this section of the forum EVEN you eyekill a  former officer of SGA who ditched out once he got t2 and did not need us  Shocked
2  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi rules? on: March 01, 2011, 05:58:37 pm
Stargate, just stop. You aren't getting anywhere, nor will you ever get anywhere if you continue this pointless and useless struggle. You're just making yerself seem like you know nothing and that you really shouldn't be listend to.

Damn near every post made me laugh, but this one takes the F'in cake all day !!!!

Stargate bro, this is a new member been on the server 3 weeks, and called your a$$ out omfg!!!!!!!!!! /cookies for everyone !!!!!!!!

/runs off laughing and choking on cookies......oh my Fucking God!!!!
Yo Fuck you Lightblade Smiley
3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi rules? on: February 25, 2011, 01:01:17 pm
i have to admit, i laughed even tho it was at my expense Nice pic Tongue
4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi rules? on: February 25, 2011, 12:24:18 pm
My vote after this guild implodes is <Wormhole Extreme!>
Don't give me any ideas, you might just see that guild name running around soon, hehe
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi rules? on: February 24, 2011, 04:46:41 pm
Boy ariel Looks Naughty in that picture  Wink
6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi rules? on: February 24, 2011, 04:44:28 pm
haha You mad bro? lol, nah im not mad i just feel like you all to, like this is going no where i know its not mine to delete that is why i posted on here to ask for the person who posted to delete then got roasted for it Smiley i dont really want help leading my guild i got that covered i want help geting this off the forums cause it does not need to be here.
7  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi rules? on: February 24, 2011, 01:16:24 pm
DIE IN A FIRE  i hate you Smiley
8  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi rules? on: February 24, 2011, 01:07:14 pm
and once again, i did not make an idiot out of my self, hardnox made an idiot of him self i just want a  dead post removed and im getting flamed  Roll Eyes
9  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi rules? on: February 24, 2011, 01:05:41 pm
you are a sad individual man you can post about me on forums you can call me what ever you like, but you can sit with me in game and  chat a  second ? im asking everyone to lay the fuck off, you do fucking suck you read a thread that did not concern you decided to start ranting about me with the crowd you fucking suck, and you don't look much better then me when you are still siting on forums ranting about me telling me im an idiot and a moron i try to tell you to lay the fuck back so you SS and post and call me an idiot some more ? you think that made you look good or something ? fucking Troll
10  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi rules? on: February 24, 2011, 12:44:42 pm
re-read what you just posted
LoL are you really this dumb.. where did real names get involved haha...

/e gets some popcorn....

You seem and appear as dumb as your old guild, please keep trying to be so cool and innocent it's working wonders for you...

Maybe you should reroll, you might be to the point of unrecoverable efforts...but whatever....
But thanks for the lame attempt to flame someone and for pointing out you are obviously  lacking the skillset to "fit in".. no on missed you before, no on will miss you again..bye bye Stop fucking trolling you were never even involved with what happen in tacvi you found this post and decided to flame and join the rant, i don't want to rant with you noob i want this section gone  and that's all  really you are Trolling what i say on this forum has meaning and a  point im trying to get this off the forums cause its unneeded and you are trying To do What? flame me rant about me and call me names and tell me i suck? why ? cause i want this section removed ? get a fucking life you poor lonly Bastard  Tongue really im done with all the trolls and the nerd rage's im going to take it to hunter and ask him to get it off the forums  i gotta do something right, what kind of guild leader would i be if i let this shit go on and on and allow people to see this hardnox is not with  sgu or with me and we did not do it he did don't try holding me or sgu down for what he did its not Right

11  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi rules? on: February 24, 2011, 12:22:23 pm
fugitive you are a true fucking idiot are't you wtf is Wrong with you...
Oh my gawd. Wtf was that was that wall of text about.

Maybe your not meant to be a guild leader... and if it's a so called family guild I'm sure they would understand.

Also, you should reconsider your guild tag wtf is wrong with you and the desire to use your name in the tag?

If I was you.....I would remove all your posts from this thread.. because as it stands I'm sure it sux for recruitment..

In fact you may need to run a low profile... but whatever I'm sure you will see this as an attack.
you dumb fuck stargate is not my real life name so how does that reflect a  fucking Ego trip i named my toon and my guild after a fucking syfy flick not after my self notice my name is stargate not david you dumb shit  Grin and as for the other idiots

Before you posted, all this thread said is that three months ago Hardnox from Stargate Atlantis was a douche.  

Now, in addition to that, it says you're an idiot that doesn't know when to shut up.

By all means, please keep digging that hole.
what whole am i really digging i did nothing AT ALL but ask for this section to be removed because it was making me and SGU *stargate universe* look bad and we had nothing to fucking do with it so here i am being attacked by idiots assholes and forum trolls for asking to have this shit taken off the forums, if it was a dead thread, good that means anyone who needed to see it had and its old news then remove the shit why keep it ?, to remember that that one guy hardnox from months ago in that one guild form months ago that does not exist any more was an ass in tacvi ? write it down on a piece of paper and staple it to yer fucking head to remember it then, this is a waste of data space on the forums all around and i just want the bs to stop this topic like i keep saying is old there should not be an issue in removing it, why is it you all want it to be on the forums still so bad, do i really deserve to get roasted and called names and ect just for asking to have it removed? its old and dead remove the shit all it did by being on the forums still was start more drama, hence the bumping of the subject Accept the facts people, yes some ass hole named hardnox from an old guild was a dick , i delt with him its all over and done i DID NOT do anything my self so stop roasting me * ( Please ) * seriously i Do Not deserve this people.... Hardnox does i just want it taken off the forums you all could say no Rather then roast me or sgu like this its Unneeded and
WTF are you talking about i have never deleted any account on any forum i've ever made im not trying or wanting to Reinvent my self that's why i want this section deleted you fucking Numbskull really people i don't want  o fight or bicker i want this section deleted if that's not going to happen i can't change that i know, i am only asking for it to be removed you all see it as me trying to hide MY MISTAKES, you fail to see the Logic here i DID NOT DO THIS hardnox did and got booted from the guild please lets drop this Retarded Topic who ever started please kindly remove it, anyone who has posted please remove it im asking nicely.
One more thing it's not your thread to remove get over it...

What did you delete your original forum account for? Then try to reinvent yourself....you did it wrong...get out of the spotlight..

12  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi rules? on: February 23, 2011, 11:23:36 pm
I am not saying that what happen did not happen, nor trying to cover the fact it happen up, i'm trying to get this section removed and saying i DID NOT DO THIS MY SELF and i DID take action on those who did it and for these people to curse me out and say my whole guild is shit and that i'm a horrible guild leader cause of another man's actions is not right and it IS Slander to point at me and say i'm this and i'm that when i was not even online at the time these people were out of hand you cannot hold me accountble for there actions and roast me and say my guild is shit and i'm shit i did not do this they did.. if i had not taken action thats one thing, had i did it myself that's another thing, had i done anything other then kindly pm a  few people on forums and post one post asking for it to end and people to remove there posts i get flamed i don't think i should get flamed, i just want to run a nice family and friend based guild...  Grin
13  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi rules? on: February 23, 2011, 09:46:42 pm
own up to what alright *i had a  member in my old guild that turned out to be a  jackass and was rude to others in tacvi* i removed him for it too i did not mess up so wtf am i owning up to ? i did my part as a leader and booted his ass right off my 270 member count guild roster for acting the way he did stargate atlantis does not exist now so i'm sweaping nothing away i just want the slander to be removed
14  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi rules? on: February 23, 2011, 09:34:01 pm
Wow, Well aren't you a big guy Balthor really get a life you Troll i did not do anything you people do not understand, i Did not make a mistake, i'm not trying to sweap anything away or cover anything up cause i did not do anything a old member from a  old guild did and i am simply asking for the post to be removed i am not asking for balthor to curse me out again he's one of the main reason i am even asking for it to be removed Shocked
15  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi rules? on: February 23, 2011, 12:38:31 pm
EVERY time someone types in *stargate* or *stargate universe* to apply to my guild they see this posting right under it

If it means enough to you, you can always remake your guild under a different name. I know it is a hassle, but if you don't include "Stargate" in the name nobody will get the two mixed up.

Or, you could just leave it as it is. If they find this thread, they'll find this discussion too. If a person takes the time to search for your name, I'm sure they'll read the thread.
that is Very true but it would be nice if they did not have to go thru 2- how ever many pages this goes on for just to see the truth behind it all
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