You could also level some other toons. Even if all you did was level a druid or shaman, then you could start roa which would give your tank help. LDON on level 6 is tough. I will do 1.5 for someone because pot is easy and quick. Ldon, takes too much time. If your computer can handle more toons, you will proceed much faster. MQ2 is a program used to box your toons. It lowers the demand on your computer and helps you switch from one toon to another, and it has the stick command which keeps toons together, which is a big deal in LDON. Good luck!
Thanks for the advice! Will definitely download that!
I heard that druids/shaman are great for doing RoA, but then isn't that based on the buffs from their epic 3.0s? If I was capable of getting epic 3.0 that easily I wouldn't be in this mess =)