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General Category / General Discussion / Re: I enjoy rainy days and long walks in burning woods
on: March 17, 2011, 05:50:18 pm
Before high prices for everything, it was just "Item X is rotting in Zone Y, CoTH available for anyone who wants. PST". But with 100k instances and 1mil augs, it seems only natural you would want compensation for the time you put in for someone else's gain.
I usually just let things rot for much the same reason I dont advertise selling items. I don't want to load up a char to sit outside of my instances to guild tag chars and have my mage loaded to coth someone. Especially true in Qvic which cant be coth'd in, so getting someone to you to loot rot can be painful at times.
In PoDragons and such, if im ever in public instance i just give away items to whomever is in zone... but generally I stick to guild instances. Cuts down on drama, ninja looters, and claims to tikis. If i get a bunch of fire crystals, and someone is on Fire... gotta wait. GI isn't that way, obviously.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: I enjoy rainy days and long walks in burning woods
on: March 17, 2011, 05:23:07 pm
Back in EQ too, it was essential you had others. Encounter required real people and not boxes. AoE root, blind, shadow step, etc... Making it impossible to just box encounters (not that i expect many people back in 2005ish to box 20 accounts anyway). Not to mention raids were more than just gear. You needed flags, or keys, or quest progression that was a benefit to everyone participating.
Now it is solely the gear. Qvic is needed for a 3.0 flag, but requires each person to get 15 tokens. Its a pain, AND can be soloed with the right set up (on tier) or obliterated (over tier). So if it can be soloed, why do it with others for any reason other than just conversing and making the attempt at friendship? Not to sound mean either, but say you run a few people through Qvic (people, not chars), only a small percentage of the people you do run through will likely stay as a frequent EZ player. Alot who play here end up leaving for one reason or another (boxing, primarily).
So now you kinda wasted ~1-2 hours for someone who just quit on you. Its a pretty shitty feeling =/ Would just as well not met them tbh. It was different on live. There was kind of a commitment. Paying 15$ a month, taking weeks to get up to lvl 50+, and grinding out quests for gear... you knew helping someone was worth the effort. You knew they wouldn't just up and take off, or at least weren't likely to. They knew the way EQ worked and apparently liked it, otherwise why would they have stayed so long?
Here its pretty easy to get up to Qvic solo, or with little help. You don't see how EZ really is until Qvic+, and thats when people decide to either stay or go.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: I enjoy rainy days and long walks in burning woods
on: March 17, 2011, 03:50:59 pm
I remember after playing live for nearly 8 years, I had so many I would call friends and formed lasting relationships with it was crazy. Started a char, leveled up steadily with the same group of people all the way to max level or near there... Play a while, start a new toon, find a new group group of people leveling, keep in contact with previous friends, rinse, repeat.
Was nice logging in, seeing 5+ friends online. Kept playing the game fun, even though you were doing something tedious. Talk to them about the day, plans for the week, what's going on in the world, etc..
Just don't get that kinda connection anymore. At least not here anyway
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Tacvi runs
on: March 17, 2011, 02:29:37 pm
Thing with Tacvi is that you're only there for armor progression. Since you are at the mercy of the RNG, you can't really set a standard price for a whole set of armor type X.
You could charge 100k for a Tacvi run, for full Plate. That could encompass 2 runs through, or 6 runs... And no one likes those kinda thoughts. If you were to charge per run, regardless of whats droppped, I would say maybe 20k tops. Its easy, and without guarantee of what drops it seems reasonable to at least pay for guild instance + some.
General Category / Screenshots and Videos / Re: How committed are you?
on: March 17, 2011, 02:20:30 pm
reminds me of my old unit. You had a room that you shared with one or two other people, but didnt have a personal restroom. You had communal ones at the ends of the deck, so you saw stuff like this often. Maybe not that exactly, but people chillin with their laptops in stalls, or with PSPs, smart phones, etc.. Late at night, the ones "rubbing one out" and such.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Batch File curiosity
on: March 16, 2011, 11:23:12 am
Looks like all you need for a simple simple version is: start /d "C:\Program Files\Sony\eqgame.exe" start /d "C:\Program Files\Sony\eqgame.exe" start /d "C:\Program Files\Sony\eqgame.exe" start /d "C:\Program Files\Sony\eqgame.exe" start /d "C:\Program Files\Sony\eqgame.exe"
The start portion tells it to open a seperate window for each program. the /d tells it to do the start portion fo the command. the quotation marks are needed because of the space in the path (the Program Files space). This should open 5 seperate eq windows using the eqgame.exe If you use WinEQ2.0 or something, you'd have to type in the path to that program exe. I will try it when i get home. As many of you know, i been out at some stupid post for 4 days now. I may also put in a way to auto start MQ2 and such as well. Would be pretty great actually. Oh and remember to save that portion of code as a .bat file
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Batch File curiosity
on: March 16, 2011, 11:07:45 am
I just load mine up 1-3 at a time. click my shortcut a few times, get them to char select, log them all in at same time, rinse, repeat til I have my desired amount of chars in game.
batch file would be pretty niffty, if you could get it to load up windows to log in screen with specific accounts already filled in.
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Fuck You GANTZ!
on: March 16, 2011, 05:39:29 am
I watched FLCL a few years ago, not since then though. I remember feeling as if i missed so much of that show, then immediately feeling retarded when i found out it was only 6 episodes long lol.
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Fuck You GANTZ!
on: March 16, 2011, 04:59:08 am
yeah i was reading other responses about the ending earlier. Basically the manga ends with Kei and the chick he met during that last "game" in the room with Gantz, and they are the only survivors.
Then Gantz disappears, leaving just them. Its not a great ending, but it is better than Kei pointing at a speeding train, and calming saying "Bang!". I read one response to it, saying that the anime attempted to elude to Kei killing himself in the end, with the train scenario, and taking the old woman with him (which didn't appear to happen to me, but whatever) because she was "recruiting" people for Gantz's games.
I guess the idea was, Kei kills himself and the recruiter, then no more games happen. Gantz disappears either out of boredom with humans or just to switch locations, and end story.
General Category / Rants and Flames / Fuck You GANTZ!
on: March 16, 2011, 04:26:57 am
I know no one (I have met) here on EZ is that much of an anime fan... however I am so frustrated with this series and have no one to tell it to, I'm posting it here. Currently out on camp watch on my base, so it's me and one other person watching our Comm shop. He already saw this show and laughed at my frustration. Seriously though, if anyone has sat through all 26 episodes (maybe like me, straight through. roughly 9 hours of anime in one fell swoop) and just thought..."Seriously, what... the... fuck?" please share. For anyone not familiar with it, sorry.... but those who are can probably agree with me here. If the show had ended at episode 22, with Kei's buddies all getting killed by the Buddha statues and him being the sole survivor... I would have been less angry. It would have kinda sucked, but at least it wouldn't have been the abortion of a wrap up episodes 23-26 were. I don't know what the writers were thinking. "hey in the last 4 scheduled episodes, lets introduce an entirely new cast of characters... (immediately after killing off the entire previous cast, built up from episode 1-22 aside from the main character), and kill ALL of them all including the main character. With that, lets make the ending so obscure no one will know what to think! Sounds like gold to me!". The whole series wasn't a failure, and I know the anime was finished without the Manga being completed, but that was just a cop out ending. Could/ should have been better *sigh* ![](http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpTBQ8l4uulCXvHfz8-9eDfVcZax0MHT0Xt6RJdvCM4OwszDlS)
General Category / Suggestions / Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
on: March 15, 2011, 10:34:40 pm
Those zones are really not to bad, about 2-3 days of solid farming got 7 chars fully tokened, geared, and gemmed. So, yeah its a pain... but its not the worst by far
General Category / Suggestions / Re: Qvic / Tacvi Rot NPC
on: March 15, 2011, 10:09:54 am
Thanks. That reminds me that I need to "fix" PoD rotbot from x2 to x4 turn in.
Like, turn in 4 pieces of gear to make 1 different piece? Instead of just turning in 2?
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