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General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE
on: August 16, 2011, 09:21:40 am
Actually the comment about my child getting worse influence - I would agree partly about the school - but my parents are both deceased and so are my wifes. They were wonderful parents and grandparents that stood by me and my wife 100 percent - and loved their grandbabies with more heart than most. Actually they have great schools as well. If I felt EQ was a bad influence I would never let my kids play. It isnt EQ - it is the lack of moral fiber exhibited by some of those who play the game that worries me. The displays that I see are part of the reason that I have a job working in foster care and as a treatment parent. I wish I didnt have this job. But because in part of this attitude (I can do what I want no matter who it offends or how morally right it is) I can see that I will have a job for a long time - helping and encouraging kids. Teaching them that this world is a gift from God and we need to treat it as such... I would be glad to talk to anyone about the issue at hand - but would prefer to do so in an adult manner with no name calling and no violent outbursts. Guess What? God loves you and so do I... Paul Out..
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE
on: August 16, 2011, 08:35:20 am
I have parented 5 grown children of my own and now I am a treatment parent in a foster care setting. I refuse to be judged on my parenting abilities.. My 6 yr old son is not permitted to play ANY video games or watch any television without supervision.. As for Parenting 101 - it is written by someone that probably has never parented - I have almost 28 yrs of wonderful experience and have raised more than 30 kids that had parents that lost them because they were on drugs, selling or making drugs, or just flat out idiots. I have raised kids that their parents just flat out didnt want anything to do with raising a kid. ALL of my kids love me - even my foster children.. I am fun, not boring like most. I play sports with them, take them fishing, hunting, boating and even coach sports. Oh yeah and I even play video games with them. When you reach the age of 50 and can tell me that you have made even a fraction of a difference in the lives of people and kids, I applaud you. I have Masters in Education and have also taught public and private schools for 18 yrs. I have been a deacon in my church of 12 yrs. Served as a youth pastor and worked with kids most of my life.
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE
on: August 15, 2011, 05:51:14 am
No I am not an 8 yr old but my 6 yr old son sometimes plays. If this were a server full of nothing but people over the age of 16 or so than yeah names like that are kinda okay.. But however it isnt - I know of some 10 or 12 yr olds that play here as well... They actually act more mature than some 30 yr olds. It is kinda sad you can think some of these names are just for fun... Evidently you cannot think of anything better than that to name a toon. Sounds like a lot a people can think of nothing but is what is in their hand or in their pants... Come on that is something you should only do in private... Not in a public forum like EQ... Be original - show you have a bit of gray matter up there in your skull.. Stop thinking with something you probably have very little of to begin with or you wouldnt be wanting to talk it up... Sorry this is getting ugly and so are some of the names like Fapfap (the sound made by masturbating) or Mesohorny Gotwood (self explanatory).. If your horny find your wife or girlfriend and get over it.
General Category / Updates / Re: Update 08-14-11
on: August 14, 2011, 08:07:34 am
SOUNDS great --- RL comes first however - never put us above friends and family Hunter... You are a great guy for doing this for people you dont even know... Sorry you have to put up with us all sometimes... Kinda like having a bunch of children,,, Thanks Dad...
General Category / Updates / Re: Updates
on: August 14, 2011, 07:00:49 am
Thank You Sir... Appreciate all you do for us... Good luck working of the server and in everything you touch and do...
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE
on: August 12, 2011, 08:46:48 pm
I actually had to look up what the name meant and why everyone was complaining about Fapfap... Pretty gross name - especially since you know it was done purposefully to get a response... Please be a bit more mature... We are all here to play the game not aggro everyone... Or are some of us... reminds me of the song about the guy that thinks he is so much cooler online. Probably some short harry guy sitting all alone in his mommas basement at age 45 or so...
General Category / Guild Recruitment / Guild Question
on: July 30, 2011, 10:02:49 am
I was interested in forming a guild for those people that would like to get away from all the cursing and rudeness that is seen in some guilds. Where the member air their concerns in an open forum and discuss amongst themselves the concern. I also would like to have a guild that concentrates on helping everyone to achieve their best.
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