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1  General Category / Updates / Re: Sceptre of Time re-vamp! 7-11-15 on: July 25, 2015, 04:21:43 am
I just resolved this. I completely forgot. He now accepts the Sceptre of Time VI through IX in exchange for a Stone of Impatience.


Confirmed, got stone with hand in of a 6, 7, and 8... didn't have a 9 laying around.
2  General Category / Suggestions / Re: T7 Mini on: April 12, 2015, 11:57:04 pm
Didnt read all of the posts :p BUT the boss after you find the Warcheaf, somethingsomething Geod NEEDS to be fixed. i cant compleat the mini, i cant kill it before it lags the zone out. So the insta is broken all together!

I had this problem until I re-downloaded the EZ server Files, something needed to be updated to allow this zone to function.  Without it, older installs will appear to lag when the geo tries to lock down one of your guys.  Give it a try Smiley

Loot is pretty rare here, got that one weapon skin that one time, and far far less essence for the time as the T7 zone.  Most definitely should be worth 10 berries not 5.  That all said it IS one more place to get berries every day, but always the last place you would look, the t5 mini takes 1 pull and done for your 5 berries unlike the t7 mini.
3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Event issues on: March 29, 2015, 09:55:51 pm
Cant get into the Grounds from Nexus. No text on the npc. Also died (lagged on a pull) and now cannot get back into the Grounds on any character. When I try from any zone I get "It's not Halloween, you dont belong here".

Same thing is happening again... destroyed and re-made the event a few times... get punted to Nexus every time with full raid.
4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Call of The Comapnions ( Reward Item ) on: February 05, 2015, 12:16:38 am
Yea tho I agree it would be nice to have do the raid a item that only costs 25 credits should not summon the whole raid I know several people that have 2 or 3 of these items I have two myself and just created a hotkey with my 2 toons that have the fast clicky to cast it at the same time

That's the easy answer... If you want one per group, then get one per group.  I have 2, same reason.   As for the "why not", if you have (for example) a monk or SK FD away from raid to keep instance open during wipes, or for handing in tokens etc; it's nice to have them in the raid to get AA's but you don't want them summoned.  It's a donation item with a reasonable cost and usable effect.  Having a new summon raid item for a higher cost would be interesting, and I would pick one up if it were available.
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Quick Poll: Skin of the Drake on: February 03, 2015, 01:44:11 am
What would be the number of hits the buff would have, if that option were to be adopted?  I ask because I would like to be able to guess how long the buff might last, and the viability of having multiple druids to keep it up again.
6  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Keys to avoiding Nerfs on: February 03, 2015, 01:32:51 am
Please ban Orthanos for the love of god so the friendly forest animals can come out of their caves again.  Embarrassed

At least this comic thread is in Rants and Flames where it belongs Smiley

No one should get banned here... its pretty much covered in the name.  (Though excessive curses etc is just poor form)
7  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Upcoming Caster Changes (1-30-15) on: January 31, 2015, 07:28:04 pm
...Realistically, with the debuff method, I could ignore the cooldown changes and simply set a 60s debuff to prevent players from chaining it. Hmm, neato.


Was thinking more of 30s lockout debuff, 30 up 30 down, but an ENFORCED 30s down, where other effects have to be juggled to keep the tank up...  And as for the buff spot, the great buff consolidation from before has helped this a ton, less of an issue now.
8  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Upcoming Caster Changes (1-30-15) on: January 31, 2015, 02:12:47 pm
^ This still lets players with multiple druids (cough) stay immune.  This will become a staple if this is allowed.  Please consider the hit mechanic or other alternatives.

With this in mind (and I honestly don't know if it is possible or not) would it not be better to include a re-course effect to the skin buff that locks out the use of skin on that target for 30 seconds?  So regardless of how many druids you have, your tank will not be able to keep skin up back to back to back.  If you have the DPS to get the pull down to manageable hits by the time it wears off you live, if not you die.  Will not greatly change zone you have on "farm" but if not having an invul tank in progression is the point then maybe this is doable?

You asked for ideas... that's the best "rebalance" I can think of Smiley
9  General Category / Updates / Re: T7 Mini Finally Live! on: January 23, 2015, 03:53:51 pm
I ran this last night for the first time.
First when I zoned into it all of my toons crashed.  Then I remember I hadn't downloaded the the newest spell file.
I logged out of all of my toons.  Downloaded and installed the new spell files.  

When I logged my toons back in, the tank was the only one that was stuck.  I had to do the character mover to get him unstuck.

I cleared every mob in the zone, got 3 essences and then made my way to the Geode.  

I pulled him and everything was going good until 14%.  At that point, everyone of my toons stopped casting/damaging him and everything just kind of got stuck in time.  I didn't desync or anything, I had full packets and my fps was around 50ish.  I didn't have any detriments on any of my toons.  I let it sit there for about 15 minutes.  Then I /quit on all of them.  When I zoned back in, I was 4 or 5 rooms back and there were more mobs up.  It is like the instance reset to 10 min's back.  I kill all the way to the Geode again and pulled him again.  At this time I only got him to 20% and the same thing happened, time froze and no damage to the mob anymore.  Anytime I pressed a button to do an action, it said I was to busy.

Am I missing something in this fight?  Is it a serious dps check?  All of my toons have ver XI strike augs, there is no way anyone only in T7 could do this zone if it is a dps check.  
Or is there something actually wrong?  


Exact same issue, get Geode down around half health, he ports, continue to kill and zone just locks up.  No one in /ooc had any ideas and the only plp who said they had done this were able to kill him in 5 or less seconds, making this bug null.  It seams he is trying to randomly proc something that simply doesn't work.... If that is the case then it should be fixable...
10  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Broken Stuff Repair Shop v2.0 on: January 05, 2015, 12:22:11 am
Just had a strange one, not sure I have seen before.  Zerker had all his T6 upgrades and augs ready, was going through removing the t5 augs, combining to t6, and then adding the augs back in.  Last piece was the boots, took the first aug out, and when it gave my back the boots there was 2 on my cursor, so when I dropped the first set back into the aug sealer to take out the second aug it gave me another icon of boots on my cursor instead of the aug that came out when I clicked on the bag slot... then it blinked and both were gone.  Said duplicate lore item removed... but took them both.

Edit: This was with an UF client, still not sure how/if you can do the duplicate augs with RoF.

happens all the time when you start moving and combining items too fast, just re-log and the item will be on your cursor.

I had tried that and when it didn't show on the cursor I posted here... but turns out they were back in the aug sealer which I had put back in the bank.  Same idea Smiley
11  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Broken Stuff Repair Shop v2.0 on: January 04, 2015, 01:11:24 am
Just had a strange one, not sure I have seen before.  Zerker had all his T6 upgrades and augs ready, was going through removing the t5 augs, combining to t6, and then adding the augs back in.  Last piece was the boots, took the first aug out, and when it gave my back the boots there was 2 on my cursor, so when I dropped the first set back into the aug sealer to take out the second aug it gave me another icon of boots on my cursor instead of the aug that came out when I clicked on the bag slot... then it blinked and both were gone.  Said duplicate lore item removed... but took them both.

Edit: This was with an UF client, still not sure how/if you can do the duplicate augs with RoF.

12  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Christmas 2014 on: December 23, 2014, 10:42:03 am
bitch about it? im just asking to change it a bit. Just so everyone is getting something out of it. Im not going to spend more money when i have 1k credits.

Its Christmas, and its a "donation" aka present for the server.  With that in mind, any word on requests from Hunters family?  In years past we (as a collective group) sent gaming systems and or games per Hunters request for the kids down there.  I assume some or all of the Overage from donations are still heading that way and will be donating with that in mind again this year.  If possible please pass on our condolences and the best Merry Christmas you can when in contact Smiley
13  General Category / Updates / Re: Mini Dungeons Locked Temporarily! :-O on: December 23, 2014, 10:36:07 am
Stop debating over who did what with lockouts. The reason for these being down is mostly in majority for observing stability changes implemented with the last patch.

Since I have this week off I will be taking care of these within the next day or so and we'll be back online.

Have patience.

We no can has pitchforks and torches? Sad
14  General Category / Updates / Re: Server Code Update 12-20-2014 (Rain of Fear 2 Client Launched) on: December 20, 2014, 01:15:03 am
Very cool, thanks again for all the hard work Smiley  Working ROF is all we could ask for Christmas.
15  General Category / Updates / Re: Mini Dungeons Locked Temporarily! :-O on: December 18, 2014, 11:42:41 pm
No, it's a mix of the lockout system being "iffy" and exploitable....and numerous people taking advantage of it. Akkadius is going to rewrite the lockouts and I'm going to expand T5 mini across three zones (with Love's help) to make it 100x more rigid.


This include the chance for a few more T5 bosses?  Trying to look on the possible bright side Smiley
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