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General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: The grind...
on: October 11, 2010, 03:35:55 pm
Meh all i got to say is screw technology if the only answer for toilet paper they can come up with is 3 sea shells i'm not going to be looking forward to the future at all ...... Cracken ~GL of Classic Composers I love it when you try to make a mens with someone and all you get is some half whitted, passive aggressive response. Its obvious you lack the Intelligence to have a normal conversation much less a debate. This is my last response to you because you are obviously just trying to trigger a response and your goal is to squeeze in the last word so you can feel like you are the victor. You engaged this thread with an attitude like you were personally attacked. When you automatically respond to someones post with hostility you make it very obvious you lack any kind of social skills, and any point you make there after is invalid. So, go ahead and get the last word in, you win, I give up and no I dont plan on "doing this all Day". Make sure once you are done here go back to P99 forums and brag about your trolls on EZ forums, I'm sure they will be appreciated over there.
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: The grind...
on: October 11, 2010, 01:17:17 am
Honestly man the point of this was not to cause hard feeling or cause a flame fest. If i offended you by anything I said I'll be the 1st to say I'm sorry. I said I was done with this post but I hate leaving something in a bad way. Opinions will always differ, all we can do is remain open minded and hear people out.
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: The grind...
on: October 10, 2010, 02:22:02 pm
"Honestly, no one wants to grind out 5 other toons" Those are your words and i never recall you having a meeting with me to discuss my thoughts. So you can take your QQ and go hold yourself in a coner. Then this " those should satisfy everyones needs" How do you what what our needs/wants are or how they can be satisfy. Next time state that your opinion is of your own not the server as a whole. Even tho you state that its just yours you give reference to us all. ~Cracken GL of Classic Composers A QQ is a post that complains about something without offering a solution to the problem. I offer solutions, I'm not insulting staff. If you enjoy mindless grinds like this then go enjoy it. This post was not directed toward you anyway cause your opinion matters about as much as mine.
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: The grind...
on: October 10, 2010, 02:15:17 pm
As a new player to EZ I must agree with hunter that we are spoiled!
We all know how good we have it but we ask for more and more to see how far we can push it.
If we were to get everything so easily it would be pointless, the stuff we get at level 1 I.e epic 1.0 and the noobie charm, plus the easy loots makes it awesome.
Quit moaning guys, hunter is doing a great job!
Wait till you do kronos for the 1st time alone or progress into T3/T4. You'll realize Stuff stops being given to you real fast. Just because I made a comment and gave a different Idea doesn't mean I not enjoying the server. I'd never insult the work being done here, and some people can't tell the differense between an insult and constructive critism.
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: The grind...
on: October 10, 2010, 02:04:51 pm
First off never think or act like you talk for the server as a whole you are just one mind and everyone i mean everyone even if they agree with you is still different even if its in the slightest. I for one enjoy RoA and going to nobody zones. There is hundreds of thousands of things to do in everquest let alone things that ez server alone has to offer. If your bored your not trying hard enough to find things to do. May i suggest pick up a noobie and teach him the way of the server i find this can take up to a week of my time. As for content i enjoy grinding out and finding my armor molds. So what if it takes me a week to find one pattern I've been looking for. Just gives me more slaughtering to do. O and how i love to slaughter 6-10 hours in pod straight day after day anyone??? ahh good times indeed. You know every expansion of everquest just increased the hp/ac of mobs and added different spell graphics. Wait i think i figured it out lol. You want hunter to set you up with a" save the princess quest"...... i'm going back to bed. O and this was just my opinion about your opinion.
Cracken ~GL of Classic Composers
First of all the reason I put "my opinion" is so I can avoid people like you thinking i am speaking or acting on their behalf. Second of all you reference grinding out molds. Did I ever even mention the mold grind? I offered solutions to the things I wrote about. before you post a buncha dribble mabey you should sleep before you read and post instead of waking up to do it. I enjoy the sever and appreciate what Hunter does. The point I'm making is the best items shouldnt be coming from trivial mobs in nooby zones. I'm actually asking that these items be made harder to get. Showing people you killed 400 willowisps doesn't give you bragging rights
General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: The grind...
on: October 10, 2010, 12:57:45 am
This is all true, the point i'm trying to make is please to make us regress to progress.
Edit: The majority of us aren't new to the server, so the benefits of "noobs" selling these items are probably pretty limited. I'm not asking stop the item drops in noob zones, just make them available in the higher level zones as well so people with T3/T4 gear aren't stuck killing willowisps to progress.
General Category / Rants and Flames / The grind...
on: October 10, 2010, 12:15:29 am
First I'd like to start off by saying I think this is a great server, and what i'm about to say is not meant to put down any hard work thats being done to improve the server. This is just my opinion. It's great that new content is being added to the game in a effort to improve game play. But can we mabey in the future try to avoid these extremely boring mindless grindfests of trivial mobs in nooby zones. We already have CG, FG, ROA, UC, and T3/T4, those should satisfy everyones needs of feeling like they are earning their equipment by grinding. Honestly, no one wants to grind out 5 other toons for a crafters guild flag only to sit in the most nooby zones in the game 1 shotting willowisps in the hopes of getting lightstones. If you actually played this game from front to back you would see it's really no fun at all. Why not implement things so people don't have to regress into nooby zones? T3/t4 is boring and everyone knows it, why not make these crafters guild items drop there so there is a reason to go there besides killing a T3 boss to find a cloth or leather rot. Not gonna get off on a soap box and please dont take this the wrong way. As I said before this is my opinion and is not intended to be an Insult.
General Category / Suggestions / Re: Greater Lightstones
on: October 09, 2010, 09:01:54 pm
but, if they are burnt out, how will they combine to make a lightable source? Food for thought.
The same way Trolls, ogres and other such creatures can fight dragons and various other magical fictional creatures.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Anger Aug Vote
on: October 09, 2010, 04:40:16 am
Dumb question from a GM lol. If you aug a weapon with 2 proc augs, do both augs get independant chance to proc?
Planning new augs, new weapons, spell uPdates, new 3.5 clicks, and maybe new graphics for this weekend. Some stuff may require crafters guild.
Yes they all proc independantly.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Anger Aug Vote
on: October 09, 2010, 03:43:37 am
Sorry if I came off sounding like a Dick to the folks voting no, that wasn't the point I was trying to make. Theres nothing wrong at all with voting no, just help offer a solution. I don't think it will be a permanent solution making the nerds all/all but it will be better than nothing until something better is thought of. I think if the nerds are made all/all we will start seeing a lot less warriors running around. People make warriors right now because they pretty much have to to maximize group efficiency. If nerds are made all/all or at least made available to pally/Sk it will enable people to have a more diverse group make up. Warriors will still be on top of dps for the simple fact they carry 2 weapons instead of 1 like a pally or SK. Hell, if the augs are made all/all even if the proc damage is adjusted per class I bet we start seeing more rogues, bards and zerkers.
General Category / Paladin / Re: Paladin DPS Aug (Vote)
on: October 09, 2010, 12:33:18 am
Anger Augs were added to Warriors but heals/taps were always part of being Sk/Pal.
You give Knights the ability to use Anger augs, im basically done on this server. Congrats on making the Paladin the most desired character to play. A weapon that procs heals, ability to cure, and now the DPS from the Anger augs, why would anyone want to possibly play a different class? So, you threaten to rage quit cause Hunter is trying to scale other melee dps up somewhat in line with warrior DPS. You offer up no other ideas on how to accomplish this. I seriously doubt anyone will care if you quit when your only response to this is to nerd rage quit if something you don't like is about to happen . Hunter seems to be pretty open to new ideas, so why don't you help create one instead of acting like a cry baby.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Anger Aug Vote
on: October 09, 2010, 12:25:48 am
I'm guessing all these people that are voting no to augs just like having a buncha worthless melee dps classes. I see a lot of people supporting the augs with comments but seems to be just as many that don't want to see them given out, but are offering up no explanation why. Please all you people voting no to this explain why you want all melee classes besides warriors to remain sub-par dps.
General Category / Suggestions / Shammy 3.0
on: October 08, 2010, 08:37:40 pm
Can you reduce the re-cast time on shammy 3.0 buff. 15 minutes kinda sux, if MGB is down you can only buff 1 group every 15 minutes. Or mabey increase the buff duration so it last until MGB is up again.
*Sorry for the double post, I posted it in the wrong spot and removed it already
General Category / Paladin / Re: Paladin DPS Aug (Vote)
on: October 08, 2010, 03:44:56 am
The ability to hold agro on multiple mobs is the only issue pally/SK has atm tanking. Nothing should be able to replace or equal a warrior as a tank. Bring the Sk/pally dps up to par with warrior and give the hybrids the ability to hold agro on multipe mobs. That would be a huge fix. The augs are a great idea and I think and it can all be tweeked as needed. Thanks again Hunter for hearing us out, I think we all wanna see more SK/Pally instead of mandatory warriors for both DPS and Tanks.
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