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Author Topic: Boxing Questions / Tips  (Read 7318 times)
Posts: 47

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« on: March 30, 2010, 02:32:42 pm »

So per a few whom suggested the classes I added a Warrior/Cleric to the mix with my Monk. Got them all to 70 and am around 100AA on each. I personally have some issues keeping up with just these 3 characters and wonder if anyone has tips managing 3+ characters?

I started doing some PoTime in groups and it gets crazy keeping up on all 3. Also, at what point could I triple box in PoTime with these classes including the bosses? Could I do it now (BoT Tower/Time geared basically atm)? Even in a full group of similar geared individuals the bosses take a while to go down due to their massive HP, don't know how long it would take with just my 3 characters.

Tried doing LDON to get my King cards for FG/CG but got trained just as I was about to get down to level 2. Should I focus on LDON or Time? I kind of felt like getting Time done so I could get my epic 1.5's.

So yea lot of questions I think I'll leave it at that. Thanks much.
Posts: 30

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« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2010, 03:06:49 pm »

It is just a matter of getting used to which chars you should use at which time. Auto-follow will become your friend and your worse enemy at the same time. Sometimes they tend to lag off and run in circles so it is important that you keep track of them. But I use  WinEQ and to cycle through windows and players and your can become fast at it. When playing on named mobs.. always set up which chars are more important. With your war/clr/mnk combo.. your war and cleric are going to be most important.

Now, after you set up and engage with the war.. immediately switch to the cleric if your tank is going down fast. Toss a heal.. While this heal is going and casting, assuming it has not been fizzled or interrupted, switch to the monk and begin attacking. With the monk, pretend as if they were a rogue and stay behind the mob. This will make it so you do not receive unneeded damage on the monk. Once that is done, let your monk sit there on auto-attack and alternate between the cleric and war as needed. Repeat these steps for names as needed.

It may seem like a lot but you'll get the hang of it very fast. I couldn't even 2 box when I started and now I can easily 6 box or more if I have a PC that has the ability to hold that much.

WTB an open tiki at any time of the day please, last 5 days perma camped makes me sad in the pants.
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« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2010, 07:49:11 am »

I am 3-boxing warrior-cleric-wizard. I am using WinEQ too and works great.  One of WinEQ feature is the PIP (picture in picture). I wish it would work for me but i was never able to make it work so I have 3 different wineq window.

I do have 2 monitors so I put my warrior on 1 monitor and the other 2 on the other. It makes 3 different windows so its not "full screen" per say but it is fullscreen in game. It is quite easy to switch window.  Each have an autofollow key and an assist key and yes auto-follow sometimes is acting weird.. specially in tight hallways. 

I just need to make sure that my cleric always has my warrior targetted. My wiz assist nuke.  All my cleric does really is heal and my wiz nuke.  I dont really use them in any other way so i can concentrate on aggro with the warrior.

Though i found that 3 characters is hard to manage in big fights hehe..  like the wizard gets aggro, while im trying to nuke again, im trying to get aggro back with warrior and forget to heal with cleric and we all die lol but its part of the boxing fun.

IF anyone got the PIP working with WinEQ would be fun to share what you did? hehe

Lodar - 70 Cleric
Genelor - 70 Warrior
Shoo - 70 Mage
Sinluyen - 70 Wizard
Capt - 70 Rogue
Shaa - 70 Ranger
Hopeless - 1 Paladin

"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children"
Posts: 47

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« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2010, 09:47:56 am »

Think the PIP maybe part of the paid functionality of the program and not available for free use.

Do you tweak any settings for better performance when running 3+ characters?
Sr. Member
Posts: 286


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« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2010, 12:43:32 pm »

Not really tweaked anything.  Just did 3 profiles in it for my 3 accounts and thats it. So 3 shortcuts.. start all 3.  Didnt change anything in the setting kept mostly all default. I only had to change the path of the game since Im using Windows 7 x64... EQ is in program files (x86) folder  Grin

And yes I think all the cool features of it is actually from the paid version.

Lodar - 70 Cleric
Genelor - 70 Warrior
Shoo - 70 Mage
Sinluyen - 70 Wizard
Capt - 70 Rogue
Shaa - 70 Ranger
Hopeless - 1 Paladin

"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children"
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