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Author Topic: GatherIng of Mana PersonS  (Read 10679 times)
Posts: 2282

Don't nerf me bro!

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« on: February 22, 2011, 09:31:59 pm »

Evening All!

My name is Hateborne and I'm starting a new movement, the "GatherIng of Mana PersonS".

The meaning of this movement is to voice support for all four of the players that actually play clothies. Such as emotional support for those not rolling warriors (STAND STRONG), community events (pin the tail on the warrior), and gatherings to discuss our roles as loot sponges (and how to better accommodate those with rotting cloth).

I am suggesting the following for initial start:

  • 1) Increase/Remove AoE Cap for AoE Rains
  • 2) T3+ Mana User Accessories
  • 3) Caster Weapon Augmentations
  • 4) Sorcerer's Charm To Affect DoTs too
  • 5) More Mana and/or Mana Regen on RoA

1) To allow the clothies to compete with the warrior/berserker bombs, increasing AoE cap size to 10 or removing it all together is suggested. This will bring some utility to the clothies. There is still the massive issue of spells having terribly low hit chance post LDoN, but that is partially addressed in number 3.

2) T3 (and higher) mana user accessories benefits everyone. It benefits clothies as we might actually gain mana and mana regens. It benefits non-clothies by agitating the unholy hell out of them. Also because some of the T2 caster accessories are better than the T3/T4 stuff (since it exists primarily for melee).

3) See giant attachment below...

4) This would turn Shamen, Bards, and Necromancers into viable dps in their own right.

5) The RoA is primarily a melee item. Is it possible to add mana and/or mana regen to the RoA? Short of that, is it possible for a caster version to be added? (Similar to the RoA but possibly in ear slot? Since the Earring of Solstice was amusing and fun to build up imo).

These are just a few things I was kicking around while scratching up PoD dragons for dinner tonight. Clothies, unite and voice your suggestions! Together we can strengthen GatherIngs of Mana PersonS!


Short Version: Caster Weapon Augmentations
Slots: 4, 8
Spell Resist Reduction: X
Focus Effect: Extended Buff Duration by Y
(Similar to Guardian's Charm but either weaker and possibly stacking w/ Guardian.)
Class/Deity/Race: All
Crafted: Plane of Dragons materials
Dropped: Plane of Gods
Long Version: Caster Weapon Augmentations
Slots: 4, 8
-This is so it would obviously slot into weapons. The epics from 3.0 and below would only allow for 1-2 of these, but the 3.5+ would allow for the necessary 3 (as resists are bound to be crazy prevalent).
Spell Resist Reduction: X
-This would allow higher casters to be viable later. I have spoken with Drezden, Gnaughty, Clevitsj, and another who's name eludes me (sorry phantom caster!) about this to make sure I wasn't going all tunnel vision. Gnaughty liked the idea to make the wizard more viable at lower and higher tiers. Clevitsj added the buff duration idea (so he may be allowed to use oracle for pet heals, and so casters may be more easily able to sustain buffs without needing to level a tank charm). Drezden is always thrilled about wizard changes so ...yeah not really any competition there. As for myself, it just seemed to be more generally useful to casters (even hybrids having resist issues) as a whole. I left value to X, because I haven't fully tested SE 126 to see how profoundly it would affect resists, but would gladly do so if needed.
Focus Effect: Extended Buff Duration by Y
-As stated briefly above, Clevitsj really suggested this one. I liked it a bunch as it does make sense. He doesn't enjoy swapping out to his Guardian Charm to buff, then back to Oracle to keep his pet alive. It doesn't have to be anything so game breaking that it voids the use of the Guardian Charm, but something that is actually meaningful (or even possibly stacking with Guardian's Charm).
Class/Deity/Race: All
-Didn't want to leave anyone out.
Crafted: Plane of Dragons materials
-To save you the trouble of adding new items, and for the sake of adding some drop competition on augments, the items that seemed ideal (possibly?) are:
>>Venerable Silver Dragon Scales x1
>>Venerable Red Dragon Scales x1
>>Venerable Green Dragon Scales x1
>>Dragon Seal x1
Following the same rules as the crafted augs, one rank is composed of the materials, the second rank is composed of two of the first rank.
Dropped: Plane of Gods
-Same as all/most other augmentations really.

P.S. - For all the slow kids out there: the suggestions are real, the "movement" is not. If you add up the capitalized letters, you might get a small giggle.

I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
Posts: 1193

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« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2011, 09:45:38 pm »

This... this... this is beautiful
Exactly how a suggestion post should look. I would love to see this stickied for the masses to use as an example in the future!!

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« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2011, 09:58:22 pm »

i think a nice addition would be a mana tap aug for casters, where as when attacking they gain like 1k mana or what have you, or maybe something that can proc Gift of Mana Smiley

Jr. Member
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« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2011, 12:36:00 am »

About the point 2, just adding more mana to the current T3/T4 accessories will be good, no need to create new one. Actually there is no reason to use them for mana, because T2 arch mage are better stat (only for mana)
Posts: 1193

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« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2011, 12:41:58 am »

Adding different gear for different archetypes would be a good way to diversify gear though.

Each teir dropping gear that best fits Tank, DPS, and Casters is a pretty decent way to do this

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« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2011, 01:19:35 am »

Im sorry you lost me at mana person !!!!!!

/Cuts the hell outa the clothie gnome !!!!!


(but yes, Casters could use an aug or two, or at least modifications to gear for mana gains or chance to regain mana on cast)

(((((but then again paladin's could_removed by paladin nerf police-)))))))

That wasn't nice!

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« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2011, 01:41:15 am »

Well the problem before with Mana was the fact that after you got your 3.0, there was no real reason to have mana aside from Wizard Mana Burn.
Now you at least you have to somewhat conserve mana. So FT and Mana Regen would just bring us back to where we were before.
Spell Focus, and such would be great. Spell Focus 1 = +5% to your spells. SO 5% more Dmg, Healing, Duration, etc...
Have it go up to level 5 or 10.
Spell Penetration, same concept only with resists

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« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2011, 02:13:06 am »

Here's something:

Add range to the caster weapons.

Wait what? Yes. Think about it! Casters use WANDS, RODS, STAVES. Things that go ZAP! Not things that go whack.

Have you ever seen a caster whack something with a staff? (Gandalf doesn't count, because A) He was badass, B) He whacked things with his sword and not his staff)

This will allow for several things - Adding procs to weapons, like a manadrain proc, a debuff proc, a lifetap proc etc without endangering the caster to be in rampage range. Yes, you might get ripostes, but seriously, that can be explained by the mob whacking your zap back to you lol.

It opens up an entire world of possibilities with the change of just one statistic of your epic.

Clevitsj, Hipster Enchantress Extraordinaire
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« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2011, 09:03:18 am »

hmmm ZAP, i like it.

And yes casters are ranged people

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« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2011, 10:13:15 am »

I likey~!

My box includes all four GMPs and I would love to see them actually make an impact here.  Just a thought here for a nominal fix to resists:

1. Resists

A.  Mages have a spell that (if unresistable like live) would lower resists.  If Malosinia were fixed it would address one issue.  (Shammys have the big boy version and it also needs to be unresistable).

B.  Encs have a spell line *Tash* ... that lowers MR.  It should also be un-resistable.

C.  Wizard familiars are not in play here past Gates.  They lower resists and add huge mana regen.  Put those in play and two of those issues are minimized (for the Wiz).

On AOE Rain caps... great for the mages however:

Let's not forget DDs.  Wizard's bread and butter spells are low mana cost, fast and powerful DDs.  The only insta cast spell I have ATM does 6K - 15K (no Sorc yet.. I'll get around to that soon).  Not bad pre T3/4, but the T3 spell is 21k mana and not insta cast.  

With mana and mana regen being what it is... I can cast it once (maybe twice) per T3/4 encounter or stick with the insta cast through out the fight.  Drop the T3/4 Wiz spell mana costs AND CAST TIME and let them be a true factor in the fight.

Just my tupence.

Dokk et al
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 10:22:22 am by Kwai » Logged
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« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2011, 10:53:10 am »

the wizard t3 spell is the butter of a wizard, it is a spell that hits 5x times and for a minimum of 25k per hit (unresistable) yes it costs like 24k mana.  Currently i click the manastone like it's my girl's mouse, but still I generally get to cast the spell once every 15 or so seconds, when starting at zero mana. Gift of Mana rarely procs, since the only spell i cast is that t3 wiz nuke anyhow. The t4 spell is so so as well. It's a rain spell that does like 25k per wave i think. maximum of 4 targets and 3 waves, so for t2 and lower it's a nice lil helper.

/ramble off

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« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2011, 09:09:36 pm »

Yeah some mana regen definitely is needed since the dps that has been parsed lately with T3 spell is achieved spamming the holy shit out of a manashrimpstonethingy and the usage of a bard.  And be honest that was using a macro to help in spamming it, to do it manually would probably drop the dps a fair amount.  Mana regen augs would be a great start, mana regen on the roa ring, more mana regen on T3 and T4 items, much more.  You gentlemen are doing great things, we are finally stepping into being a balanced server and the focus on casters is a new thing here.  Wizards are mana hogs and a little love wouldf be nice.  Pretty please with sugar on top?

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« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2011, 09:41:35 pm »

This is a VERY good thread. Nothing else to offer but this is good shit. keep it coming!
Posts: 2282

Don't nerf me bro!

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« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2011, 12:04:04 am »


  • Song Proc Swords
  • Higher Ranked Songs

First: Bards have the same terrible resist chance that most casters share past LDON. Let's have some hit chance or caster weapon augs ehh?

Second: For 4.5 and 5.0 (if both exist), could we get a song proc? Proc say "Ancient: Call of Power v2" for 4.5 and "Chorus of I'm not telling you because you made fun of warriors v2"* (told you Destined...) on 5.0. This would give the bard 2 utility songs that are nearly auto pilot. Allowing the player to either melody DPS or more buffage.

Third: The second note kinda hits this, but basically a few higher ranks. Ancient: Call of Power v2 (or 'Ancient: Call of Supremacy', sounds better eh?), Psalm of Arcane (ds + chromatic resist buff), and a T5 Mana Song (that could be baked onto 5.0, as listed above).

Also, could we get a few more fun items? Say a Pandora's Box that spawns randomly in the each tier with matching loot (ex: tons of Stones in HoH, all 4 crystals in PoD, possible charm upgrade in LDoN) but has a chance to do VERY bad things. Say 30% chance for tons of cash/gems, 40% chance for nasty spawn, 15% for the good loot (above), 10% to raid buff player (including shaman/druid/cleric buffs), and 5% chance to instantly kill the player.

Why? Because it's damn funny.


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2011, 04:22:22 am »


 5% chance to instantly kill the player.

Why? Because it's damn funny.


Id vote to have all charmed and to go apeshit on eachother, Always loved the charm mob in LDoN catching me by surprise and I end up standing there "LD" waiting for some unsuspecting PC to walk near....

Why? Because it's damn funny.

OMG that is Justin Timberlake,, never knew he played on EZ

/nice duck face
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