I'm new to the ezserver and just found out that I am unable to get into potimea on either of my 2 level 70 characters. I've tried getting in on my main PC (windows7) my laptop (vista) and my old PC (xp). Potimea is the one zone that I cannot seem to get into. It takes about 30 seconds before it kicks me to the original login server screen where you enter in your account and password info
I've also tried getting the files for Potime from my friend and I've tried a reinstall.
My friend is able to successfully get both of my 2 characters into plane of time a on her computer so I guess it's not the characters themselves. Honestly the only thing I can think is its someone related to my internet connection, ports, isp, and something to do with them not liking plane of time

....I haven't had any problems with crashing, zoning, or disconnects.
Any ideas because I'm lost

Thanks in advance.