Final results up - 40 responses
EQ Live Start DateMore people than I thought started Kunark or before
P99 CharLess people than I thought play(ed) P99 - but the ones that did are slightly overrepresented in 50-60
DalayaLess people than I thought knew about Shards of Dalaya (their own fault for not including themselves on the eqemu server list)
WoWJust about exactly what I expected
EZ AccountsMore people have between 17-24+ than I thought… that’s a lot of accounts…
EZ Accounts PlayedPeople actually play less than half of their owned characters
EQLive MainPretty good spread of classes, about what I would have expected
EZServer TimeGood Grief – lots of 2+ years on the server… dedicated players
That’s a good thing
Guild StatusLots of people in community guilds, which is good. The ones that aren't should consider finding one
Makes the game more fun to be able to have other people to chat with and help.
EZ Server TimeLOTS of people playing several years, dedicated player group
Highest EpicVery top heavy (looking forward to T10... and 11
Highest EZ UWPretty even spread