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Author Topic: My tiny contribution  (Read 8422 times)
Posts: 20

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« on: March 03, 2022, 08:48:48 pm »

Hey all, wanted to give back a few of my recent findings -
1. /yes works to confirm most popups that have a "yes",  "give",  "confirm",  etc.. I bound it to an extra button on my mouse and it works great for things like turn-ins, removing/re-adding augs to armor, etc.

2. Attached is the hud I've made. Chop it up, do what you like with it. The section with my toon names.Detrimentals shows if each toon has any sort of debuff on them. Great for zones like ToFS.

3. Group and Raid Leadership AAs work; for RLAA someone mentioned you need at least 16 players in the raid. I can personally confirm 14 isn't enough but 3 full groups (18) is.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2022, 10:20:23 pm by bruise » Logged
Posts: 20

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« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2022, 08:14:18 pm »

Moar findings:

1. In Anguish if you want to get your group to all pass through OMM's door, have all of your team nearby and utilize the 2 commands below:
/doortarget id 61
/click left door

2. To quickly unhide, remove invis, etc use

3. An alternative to using slot numbers for clickies you're wearing is to use the slot shortname. Replace "leftfinger" in that first line with whatever slot you want.
/useitem ${InvSlot[leftfinger].Item.Name}

0 charm
1 leftear
2 head
3 face
4 rightear
5 neck
6 shoulder
7 arms
8 back
9 leftwrist
10 rightwrist
11 ranged
12 hands
13 mainhand
14 offhand
15 leftfinger
16 rightfinger
17 chest
18 legs
19 feet
20 waist
21 powersource

4. To identify windows, buttons and other UI elements easily add this to your mq2hud. It'll give you the name of the UI element of whatever you're currently mousing over.

5. If you're tinkering with any macros, make sure to download VSCode and grab the vscodemq2 extension to make formatting much much easier.

6. Speaking of macros.. if you're going to be adding/removing a bunch of augments to/from items, throw this in a new mac and run it before doing so:
 Sub Main

/if (${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Child[TextOutput].Text.Find[wish to]}>0) /yes
/goto :AugInOut
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2022, 05:43:17 am »

Appreciate you sharing this with the rest of the community Bruise  Grin

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« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2022, 06:42:18 am »

Good stuff!

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« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2022, 09:44:45 am »

Good stuff!

 Grin Grin Grin

Quoted for the Brotherhood of Warriors
"I want my wizard to cast Fugitives instead of fireballs.
We can't always get what we want. ;-)"
Posts: 20

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« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2022, 04:22:45 pm »

Thanks all; here's my most recent HUD ini and a few other goodies I've made.

If anyone needs help with macros, HUD inis, etc feel free to hit me up on discord or in-game. bruisel33 on discord and Warriduh in-game.

MQ2HUD.ini - Displays whether or not you're in an instance and if you are, what the instance ID is. #NPCs in zone, #Players in zone, #inRaid, inGameTime (good for T9 OC) and how many detrimentals each toon is affected by. If a team member is not online, their name disappears. If they're not in the same zone as you, their HP disappears. If they're not in combat, name is in blue and if they are their name turns red. Easy way for me to diagnose anything such as if a toon crashes, dies, isn't responding to assist hotkey, etc. I also set the AA pts to show #k (ie: 24.42k) hoping that'd fix the issue of them rolling over but alas it doesn't. Still looks cleaner this way.

For the line that says "NPCs in Zone", you can filter by NPC type via ${SpawnCount[npc undead]} or whatever NPC type you're interested in tracking.

Don't forget to replace my toon names with your own.

TLOs.mac - I turned Dimur's code into a quick macro for finding TLO members. I use this mac ALL the time; it's fantastic.

summonfood.mac - Just checks to see if you have Embalmers Skinning Knife on you and uses it until you have 1k food.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2022, 05:14:11 pm by bruise » Logged
Posts: 20

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« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2022, 04:54:10 pm »

Aaaand here's a loot macro I created.

Turboloot_oldcommons - I made this mac with 4 different variables you can easily change.
  lootALL == Anytime you come across this item, loot it regardless of how many, unless it's Lore.
  someItems == loot X number of this item, then skip the rest. Combines whatever you have in bank and in inventory.
  singleItems == loot 1 of this item, then skip any others found. Combines whatever in bank + in inventory.
  minLootValue == If an item is not in any list above, is not No Drop, and has a merchant value >= X amount, loot it. Good for plat bags, etc.

IMPORTANT: This macro will also check to see if an item is usable by your class/race. If equippable and you don't currently have one, it will loot the item even if isn't listed in any of the vars above.

I suggest replacing "oldcommons" in the filename with whatever zone you're using it for and then make a hotkey for /mac turboloot_${Zone.ShortName}

edit: You could also do something like a folder for each zone, then a turboloot_charname. Then create a hotkey with
/noparse /bca //mac ${Zone.ShortName}/turboloot_${Me.CleanName}
« Last Edit: April 30, 2022, 06:01:37 pm by bruise » Logged
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