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Author Topic: Tradeskill guide (revised)  (Read 12730 times)
Posts: 38

bling bling

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« on: October 18, 2010, 05:57:27 pm »

I know there are a few guides for trade skills here on the forums but given the new Trade skill Guild I felt there was a need for a new guide to be written up.
Originally this was written for some friends of mine and has links to all items in the original.
If you would like a copy with links pm me your email with a request and ill send it you you.

===============Simp’s trade skill guide=======================
Start with baking and then do brewing as you will use items made while brewing to get smithing and tailoring up. Make A LOT of Celestial essences roughly 4,000!
NOTE:You MUST have all trade skill AA’s for this guide to work

Unfired Poison Vial  
Pottery Components: Crows Special Brew, Small Block of Clay, Vial Sketch, Water Flask
In: Pottery Wheel, Tanaan Pottery Wheel
Yield: 1
Trivial at: 148
Unfired Casserole Dish
Pottery Components: Casserole Dish Sketch, Ceramic Lining, Large Block of Clay, Water Flask
In: Pottery Wheel, Tanaan Pottery Wheel
Yield: 1
Trivial at: 199
CLASS 4 Wood Point Arrow (large nock)
Fletching Components: Bundled Wooden Arrow Shafts, Field Point Arrowheads, Large Groove Nocks, Set of Wooden Arrow Vanes
In: Fletching Kit, Planar Fletching Kit, Collapsible Fletching Kit
Yield: 5
Trivial at: 122
CLASS 6 Wood Point Arrow (large nock)
Fletching Components: Bundled Wooden Arrow Shafts, Field Point Arrowheads, Large Groove Nocks, Set of Ceramic Arrow Vanes
In: Fletching Kit, Planar Fletching Kit, Collapsible Fletching Kit
Yield: 5
Trivial at: 202

Fish Rolls
Baking Components: Bat Wing, Fresh Fish
In: Spit, Oven, Tanaan Oven, Collapsible Spit
Yield: 1
Trivial at: 135
Jord Meat Pie
Baking Components: Clump of Dough, Jord Meat, Pie Tin
In: Tanaan Oven, Collapsible Spit
Yield: 1
Also Returns: Pie Tin
On Failure Returns: Pie Tin
Trivial at: 282
(get  Jord meat from vendor in POK—Bemi Takoth--)
 Ethereal Silk Swatch
Tailoring Components: Ethereal Curing Agent, Strand of Ether(2)
In: Tanaan Loom
Yield: 1
Trivial at: 212 (strands of ether can be bought in POK, --Darious Gandril--)
Ethereal Temper (save these) need roughly 1,000 for Smithing & Tailoring
Brewing Components: Celestial Essence(2), Emerald Tea Leaf, Soda
In: Tanaan Brew Barrel
Yield: 1
Trivial at: 212.

You need to make a “File”
Ethereal Metal Rings
Smithing Components: Brick of Ethereal Energy, Ethereal Temper, File
In: Tanaan Forge
Yield: 1
Also Returns: File
On Failure Returns: File
Trivial at: 212
Topaz Electrum Earring
Jewelcraft Components: Electrum Bar, Topaz
In: Jeweler's Kit, Planar Jeweler's Kit, Collapsible Jeweler's Kit
Yield: 1
Trivial at: 111
Golden Jaded Bracelet
 Jewelcraft Components: Gold Bar, Jade
In: Jeweler's Kit, Planar Jeweler's Kit, Collapsible Jeweler's Kit
Yield: 1
Trivial at: 178 << -- You can stop here if you want
Platinum Malachite Ring
Jewelcraft Components: Malachite, Platinum Bar
In: Jeweler's Kit, Planar Jeweler's Kit, Collapsible Jeweler's Kit
Yield: 1
Trivial at: 218
:: Unfired Artisan's Seal::
Pottery Components: Mounted Black Sapphire, Mounted Blue Diamond, Mounted Diamond, Mounted Jacinth, Small Block of Clay, Vial of Purified Mana, Water Flask
In: Pottery Wheel, Tanaan Pottery Wheel
Yield: 1
Trivial at: 16

:: Artisan's Seal::
Pottery Components: High Quality Firing Sheet, Unfired Artisan's Seal
In: Kiln, Tanaan Kiln
Yield: 1
Trivial at: 16
Grandmaster Baker's Spoon
Baking Components: Artisan's Seal, Dairy Spoon
In: Oven, Tanaan Oven
Yield: 1
Trivial at: >300
Grandmaster Brewer's Corker
Brewing Components: Artisan's Seal, Corking Device
In: Brew Barrel, Tanaan Brew Barrel, Collapsible Distillery
Yield: 1 (Corking device is sold by Graktak in Grobb)
Trivial at: >300
Grandmaster Fletcher's Knife
Fletching Components: Artisan's Seal, Fishbone Dart Tool
In: Fletching Kit, Planar Fletching Kit, Collapsible Fletching Kit
Yield: 1
Trivial at: >300
Grandmaster Jeweler's Eyeglass
Jewelcraft Components: Artisan's Seal, Glass Shard, Silver Bar
In: Jeweler's Kit, Planar Jeweler's Kit, Collapsible Jeweler's Kit, Reinforced Jeweler's Kit
Yield: 1
Trivial at: >300
Grandmaster Potter's Sculpter
Pottery Components: Artisan's Seal, Sculpting Tools
In: Kiln, Tanaan Kiln
Yield: 1
Trivial at: >300
Grandmaster Smith's Hammer
Smithing Components: Artisan's Seal, Smithy Hammer
In: Forge, Tanaan Forge
Yield: 1
Trivial at: >300
Grandmaster Tailor's Needle
Tailoring Components: Artisan's Seal, Embroidering Needle
In: Small Sewing Kit, Deluxe Sewing Kit, Large Sewing Kit, Loom, Planar Sewing Kit, Tanaan Loom, Coldain Tanners Kit, Collapsible Sewing Kit
Yield: 1
Trivial at: >300

« Last Edit: October 18, 2010, 06:06:18 pm by Simp » Logged

Zodiac - Monk - <i crit my pants>
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2010, 09:19:50 am »

Being as money is trivial on this server and on EMU you can just make the highest possible triv item until you max tradeskills you could bypass all lesser combines.

Basically if you have enough PP on you and the recipe is all vendor sold items you could buy enough of the required items to max the skill and turn on a autocombine mac and go afk.

Regardless of that fact its nice to see something post a guide as its still useful information.
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