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Author Topic: Thanks for the fun times guys  (Read 18138 times)
Xiggie | Stone
Posts: 2119

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« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2011, 11:50:53 am »

Resistance your full of shit. You have not been here since day one. I remember when you started here and it certainly was no where near since day one. I also remember when most of your guild was banned for warping. Saying that 95% of the server hates boxing is a stupid erroneous statement. Not having a box limit is part of the reason this server thrives. Aside from P99 this server has a much higher average population than any other emu server. As for the "most people have quit" statement; people always quit and more people come in. But you know what, we all fail so you should take your "bra leet speak" and go somewhere else.

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« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2011, 02:17:12 pm »

Wow.. certainly didn't mean to cause any grief with my post.
Funkin - no worries about posting on here man.

I just wish everyone could get a long better and be nicer to each other.
Some of you know how I was.. if you can think of someone who helped out more newbies or gave away more stuff (besides Hunter himself) let me know - because I can't. I really and truly tried to create some unity on this server anyway I could.

- I joined and became an officer of one of the larger (at the time) guilds on the server to try to bring people together.

- Helped come up with the Christmas events from last year FP ran that people actually showed up for (I can only theorize now it was due to hunter giving out UCs are prizes).

- Ran events on Easter this year which were a huge bust (for me at least)  - I tried to actually engage the server and have them do a simple scavanger hunt (find 6 uniquely named eggs throughout EQ). The prize was a 4.0 epic book.
I shouted the damn event for 3 hours and not a single person could be bothered to get in the spirit and have a little fun; to put forth a little effort and get themselves a 4.0. I was so bummed out I just went to sky and farmed 20-25 books - which I had people roll on in Nexus. Since it required doing nothing there was 40+ people rolling on the books. 0 willing to do a simple easter egg scavanger hunt.

Perhaps I was wrong in how I phrased my sentiment early; maybe the problem is not so much a ME ME ME attitude on this server. I've been thinking long and hard about this.. maybe the draw of the server (being able to solo/box) is the underlying issue why we can't get cohesiveness - EZ server naturally draws alot more people who are antisocial  - who prefer to play alone - which this allows them to do.

Think about the argument that EZ server allows people with a little time to accomplish a lot. It makes no sense to me.
9 out of 10 people I personally know on EZ server (and I know a few lol) box 3 to 23 toons.
Think about how much time the average person on EZ server has invested in their toon army. How many hundreds upon hundreds of hours it takes to get just 1 UC or 1 RoA 100 now.

After playing on p99 (just dinged 50 yay) my opinion is the average p99 player probably spends less time logged in then the average EZ server player.

It just a matter how you want to split your time.

As to those who are talking about the server stats of 200-300 logged in at minimum... did you stop and consider if 90% of the server boxes.. how many of those 200-300 logged in toon are real people? Maybe 70 or 80? I know of at least 5 people (myself included) who would routinely box 12+ chars.

So the average server pop might be 70-80 real people; maybe 125 to 150 during peak (when it shows 450-500).

Thats a pretty small community when you think about it.


PS - Sev I WILL be back. I still love EZ and all my friends here; its just gotten rather stale for me at this point in time. I might have some plat on some mules hidden if you need what I owe ya back send me a PM here bro.

Xiggie | Stone
Posts: 2119

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« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2011, 02:49:08 pm »

Comparatively speaking though, the population on EZ, even when taking into consideration the boxes and only counting real people, EZ is still easily greater in population than an of the other servers aside from P99. Only one that can even compete population wise is THF.

I too have quit and come back a lot over the years. Hope to see you again sometime on EZ and hope you enjoy your stay on P99.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 02:50:43 pm by Xiggie » Logged

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« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2011, 05:12:14 pm »

I agree with OP - really nothing to do.. no one to group with, kinda boring.. and gets lonely while  boxing.. we need a good grouping system going on in EZ..

Grouping system: its called a guild. Join a guild that actually groups and isn't just a gathering of boxers. If you can't find one...make one.

IP limit would force people to group and play nice, building a good community within the server, and bring back what makes EQ great...not the grind or the epic loot, but the people and friends u made when u were getting ur ass handed to u the first time u went into befallen or unrest, and loved doing it every night.

You're joking right cause IP limit me I still won't group with your ass, I group with friends and guildmates WTF is this 90s thinking about. Get off your ass and make friends there are plenty of people that play that play together..

Quoted for the Brotherhood of Warriors
"I want my wizard to cast Fugitives instead of fireballs.
We can't always get what we want. ;-)"
Xiggie | Stone
Posts: 2119

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« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2011, 08:00:58 pm »

One thing I really can't stand about live is in a group you have 6 individuals. It is hard to find 6 people who are going to be on all the times you are going to be on, not have family drama distractions going on in the background and be capable of playing their toon. The more people you encounter the greater chance you have of encountering an idiot. My being able to box does not mean I do not encounter people on this server. It just means that if I encounter an idiot I have more toons at my disposal to mitigate the damage they might cause to our group.

Putting an ip limit on this server will do the same thing to other servers that have ip limits, (excluding p99). The numbers will tank and the remaining population will suffer because of that.

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« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2011, 08:05:05 pm »

yeah man let's put in IP limit also get rid off all these custom zones and loot and weapons it makes people too powerful basically let's put everything back to how it was on live in.. uh.. 1999

wait nm.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2011, 08:35:26 pm »

PS - Sev I WILL be back. I still love EZ and all my friends here; its just gotten rather stale for me at this point in time. I might have some plat on some mules hidden if you need what I owe ya back send me a PM here bro.

No worries man im good i was just messing with you hate to see you go though. I have made lots of friends over the years and alot have left but as was said earlier new people come in too so it all works out. The only person i know for a fact that was here on the server before me was xiggie cause he helped me in potime for my first epic over 2 years ago. There may be a few others that i just dont see or have forgotten but the point is this coming and going of people has been going on for a long time so to say the server will fall is an overstatement in my opinion. Anywayz come play anytime you want man, i will leave you in the guild so you always have a home here anytime you are ready to come back. GL on p99
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« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2011, 02:03:51 am »

stfu xiggie go do your shrooms you fuck tard. Dont ever reply to my comment, cbf with your headache and your noobie no life ways. gtfo.
Xiggie | Stone
Posts: 2119

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« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2011, 03:46:30 am »

stfu xiggie go do your shrooms you fuck tard. Dont ever reply to my comment, cbf with your headache and your noobie no life ways. gtfo.


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« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2011, 04:45:24 am »

stfu xiggie go do your shrooms you fuck tard. Dont ever reply to my comment, cbf with your headache and your noobie no life ways. gtfo.


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