Is there anything special that is required to get the underfoot client working? Right now I am using titanium and it comes with various bugs. The most troublesome bug being that most of the time, in the AA window, a great number of AAs simply do not show up and are not available for purchase. Most of the time I look under the archtype AAs, there are only 2 listed, but sometimes when I log in they're all there and go away after I zone.
That said, I've tried using both the SoD and UF clients and both give me the same error when I first attempt to launch eqgame.exe

In SoD, I extracted the missing file from an April 2006 .CAB file and put it where it was supposed to be, but then the error message just changed to something generic like, "Cannot start Everquest" (real informative).
If anyone knows of anything that needs to be done to run the game on EZ Server please let me know. Thanks.
Also, I prefer to run them without using the steam client.