Well, after so much time raiding on 'other' servers: I'm sick of it and want to hang out and have fun w/o pressure to compete. So, if anyone sees me with my toons (pally/druid/bard combo) and wants to hang out and shoot the shit -- feel free.
I'm probably going to swap over to 100% aa at level 60 (so i can help friends get gear from Dulak when they need) and just run around and beat shit up old school style. Well, so long as old school means wearing gear 6 'tiers' higher than the zone was intended.
I think I will just try to do the whole 'old school raid progression' with those three and see how far it goes. Even to the point of doing the armor/weapons quests and junk (even if i wont be useing the armor/weapons).
LIke I said: I'm here to fook around and goof off.. and if you get sick of fighting for spawns in some random spot: come on and hang out.
Be nice to get to know some of ya when you aren't frustrated that there are 300 people just waiting to loot an item you intended for your alt to aquire.