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Author Topic: Moving Forward  (Read 23587 times)
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« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2014, 04:24:51 pm »

I agree with leaving the AFK check, maybe it should be bumped up to a longer time, but it doesn't help anyone to have players AFK for days on end.

Regarding other items:
  • Remove the jail, or up the limit significantly.  If I can handle the pull and am in a private instance, who cares?
  • Remove leashing.  It sucks, it's no fun and is a drag, what else is there to say?
  • Agree on drop rate changes in small increments, lets see what impact it has
  • Remove the ancient wisp, it is annoying, even sitting at the keyboard, when it pops and you end up dying to it.  Macro'ers will write around it, it only hurts legit players

Hero Member
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« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2014, 04:54:04 pm »

I agree with leaving the AFK check, maybe it should be bumped up to a longer time, but it doesn't help anyone to have players AFK for days on end.

Regarding other items:
  • Remove the jail, or up the limit significantly.  If I can handle the pull and am in a private instance, who cares?
  • Remove leashing.  It sucks, it's no fun and is a drag, what else is there to say?
  • Agree on drop rate changes in small increments, lets see what impact it has
  • Remove the ancient wisp, it is annoying, even sitting at the keyboard, when it pops and you end up dying to it.  Macro'ers will write around it, it only hurts legit players

1. Because the private instance still pulls from the bandwidth of everyone else playing having a negative impact on those connections.
2. I agree
3. Yep
4. I would like to see it removed, however I would like to see the SLS put on a vender in the crafting guild for current market price.

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« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2014, 07:06:54 pm »

We were CPU fine before December 2013. he only put in Jail because of the 2 weeks of dbl loot, and the 500+ population.

Remove the Bandwidth limitation ( moving from a residential to a commercial connection) will essentially remove all bottlenecks.

Might want to enable it during Dbl loots for a "rev limiter" effect, but there should be no need normal 300-500 population.

How about we try it off in private instances and see? if it is sucky laggy, just turn it back on, and no one gets to bitch. eliminate several problems all in one go.
Posts: 2282

Don't nerf me bro!

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« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2014, 07:55:06 pm »

Regarding other items:
Remove the jail, or up the limit significantly.  If I can handle the pull and am in a private instance, who cares?

This is why we care: https://forums.station.sony.com/eq/index.php?threads/changes-with-the-february-update-alternate-ability-grants-for-gold-members-and-ability-changes.207363/
Hunter has said time and time again that massive pulls cause huge CPU spikes. The post above has Sony saying the exact same thing.

Remove leashing.  It sucks, it's no fun and is a drag, what else is there to say?

There is a rule setting to allow it to fight X units more than it's aggro radius. We can look in to that.

Agree on drop rate changes in small increments, lets see what impact it has

LoL nah, we'll just triple drop rates to ruin the economy. :-)

Remove the ancient wisp, it is annoying, even sitting at the keyboard, when it pops and you end up dying to it.  Macro'ers will write around it, it only hurts legit players

That statement is actually not entirely true. It does hurt both sides. He and I got to watch a few bots get burned by it. It is already on the list of things to adjust.

Remove the Bandwidth limitation ( moving from a residential to a commercial connection) will essentially remove all bottlenecks.

This assumes that processing power is unlimited and we are never running low on it. While this game isn't super CPU intensive, numerous players pulling zones is still a server wide drag. (This is pretty much part of why double loot sucks so bad. Everyone playing at the maximum possible potential to reap the maximum rewards in the finite time frame.

That being said, potentially loosening it up may be in order. Going to wait based on a variety of things (info) that come down from Akkadius.


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2014, 08:04:42 pm »

How many mobs are in HOH? That should be the pull limit before getting sent to jail Tongue Or remove just pulling restrictions like such in zones like that. HOH token farming is already dreadful, I'd at least feel like I was making progress if I could just loot it all at once instead of running each corridor down and getting 1 token and the next 50 tokens being MCP
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« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2014, 08:10:15 pm »

Latest EQEmulator code has some huge major performance fixes in it that will almost negate the issue of CPU when you pull zones. I've been in talks with Akkadius about assisting in getting those changes in without affecting anything major. It will also solve the issue of Perl-related zone crashes, again, without breaking anything or changing mechanics.

Once those changes are in, the server will almost be one hundred percent stable. PEQ rarely gets crashes with all my changes in.
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« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2014, 10:22:55 pm »

Will going to the newer Rains client be possible any time soon?

"When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything — you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." R.A. Heinlein
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« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2014, 10:27:04 pm »

it's got some game breaking bugs in it (augs/guilds don't work), but I don't see why not for those who want to use it.
Rent Due
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« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2014, 10:59:04 pm »

I think what he means is will RoF become Ezserver's preferred client, will ez be moved over to that client

I don't know how the technical stuff works lol, but does the server have to be geared to RoF for us to use RoF and take advantage of things like click from inside a bag, bag in bag, etc?

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« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2014, 11:03:31 pm »

I agree with removing jail/pull limit in private. If we start seeing a negative effect we can always go back to it. I've personally slowed my playing mainly b/c of the pull limit. If you're pulling a butt load of mobs in a zone chances are you're well past that zone and are only back tracking. For the sake of the higher ups they don't want to spend forever back tracking before getting back to progressing. For those who can't, we've all been there for the most part. AFK check, I don't see a problem one way or another unless we're seeing too much negative effect. Leashing...drop increases made this tolerable and makes for less crap to sort through. AW, I ignore it anyway so personally don't care.
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« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2014, 11:06:13 pm »

I think what he means is will RoF become Ezserver's preferred client, will ez be moved over to that client

I don't know how the technical stuff works lol, but does the server have to be geared to RoF for us to use RoF and take advantage of things like click from inside a bag, bag in bag, etc?

It has to do far more with the server side implementations that had yet to be finished.

There were three main things left to make work for RoF from Server <-> Client, Guilds, Augmenting and the massive amount of item reworks to support all of the back-end slot translations that are required to occur in order to maintain cross-client compatibility but more-so how we already handle item instances all over the EQEmu code. This is has been getting worked on for several months.

I would not put your hopes up for RoF quite at this time, though it is a very nice client with a lot of benefits.

EZ Server GM
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« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2014, 11:46:32 pm »

Is the temporary donation site working? I tried to click on the link and it brought up the page but nothing happens nor is there anything to click on. Just a black page and says Temporary Donation Site or something like that in white letters. Could be my internet connection or certain things getting blocked on a military/ship network.
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« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2014, 11:56:28 pm »

Is the temporary donation site working? I tried to click on the link and it brought up the page but nothing happens nor is there anything to click on. Just a black page and says Temporary Donation Site or something like that in white letters. Could be my internet connection or certain things getting blocked on a military/ship network.

Mixlor, there should be a button right below the huge letters that will bring you to Paypal.

Hopefully that helps.

EZ Server GM
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« Reply #28 on: March 13, 2014, 12:50:26 pm »

I have to say just cause you can't kill the AWW, does not mean in anyway that nobody can! I actually love to see this mob pop.
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