I guess I am missing the connection between annoying and exploit.
If I can get there, there being any point in any given zone, then how am I exploiting the zone by just killing one mob a billion times to get a drop?
for example, and any example works, but, legs boss in TOV, I clear to her, kill her, my last set of legs don't drop. I pop over to my raid instance, again, no dice.
how am I exploiting the game by forcing the spawn to try again, and by again, as some of us know can be upwards of 20-30 times?
exploiting, in my mind, is using a flaw in the game to my benefit. Such as finding a merchant that I can sell an item to for 100,000 plat and buy it back for 1 copper. Or finding out a certain container will duplicate an item. Those are exploits.
How am I exploiting when I am taking action that is not breaking the game or giving me an unfair advantage? I still have to kill the mob, I still have to do it 20 whatever times. I am just saving time/hair by not having to spend the time to run up there again. Which, btw, you can do, esp in TOV. Small agro ranges, ability to kill solo, you can run up there.
Sorry, I just see this as more of an annoying factor vs an exploiting factor of the game.
but, as I am usually wrong, I am sure this is the case again