I was prepping my paladin, Pallywin, to get the first 7 UWs. When I went to do my first combine, everything poofed and I was given an error that I already have this lore item. Perplexed, I checked my inventory and didn't find a UW in my bag. Chieftain pointed out my Paladin has a Christmas 2015 Goblin UW VII bow that I forgot about. Just taking a shot in the dark, I tried turning in the bow to the Essence Trader, but he wasn't interested in changing weapon types. I destroyed Hateborne's Christmas Special Bow of Noot Butthurt to prevent a sequel of stupidity. Accepting the responsibility of being an idiot, I started farming another 100 Qvic essences.
After grinding and trading I got 100 essences and started the process again. I tried to restart the Qvic Essence quest, but the Essence Trader won't give me the quest. I tried zoning and relogging, but he still won't give me the quest. I even tried the #claim just to see if maybe it moved the lost items, but also nope.
I'm not asking to be reimbursed for my screw up, but at this point I can't start my Paladins UW due to a potential single use quest. My plea to Akka or Rent is, if possible, for either to trade my 100 Qvics in my bags for the 100 Essences of Qvic version? I'm totally cool with a sneaky Tooth Fairy switch-a-roo. It makes total sense to not allow someone to do the quest twice to prevent people from accidently doing a bulk turn in on a weapon that is lore, but in this instance, I played myself and now I'm stuck.
Screenshot provided of my moment of shame.