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Author Topic: Strike Augment Insertion/Removal Overhaul  (Read 7272 times)
Rent Due
EZ Server Admin GM
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Posts: 776

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« on: November 20, 2019, 06:56:55 pm »

Strike Augments Insertion and Removal Overhaul

For years now we have had this NPC, now, no one likes this NPC
but everyone that uses a 2h weapon has been forced to use this

Yes, that dreaded "That guy ate my augment and weapon" NPC in
The Nexus.

Well, no more! The foot has been put down and no more will we have
to bow down before this item eating NPC to insert strike augments
into weapons!


I have created a separate yet identical strike augment for every
strike augment there is in the game. I have named them different
and they have different ID numbers, you can see an example of
this here...

Ok, great, but how do we get the new strike augments?


We are going to use our trusty...

In it, put one of your strike augments and a new recipe component

This new item can be purchased in Surefall Glade (QRG) for now
the Noobie Merchant sells it.

Then you take your new strike augment and put it in your 2hand
whatever weapon, then put a normal (old version) strike augment
into that weapon and BOOM, MAGIC! You can take them out and put
them in at will just like any other augment. 3000 IQ!

Now, if for some reason you want to change your augment back to
the old version, just reverse the process.

Any questions, or issues with this system please email me at
ezserveronline@gmail.com and put in the subject line:
Strike Augment Issue

On another note, the NPC in Nexus that does the shady item eating
will be changed and or removed soon as I know this system is understood
by all and used easily by all.

Thanks all
« Last Edit: November 20, 2019, 11:58:07 pm by Rent Due » Logged

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