Simple macro that must be run on an alt on airplane that will click tokens for ya... till it ran out

Similar to my t1 emissary macro
airclicker.macSub Main
/declare AirTokens[15] string local
/varset AirTokens[1] "The Lightbringer"
/varset AirTokens[2] "Prince of Darkness"
/varset AirTokens[3] "The Tranquil"
/varset AirTokens[4] "The Faceless"
/varset AirTokens[5] "Oceanlord"
/varset AirTokens[6] "Split Paw"
/varset AirTokens[7] "H-One"
/varset AirTokens[8] "Rainkeeper"
/varset AirTokens[9] "Prime Healer"
/varset AirTokens[10] "Plaguebringer"
/varset AirTokens[11] "Prince of Hate"
/varset AirTokens[12] "Burning Prince"
/varset AirTokens[13] "Mother of All"
/varset AirTokens[14] "The Warlord"
/declare t int local 0
/declare i int local
/declare f int local
/declare c int local
/if (${Zone.ShortName.NotEqual[airplane]}) {
/echo You are not in AirPlane... Get There and Rerun!
/varcalc t 0
/varcalc f 0
/for i 1 to 14 do
/varcalc c ${FindItemCount[${AirTokens[${i}]}]}
/if (${c} >0) {
/varcalc t ${t} + ${c}
/if (!${f}) /varset f ${i}
/next i
/echo AirClicker.mac -> Found ${t} Tokens
/if (!${t}) {
/echo AirClicker.mac -> You dont have any left... grab more!!!
/delay 1
/if (${Cursor.ID}) /autoinv
/if (${SpawnCount[npc loc -530 -210 radius 100]}>1) /goto :again
/if (!${Cast.Ready[]}) /goto :again
/delay 5
/rs Clicking ${AirTokens[${f}]} ${t} Tokens Left.
/nomodkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[${AirTokens[${f}]}].InvSlot} rightmouseup"
/goto :count
enjoy! and hope you kill & loot fast enough!!!!
did about 420 tokens in 1h
