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Author Topic: PVP custom zone idea  (Read 9279 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: July 30, 2010, 09:00:38 pm »

I was wondering if it was possible to make a custom zone that once you zone in its PVP FFA. Maybe it can have exclusive loot that drops from mobs not found in any other zones (to encourage participation). Here's the catch, you'll have to hail a NPC and hand in 10-20k to go in zone. Other restrictions would be not being able to participate if you have any other gear on  higher than dulak(or BOT, or Potime), and a epic higher than 2.0, to make it fair. The loot can be semi rare and would be open to others looting it off of your corpse if they kill you while in zone. The loot could be a custom augs, charms, illusions that are useful, clicky items, crazy potions etc. Don't know if that possible or not, but it would be fun ). T
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 09:06:01 pm by Soakked » Logged

Pippens *Muffin Time*

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« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2010, 11:39:55 am »

Too many weird rules IMO. But I like the idea of a PVP Custom zone.

However im afraid PVP on EZ is not realistic due to work needed to make it and demand. And also the fact that tiers are so night and day different on this server Crab could perma camp the zone and literally take out anyone/any amount of people all day.

Restriction thing might work though.
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« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2010, 11:46:38 am »

Like Sohami said the difference in gear is leaps and bounds. Not to mention the sheer inbalance of classes.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2010, 01:37:55 pm »

Yeah I know it's a stretch, and probably not possible to do. As far as the difference in gear goes, that's the whole point in allowing only those with dulak's gear (like ROA) in, so high enders wouldn't have an advantage over everyone else. Also it could be made so you can only use your epic 1.0 to simplify it. I don't think that class imbalance would be as much as an issue if everyone has leveled geared. Instead of paying to get access, and completely custom loot, it could be another area where charms dropped which would lessen ldon traffic. Only problem (or blessing) is you won't be able to massive train pull (your gear won't allow) it, and you'll have to watch your back while fighting mobs lol. Charms would be semi-rare, maybe in the rareness factor of chest cards on ldon 5 trash (or slightly rarer) I also think that once you enter this zone you will be striped of your buffs a la ROA.

Another idea (again I dont know if this is possible) is to have a zone that would be an alternative to Po-fire. You must be 47-70 level to enter, again with same rules (dulak's gear, 1.0 epic) currently doing ROA. If you kill someone you would get a "ticket" from their corpse. Hand in said ticket to an npc, and wala you gain exp. Kinda of like a quest script, each ticket (non stackable) is worth 2 orange bubs(or more)

The zones would work like an arena, in that the second you enter you are automatically flagged for pvp. The pofire alternative would have a pp requirement to enter. Personally I would like the latter, cause ROA is just straight boring and an alternative would be much welcomed, especially one where you can test your skills. And think of it, maybe you are just a noob that is constantly begging for LDON runs but you get your chance to pwn some high enders for bragging in rights lol. Just throwing ideas out there guys, I think it would spice up the server a bit.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 07:21:24 am by Soakked » Logged

Pippens *Muffin Time*

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« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2010, 12:09:49 am »

You would need to do something like the RoA NPC, remove all worn items, hail a NPC and click a link, it then teleports you to a special PVP zone.  Your inventory is disabled .. somehow.  Then you hail a NPC vendor in a non PVP "staging" area and she gives you a special set of armor & weapons, specific for your class.  Maybe she sells a few healing/etc potions you can buy also.  You equip this stuff and then enter the PVP arena and duke it out.  Everyone has the same level/type of gear depending on their class, the difference between winning and gettin PWNT is your skill only! Wink

Jr. Member
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« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2010, 01:12:11 am »

There you go, I like it when people add their input. Good idea, only thing missing is the reward. I mean pvping is a reward on its own, but I think either exclusive loot, or exp (for ROA) would encourage people that would not normally do it for the strictly pvp sense to participate. Shouldn't be that difficult to do I think and would add a different flavor to the server. Maybe even a ranking system put in place.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 07:19:07 am by Soakked » Logged

Pippens *Muffin Time*

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« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2010, 11:52:55 am »

i actually have created a system on my own test server (in my basement) that implements pretty much everything how you've posted it.

I started this project a few months ago and just ran out of steam because of the dedication involved with balancing the "premade" sets of armor for each class... while keeping it fun fast and balanced.  Believe it or not, EQ pvp is incredibly boring with just the premade armor.

The way I had it done was it deleveled you to 50, started you in qeynos hills, fenced off all the zones, and made a non pvp buffer area to get geared and what not.

There are a lot of issues involved with this (and I believe they are what is keeping hunter from moving forward with it).

- making corpses from players drop items requires the server to be PVP flagged... meaning all zones will automatically give your character a PVP flag.  This is easily circumvented by putting a few lines of code in every zone to automatically de-pvp flag you, i've done it, but it's annoying to see your name flash red every time you zone in.

- say you do make your server pvp flagged, then people will just /d and farm the items in non pvp zones.  They way i've gone around this is by putting in loot code if someone loots a pvp token in a non pvp arena zone, it deletes all of their tokens (even ones they looted legit)... if they have tokens banked, it then deletes the tokens... and crashes the client.  Moral of the story - don't cheat.

- even then people will afk macro farm tokens from boxes characters in the pvp arena.

- The armor / weapon balancing is a problem, right off the bat with level 50 spells and the best pre kunark armor I get stomped whenever the testers play a shaman.  A matter of seconds and i'm down.

- Needing to make evac / port / gate spells uncastable in the zone... easy to to, but takes a long time when you have as little SQL knowledge as I do.

Final word is that i've put a lot of time into programming something like this and unfortunately the more time I put into it, the less likely it would be a smooth chunk of code / database work for hunter to implement.

My server isn't perfect, really buggy, running on antiquated eqemu server code but the pvp code works for the most part.  You should be able to make a character and have it start you in qeynos hills.  Not all classes are 100% balanced, in fact I think the only classes with full gear sets are warriors and rangers.  Although a naked shaman can woop up hard on folks.

If you're interested to check it out, it's in the server list as  "Taddei Test".  I dunno, maybe i'll feel motivated to put more work in it - but my wife will go into labor any day now and i'm trying to get as much Starcraft 2 in as possible before then.
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« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2010, 01:28:40 pm »

Could make the zone "the arena" and put a level restriction on it. Level 65-69 or something. The only way to get in is by de-leveling. Would probably need a deleveling npc just for that though since there would be a conflict with people that had RoA 1 vs RoA 50 if deleveling was achieved through the RoA npc. Obviously the people with lvl 50 RoA would have the greatest advantage, but im sure theres a way to nullify use of that item in that zone. I like where this is going though.

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« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2010, 01:43:44 pm »

Or the RoA wouldn't be allowed to be worn. 

I like the idea that someone stated above, how you have to take off all worn items.  Then when you zone in, you hail a ringmaster type NPC and then based on class you receive a few pieces of armor, weapon, or spell set.  Then you just run in and join the slaughter.  Kind of reminds me of TES 4: Oblivion, and their Arena type quest-line.  Was a lot of fun even against NPC's.  Could even have matches where its PC's vs. NPC's, or PC's vs PC's vs NPC's, etc. 

garybusey - warrior
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Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2010, 04:13:12 pm »

I hope this doesn't happen as pvp brings an element of people that I think would be bad for the server. Every time the pvp servers go down ooc turns to shit. I don't mean to pee on anyone's parade, in theory it sounds fun, but in practicality, the atmosphere of a pvp server is a lot different than non pvp server. Making this chance would inevitably bring over some of that element.

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« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2010, 05:02:02 pm »

I hope this doesn't happen as pvp brings an element of people that I think would be bad for the server. Every time the pvp servers go down ooc turns to shit. I don't mean to pee on anyone's parade, in theory it sounds fun, but in practicality, the atmosphere of a pvp server is a lot different than non pvp server. Making this chance would inevitably bring over some of that element.

It's true. I played on Rallos from 2001-2003 and then went to Cazic when I came back in 2004 and people are quite different on a PVP server.

I enjoyed both styles of play, but a in PVP the majority of people are lewd crude dudes. Where as on a blue server people generally try to help each other. It could very well bring some unwanted new blood to the server.

Personally I'm not that stoked by the idea. It's cool if it's something you want to do, but with the imbalance of classes I don't really think it would be worthwhile at all.

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« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2010, 11:20:53 pm »

Yea Oblivion was what I was thinking of.

As for the culture or people exploiting, you'd have to do it like a special event, once a week or so, with GM/etc supervising everything, so that people didn't just kill their boxed chars over and over for the rewards.  Because you'd want rewards, like a 50pt LDON token for killing someone, but don't want people farming it with their own boxed chars.

I agree it's one of the hardest things to balance and do right.  I played on Rallos for a bit and later on Wow PVP servers and I always killed more than I got killed.. just barely...  but usually when I did get killed it was from overwhelming odds... or by someone with 10x better gear than me...  None of these games are really good PVP games, that's just one of the flaws of a level/gear/class based game.  I prefer Quake myself Smiley

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« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2010, 01:59:01 am »

I think the easiest way to do this would be to mirror Dulak, and not Dulak's gear. Make it a level 60 cap to keep the overpowered, class imbalancing gear out.

Then you need to take care of overpowered RoAs.  Most elegant solution here is to make it so that zoning in is done by handing an NPC your RoA ring which is then rewarded with an equivalently numbered ring that has differerent stats and a clicky teleport to the zone. This nullifies the ring, while still making it more worthwhile at higher levels and easily swapped for the original  ring.
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