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Author Topic: Cleric Heal Buffing  (Read 53500 times)
Jr. Member
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« Reply #60 on: January 06, 2011, 01:22:01 pm »

First of all, sorry for my bad english.

I play on the server for nearly a year and I still can't understand why players say that a class is too powerful without reaching the end of the game and know the limits of this class, the power of the high end content ... Then once the nerf happens, everyone is disappointed ...

But the funny thing is the players who have asked for the nerf, when they reach the next tier, the end content of the game, they find it too hard, then they ask for lowering boss or cutting down the stone requirement or a rotbot ... brief they always want it easy ...
I really think you need to be at least experiencing the end game content to be able to fully understand the depth of major changes that would effect all levels of content

So in the end why not keep it for your own thought? expect to know perfectly the game, being able to analyze each class and talk knowingly ... and above all try to think of others ... everybody can not play 6 or more ...

Its just my french though  Grin
« Reply #61 on: January 06, 2011, 01:45:29 pm »

Let me state a fact,
Fact: For the longest time I thought it was silly I would have to box several of the same class to progress and I relied on my guild to beat content.
(1) that shit got old fast
(2) people were not always online, so I couldnt always kill stuff
(3) I was stupid, just like you people wanting this class (*insert NERFED*) are stupid.
(4) I now go the route with my characters that gives me the biggest bang for the investment.

If you think shits hard now you should understand a few things.
Tacvi 2hr respawn
You needed 2 clerics to keep tank alive in T2, no IAB
FG was 10x easier to farm then CG
FG/CG respawn times were much longer
Paladins and SK were a joke
Warrior Anger4 would 7500dd crit
Warrior Anger5 would 7500aoedd crit
Bard song effected DD
Bard Could DDD for 21k range
Bard DS was much bigger
RoA was once capped at 50
LDON you use to earn 1pt per kill 50pt per boss kill
Charm drop rate was higher
Training = ban use to mean more then ONE NPC moving
No PoFire
Notice how none of this is now true. We have roa 100 now. Bards got nerfed because people sucked at playing warrior and pointed at the bard to avoid a nerf on warrior.
Paladins and SK finally got some love.

New Facts:
Bards suck for anything but RoA use until 3.5+ (my opinion)
We now have PoFire to roa in
We can now train 10 NPC at a time
We now have point tokens instead of by kill so no more group wide ldon pts

This list could go on but it boils down to this. You silly ninny pricks that want everything made easier and to nerf anything you dont like are slowly ruining the classes for others.
IF you must main that stupid class even tho everone tells you that its a bad idea then go ahead but suck it up and rock it with a paladin to keep it alive OR play like others do.
Myself and Xiggie as an example, everything I box is to get my warrior geared up. Everything Xiggie boxes is to get his monk gear.
/rant off
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 03:46:18 pm by Balthor2 » Logged
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« Reply #62 on: January 06, 2011, 03:25:55 pm »

Not going to quote the whole thing but...

Let me state a fact,...

^^ what he said is pretty much it. i give it 2 thumbs.

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« Reply #63 on: January 06, 2011, 03:36:43 pm »

+2 more thumbs.

Give the man time to fix stuff, he has said numerous times that he is taking vacation soon and alot of stuff is getting implimented and changed.

Patience is a virtue!
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« Reply #64 on: January 06, 2011, 03:57:55 pm »

Nerf Balthor!!

Quoted for the Brotherhood of Warriors
"I want my wizard to cast Fugitives instead of fireballs.
We can't always get what we want. ;-)"
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« Reply #65 on: January 06, 2011, 04:00:05 pm »

Nerf Balthor!!
He's already short and angry. Take away more and idk what he'd do.
Posts: 1807


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« Reply #66 on: January 06, 2011, 04:02:05 pm »

point taken...

Quoted for the Brotherhood of Warriors
"I want my wizard to cast Fugitives instead of fireballs.
We can't always get what we want. ;-)"
« Reply #67 on: January 06, 2011, 04:48:39 pm »

Hey I might have a needlecock but I pump like a sewing machine!
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« Reply #68 on: January 06, 2011, 04:51:41 pm »

Hey I might have a needlecock but I pump like a sewing machine!
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« Reply #69 on: January 06, 2011, 08:13:54 pm »

Hey I might have a needlecock but I pump like a sewing machine!

Not entirely relevant, but completely worth writing.

Posts: 41

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« Reply #70 on: January 07, 2011, 05:10:59 am »

Beef up bards, I wasn't here when they were uber. *bursts into tears*
Jr. Member
Posts: 94

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« Reply #71 on: January 07, 2011, 02:11:26 pm »

to add to balthor list

~PP / gem where worthless

~the only economy on the EZ sever was FG/CG stuff ... that was used mostly for getting someone to help with your 3.0, but even then most of the time if you OOC someone would come and help you out for free

~ if you wanted to get your king cards or do just LDoN5, 4,3, 0r 2 you had to start and LDoN1 and go through all the others before you got too when ever level you wanted   

« Reply #72 on: January 07, 2011, 05:31:37 pm »

Ohh good catch on that LDON stuff.
Still I see people bitch about how its not easy enough for them.
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« Reply #73 on: January 07, 2011, 06:29:10 pm »

Gosh, I even remember before credit system for LDoN was even implemented.  Had to just hope you got lucky on the drops....

Point is, there will always be more conveniences that arise over time that quite possibly make one class more "convenient" to play than another.  Don't start screaming to remove conveniences because it devalues another class.  Have some patience, contribute some worthwhile suggestions, and have faith that Hunter will continue to apply the same conveniences across the board.

I mean, if you are a TV store, would you start complaining that the flatscreen LED TVs from Vizio need to be more box shaped and less crystal clear so the old tube TV's by RCA don't get left in the dust?  No, you would expect RCA to expand on it's technology and advance like the rest.  We should expect the same out of our classes.  If paladins get uber-beefed, then quit complaining that they are too powerful because they provide more convenience to a group than a cleric.  Use this as an opportunity to make the push to increase cleric effectiveness as well.

If you guys can't see that as logical, then you need to go back to P99...because we here on EZ like to watch the game evolve, not stay within the same confines as the original release back in 1999.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 06:30:54 pm by TheBloodmoon » Logged
« Reply #74 on: January 07, 2011, 10:10:11 pm »

Thanks Tankzor,
It is nice to see others that can grasp the concept and are not on the "Rostam Team" that only care about screwing another class over to ruin the game play of others.

Just another point of fact that my group of paladins are pretty damn powerful but that investment cost me somewhere around 15million pp PER character and about 60hours of work just to get them 90% done with T2 -> into HoH and their epics.
If you want that *Insert Class X Here* to be powerful in its own right then I suggest you suck it up and either grind LDON for charms, do RoA runs or get to the point where you can farm shadow at will while watching midget pron.

Those of us that are on top of our game have invested a lot of work and effort into our character base. Seeing people ask to devalue this work only pisses us off and gets you put on the dont help list.
Ive seen of late a few people that bought their 4.0 when Hunter had the special on the books. These players are so terrible at playing here they struggle with T1 and T2 content yet think they are knowledgeable enough about this server to demand, not ask but demand, that a class be nerfed just because it either doesnt fit into their play style or they just dont like it.

Shadowknights are very very powerful, more so then paladins but I dont go crying to the forums asking for them to be nerfed. I defend that class (I do not have a Sk, do not play one and do not like the class as a personal preference) because I see these powerful SK out there and I see that the majority of them are played by people that invested either the time or the money to get them charmed up.
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