Ahoy hoy folks.
There was some chatter in OOC looking for a method to log in all your dudes using a .BAT. This is the set up I use. It's posted here somewhere, or at least some of it is. I pulled some information from other sources too. I don't recall how much though. I take no credit for any of this, I got help along the way from some nice folks. I'm just a savy copy paste dude.
Start with note pad. You will create a .bat file, to do this:
- Copy the text below from @echo off all the way down to the last /t5.
- Paste in a new note pad doc and save as EQdudes.bat
- Make sure you change the file locations to your eq folders.As you can see I run three hard drives with 3 separate folders
The first bit tells you to update the MQ2autologin.INI with the correct server number. The way I get this number is logging in my main dude and once he's loaded in I look into the eqlsplayerdata.ini file and locate the server number. It displays the server number in the same spot, I copy that then I paste that into the MQ2autologin.ini as I mentioned before. Down below I'll show you the format I use for my MQ2autologin.INI file.
<stay tuned>
P.s. You can add more lines to the text below or remove it to reflect the actual characters you have. (seemed obvious but figured I might save you a headache in case it wasn't so for you.)
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set LastServerID=
for /f %%a in (
C:\ROF2\eqlsPlayerData.ini) do (
set line=%%a
if "x!line:~0,13!"=="xLastServerID=" (
set LastServerID=!line:~13,15!
echo last server id: !LastServerID!
echo change your "MQ2AutoLogin.ini" server #
timeout /t -1
cd ""
start "Character1" /b "
C:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxx
timeout /t 5
start "Character2" /b "
C:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxxx
timeout /t 5
cd ""
start "Character3" /b "G
:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxxx
timeout /t 5
start "Character4" /b "
G:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxxx
timeout /t 5
start "Character5" /b "
G:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxxxx
timeout /t 5
cd ""
start "Character6" /b "
D:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxxx
timeout /t 5
start "Character7" /b "
D:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxxxx
timeout /t 5
start "Character 8" /b "
D:\ROF2\eqgame.exe" patchme /Login:xxxxxx
timeout /t 5
Locate your MQ2 folder and find the MQ2autologin.INI file save it to look like this-----------
!! Notice the red EZ server number. This is where you change the server number. It usually changes daily. If you forget and run the .bat it will log you into some random server and you will see a default character rather than your EZ studs.!![Settings]
EZ Server=78[Characterstationname]
Server=EZ Server
Server=EZ Server
Server=EZ Server
Server=EZ Server
Server=EZ Server
Server=EZ Server
Server=EZ Server
Those are the two files you will create. The log in process goes as follows each time you load in your dudes.- Launch EQBC
- Load in main character
- Locate server number in eqlsplayerdata.ini
- Paste server number in your MQ2autologin.INI - save and close it.
- Start MQ2
- Double click your eqdudes.bat - it will show you the server number. Make sure it's right.
- Click any button.
Two min later all your dudes are standing where you left them waiting for you to find Deadend in game and give him a high five, or a courtesy reach around. Either way everyone wins right? right? oh....
I hope this helps. If you get into this and find yourself not sure what to do next feel free to PM me. I'm happy to help.