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1  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: RoA Tradeskill guide? on: June 03, 2010, 08:01:18 am
No you are still a member once you do it even if deleveled.

So once you do the quest you can enter at any level?  I thought there was a level restriction to just enter.  Sounds good.

I never tried to enter after deleveling but i do know that your pet will not buff you untill you hit level 65+ I was commenting to them that they do not need to redo the quest as once you are flagged you stay flagged for that quest as being done.
2  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: RoA Tradeskill guide? on: June 03, 2010, 01:58:49 am
No you are still a member once you do it even if deleveled.
3  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Guide Request: Complete N008ie5 guide to Charms. on: June 02, 2010, 07:09:35 am
As for the focus effects on the charms when upgraded this link explains them:

4  General Category / General Discussion / Zoning then sent to log in screen? on: May 29, 2010, 06:33:30 pm
Any one else experiencing that some times when they zone they end up at the log in screen? Or does any one know what may be causing it or better a way to fix it? Tongue
5  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: EZ Server Rules on: May 27, 2010, 02:30:08 pm
It really does no good to try to get them to see things from another persons perspective. take a look at :


In it all i tried to do was explain why some players feel they had to ninja loot in qvic. What did i get for it? Alot of hostility and name calling. Some people on these forums do not care to look at things from another persons perspective. And all you are gonna get from trying to get them to see it from anothers view is a head ache a lot of hostility and/or name calling.

To them its 100% black and white. Heck i asked them about the camping rules and i was accused of trying to get around them. >_<

As an exampile the rules stated:

Place nice here, and don't kill steal. You can hold a camp if you are not afk. When a mob spawns, you need to engage it, or else you will be considered afk and forfeit the camp. You can not have 1 toon hold the camp while waiting for your group to arrive.


You can go afk while camping for a boss but need to engage the boss within 5 minutes of it spawning. If the boss has been up for 5 minutes, and the person is not attacking it yet, then they forfeit the camp and anyone can have it.

I mentioned a situation where a person had his alt sitting at a boss while off killing another. Yet the rules state you can not have an alt hold a camp as stated above and further in the rules it states you can not hold 2 camps at once. i was told i was wrong for leaving a camp while a person killed 2 spawns of said boss as they needed 2 drops to come back and have my spot back despite the other person only had an alt there and was off killing another boss on his main >_< (the person with his alt came after i had left to kill 2 other bosses and was not with the 3 people who were there before killing for 2 drops))

A link to the topic i mentioned:


And for trying to clarify this and ask questions concerning the rules i was met with alot of hostility name calling as well as being accused of trying to get around the rules. >_< I would say it best to not even try and move on and save yourself the head ache and drama that is sure to come.
6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ninjalooting on: May 25, 2010, 10:26:42 pm
Thyl I first posted here to try and let people see that there are two sides to every story. and to show why some do ninjaloot or feel they have to. i do not see how me saying "For some there are 2 choices to progress ninjaloot or quit" I myself found and used a third solution in to ask if i could follow them and loot the rotts. I do not see how that contradicts what i said. Some never think to do the route i chose and for those they see it as ninjaloot or quit.

No i asked "Have you ever let a new player group with you in qvic?" as well as "Have you ever helped a nonguildy/nonfriend get qvic tokens?" Not whether you grouped with some one or not before.

I personally do not agree with the "Take cg/fg items from those trying to do the quests" I myself have taken as long as 5 days to do the fg quest because of this and do not personally believe its the best solution.

"I NEVER ASKED WHY DO PEOPLE NINJALOOT" I gave an alternate "EXPLANATION" as to why some do it. And what did i get for it? Hostility and name calling. >_<

I do not expect help. >_< You really like to generalize and demonize people. And no we are not going to agree. I posted here to give another side to the ninjalooting. But because it conflicts with yours and others thoughts/beliefs on it you try to generalize and demonize me by trying to say things to and about me that are just untrue.

I have never in my life ninjalooted some one. I try to follow the rules of the server but me asking for clarification on these rules in your opinion is trying to get around them? Trying to give an explanation of why some ninjaloot as they can get no help for these items automaticly means i believe these people are right in your opinion? And that i am no diferent because i can understand why some of these players do this? Its ok i won't respond here either. Any further responses will be via pm's on the forums to spare others this drama.
7  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ninjalooting on: May 25, 2010, 06:30:00 pm
First off 'mr high and mighty why is everyone picking on me' you started the antagonistic name calling when your did you stupid little quote master comments about me so you can get off your high horse. Second, there is no second, all of your points are moot. You have destroyed any point you might have to make by the negative blight you have pulled over yourself. When your standing there saying something and all the people around you are saying your wrong or any other negative thing then you might have to entertain the idea that you could be wrong.

I have said it a thousand times, one of the most important pieces of armor you can have in everquest is your reputation. I have earned mine and am re-earning mine from the changed people from the server since I took a long break. You are earning yours too and I suggest you upgrade yours. I am not coming back to this topic to read your little snappy comebacks about persecution but let me give you some parting advice. Stop posting and hope that people forget who you are.

Dude what else did you expect? I'm not the only one who think repeated quoting over and over hurts the eyes and serves no real purpose when you could just answer the person. i was not calling you names just trying to get you to cut back on the quotes some. And each time you were quoting me you were pulling things out of context.

And by your admission here it shows that your problem with me and the reason for your hostility is completely personal. So i suggest you taking it to pm's and save others the drama.
8  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ninjalooting on: May 25, 2010, 06:23:24 pm
how is asking for clarification of the rules trying to get around them? 0_o I ask about them as to not break them not to find a way to break them >_<

I like your disregard for the first part of my post that showed you obviously know there are more options for the single player than just ninalooting or quiting.  I did mention I was talking about people in general asking these questions. The rule is very clear about what ninjalooting is.  People who want to take other people's items without permission on some factor like corpse time or lack of response are trying to get around that rule.  It was the same with people not wanting to give up tiki camps when after 5 minutes had elapsed they couldnt use them.

And how many of those times was it to help a new player you just met to get tokens in qvic? I see others helping people by grouping them in potime as well as ldon. But i have as of yet see a person allowed to join a qvic group to help them get tokens. Finding groups for qvic is very dificult to do from what i have experienced and seen.

Apparently beggars should be choosers. I think this is why you got the chip on your shoulder comment. You have now moved on from just saying people don't help to saying people don't help in the right way.

Aside from the fact that not everyone is your mother and does not have an ethical requirement to help you as much as possible this is just another wrong statement. People kill mobs for others that give them no benefit all the day long.  I know I killed in Time and LDoN plenty for people who need the help.  Quite often someone asks in OOC for help killing 1.5 or 2.0 boss and I send them a tell and often hear someone is already helping them.

If it is so easy to get in a group for qvic then why is there ninjalooting mentioned and people offering cg/fg items for token runs? That sounds like the oposite of easy to get a group in that zone.

Simple. People offer cg/fg items cause they can handle doing some work to get some where instead of just waiting to be given something for nothing. People ninjaloot because they are selfish or in some cases ignorant.  It's not hard to ask someone if an item is rotting and there is an extreme abundance of people who will let you take rotting items.

How did i disregard the first part of your post? I did not i responded about it in the second part of my post. You seem to try and rationalize your statements and acrions thous far by saying i was trying to find a way around the rules. i would really like to know how asking for clarification of rules so i do not break them is trying to get around them.

I find it funny how you can read something and completely flip flop on it. I asked you "How many times was that in qvic?" And "How many of those were new players?" You were stating that finding a group of players in and for qvic is really easy. I simply pointed out that if finding help for qvic was so easy then why is there posts about ninjalooting and why then are people offering fg/cg items for a qvic run? Then you try to rationalize and avoid answering these questions by saying that people are just not offering to help in the right way?

A huge difference between time/ldon which my mages 2.5 pet can solo all bosses in time minus dragon slave. And can also solo all the bosses in ldon up to level 6 where the last 2 bosses are generally camped any way.

Ok i love this generalization of "the reason these people farm these fg/cg items for qvic is to work for a qvic run". As in your mind its better for them to bottlekneck others trying to do these quests then for some one to help them out?
9  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ninjalooting on: May 25, 2010, 01:04:10 pm
By that statement i was stating that many are left with those 2 choices to either ninjaloot or quit.

So the only other option i saw was to ask to follow a group and loot their rotts for things i could use/need. Which is what i chose.


I was going to leave it at that but I feel I also have to mention that I numerous times have not felt like boxing all my toons at once and either joined groups on one or two toons or invited others to group with me.  Lots of times people only need something particular like plate leggings so others can join groups for gear and tokens. You really make it sound like no one ever groups. If you are having that much trouble getting groups with other people it might be an attitude issue. I see people in game helping others everyday.

Not specifically you but it gets irksome with people asking for "clarification" of obvious rules so they can get around them.

how is asking for clarification of the rules trying to get around them? 0_o I ask about them as to not break them not to find a way to break them >_<

And how many of those times was it to help a new player you just met to get tokens in qvic? I see others helping people by grouping them in potime as well as ldon. But i have as of yet see a person allowed to join a qvic group to help them get tokens. Finding groups for qvic is very dificult to do from what i have experienced and seen. If it is so easy to get in a group for qvic then why is there ninjalooting mentioned and people offering cg/fg items for token runs? That sounds like the oposite of easy to get a group in that zone.
10  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ninjalooting on: May 25, 2010, 12:48:35 pm
Bikaf you are entitled to your opinion as i am on things. But if you have a problem with me personall (which it seems you do) i ask you to please either drop it or take it to pms with me. You do not respect my opinion that is all fine and dandy.

I ask about rules and situations to better understand those rules. Which is better a player playing with no idea of the full meaning of the rules (and you gain more and more ninjalooters) playing? Or a player asking for verification and meanings of the rules fully grasping them? i'd much rather have a player ask about rules then instead go out breaking them.

I never came here with a chip on my shoulder. Asking for rule clarifications is now considered begging? 0_o

I mentioned secrets because they saw that what i was posting had some valid points. And if you read the thread closely you can see what they were or read secrets post i quoted it states them clearly. they also said that people asking for help should not be considered as just QQing.
11  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ninjalooting on: May 25, 2010, 12:32:52 pm
I understand the frustration of players camping these bosses for their alts/guildies. But few consider the new player who has 2 choices to get their 3.0 epics/gear either ninjaloot or quit.

Honestly Zolton I don't think you believe ninjalooting is right but you say stuff like this and wonder why someone might think you are justifying ninjalooting?

You consider every one making counterpoints to you arguments as hostile.  You made a statement about people with 2.5s in Qvic and I refuted it. Yes I called it ludicrous nonsense but from my perspective the statement was so blatantly false.

By that statement i was stating that many are left with those 2 choices to either ninjaloot or quit. If you can not get a group to help and others refuse to help it does leave them with those 2 choices. to me the lesser of two evils is still evil. so its not how i play. Was just trying to get others to see things from another persons perspective.

A mountain to a giant is a hill but a hill to a gnome is a mountain. Just saying there are two ways to look at things. Most i was ever able to group from a pick up group was 3 people. It could have been an off time or just not that many new players at the time up to working on 3.0's. Of that i am unsure. My point was that getting groups in qvic are extremely dificult if not near impossible and getting added to a group only there for gear is next to impossible. >_< So the only other option i saw was to ask to follow a group and loot their rotts for things i could use/need. Which is what i chose.
12  General Category / Ranger / Re: Bow question on: May 25, 2010, 12:04:15 pm
It is called bow of tempest delay is 36 attack 43 with 15 attack bonus and 30 ac plus a skill mod archery 5%. i used it untill my 3.0 the bows i saw in time did not come close to the damage/delay of this which is why i chose to use it Tongue
13  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ninjalooting on: May 25, 2010, 11:50:17 am
Not asking to loot is quite rude. I do not know why some do not fraps it or ss it then report it and let hunter sort them out.

I think the thing here is that people are SAYING they asked and the others don't see it.  Regardless whether they see it or not, if they do not respond and okay it then that is that.  No looting.

i agree if i see a corpse i send a tell to the toon they are using (in case they are multiboxing) if no response i send one last tell (in case they missed it) when the mobs are dead if no response then i do not go near it. Unless you get a yes or a go ahead it should be left alone. Although for some putting in a "No response from the person does not mean to go ahead" might make them understand this better. >_<
14  General Category / Ranger / Re: Bow question on: May 25, 2010, 11:46:57 am
A decent bow in bot something called (not sure on exact name but i think its called) bow of tempest
15  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Ninjalooting on: May 25, 2010, 11:41:44 am
This thread has grown boring and tiresome.  Enough already and wait for Hunter to make a call.

What call has to be made, he said no ninja looting in the rules, it's crystal clear. If you don't have permission to loot a corpse, don't loot it. Nothing more needs to be said.

I agree he said it clearly with:

Don't loot mobs that don't belong to you unless the person/group that killed it gave you permission.

Link http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0

Not asking to loot is quite rude. I do not know why some do not fraps it or ss it then report it and let hunter sort them out.
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