EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: xoltrek on April 23, 2010, 01:23:45 pm

Title: king (guk) KS
Post by: xoltrek on April 23, 2010, 01:23:45 pm

Today i came back from job, and log on my mage (maggo) in first to camp GUK item.

I go to king room, nobody was there, so i kill ph and other.
After that i go give drink and food to cats and dog.
then i cameback i decide to log Xoltrek and other toons.

During this time king (with sword) pop, but i didn't see that immediatly. So a rogue named "gate" come in king room and engage without saying anything.

I switch and see that, i tell him thx for KS. and he answered me that i didn't engage and he engage first so it's not KS...

So i take Screenshot.

On first we can see gate kill on king and me just telling him after that, and some conversation about that.

On second one i do a /time to see when this append.

So is it KS or not ?

SC01 :

SC02 :

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Reed on April 23, 2010, 01:30:16 pm
So, you were not paying attention, and someone killed a mob you were sitting in front of "AFK" (more or less). Someone killed the mob and you realized afterwards?

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: xoltrek on April 23, 2010, 01:46:46 pm
yes, i was login other toons (like 2 or 3 minutes)  during this time king pop Gate arrived and kill it directly.

I switch windows and see that, so i tell him.

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Zartaxis on April 23, 2010, 03:18:26 pm
It seems pretty dirty to me.  I always wait a few minutes after sending a couple of tells before engaging someones camp.

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Supreme on April 23, 2010, 03:22:25 pm
Yep..that rogue saw that someone was there..and when he saw the king with sword he killed the mob.

While it is dirty..it is not a true "kill steal". For that to have happened you would have already had to been engaged.

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: klullas on April 23, 2010, 04:19:30 pm
I agree with supreme. As its not a kill steal persay, I would suggest that you set an alarm for when mob spawn is so your able to quickly flip back over or leave an AFK message. As for Gate..pretty shitty thing to do buddy, as tempting as it is....not cool.

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Crabthewall on April 23, 2010, 05:26:16 pm
See Hunters reply (2nd reply) in this thread of server rules: http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0

He states:  "You can go afk while camping for a boss but need to engage the boss within 5 minutes of it spawning. If the boss has been up for 5 minutes, and the person is not attacking it yet, then they forfeit the camp and anyone can have it. "

If that applies here, then Hunter has already answered your question.

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Reed on April 23, 2010, 07:21:18 pm
Seems like a very shady situation.
Technically nothing wrong, but still the whole "dont be a douche" catch all rule stands

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Rezniron on April 23, 2010, 07:22:30 pm
Actually as crab pointed out. the server rules say you have exactly 5 mins before its an open camp. so yes it is a KS.

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Lodar on April 23, 2010, 08:49:57 pm
5 minutes or not.. someone is there... respect the camp.. wtf.. are we kids?

when i go check a camp and someone is there... i dont wait there for the mob and see if he attacks if not i kill it... seriously... i just leave and come back later or ask him to tell me when he is done.

People need to grow up and wait their turn.  That 5 min rule is stupid!

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Eliseus on April 23, 2010, 08:57:34 pm
I thought it was if you are buffing you have 5 mins to engage. On the other hand, ya its douche move, but the king isnt hard, pay attention and kill it when it spawns, takes a couple seconds. I mean if I ran to the king and saw someone afk, I wouldnt just sit their forever waiting for them to come back. I mean I would give them a couple minutes wich the accused person seemed to do before going in for the kill. Anyone can sit AFK at a camp, doesnt mean its their camp.

For example on live the other day I moved a group into an exp spot that had a person afk to that person coming back like 30 mins to and hour later freaking out telling us we stole his camp... WTF... don't go afk then.

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Reed on April 23, 2010, 10:05:30 pm
Actually as crab pointed out. the server rules say you have exactly 5 mins before its an open camp. so yes it is a KS.

believe its for raid mobs

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Teikashi on April 24, 2010, 01:39:50 am
Actually as crab pointed out. the server rules say you have exactly 5 mins before its an open camp. so yes it is a KS.

believe its for raid mobs
I thought that it was established over the double loot weekend issue (when somebody KS'ed Balrog) that the 5 minutes rule also applies to a camp with a single toon

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Reed on April 24, 2010, 02:11:05 am
Actually as crab pointed out. the server rules say you have exactly 5 mins before its an open camp. so yes it is a KS.

believe its for raid mobs
I thought that it was established over the double loot weekend issue (when somebody KS'ed Balrog) that the 5 minutes rule also applies to a camp with a single toon

If thats true, then i retract my statement

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Rezniron on April 24, 2010, 09:10:36 am
As posted above Hunter does not make a distinction in his reply about raid/non-raid mobs. He quite simply states and I quote

"You can go afk while camping for a boss but need to engage the boss within 5 minutes of it spawning. If the boss has been up for 5 minutes, and the person is not attacking it yet, then they forfeit the camp and anyone can have it."

In his original post he talks about raid bosses. However if you scroll down to his reply to a very similar question he posts the above quote.

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Reed on April 24, 2010, 10:29:49 am
well then i think something should  be done to the KS'er
obviously not a ban i would say, but some sort of official warning

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Giggity on April 25, 2010, 12:29:20 am
Only one problem with the 5 minute rule is.....How would Gate know how long the mob has been up?  OR how long the guy was afk that was "camping" it. 

If I walk up to a camp I need and someone is just AFK sitting in front of the mob....how do I tell how long the mob has been spawned or how long the dude has been afk ? 

I always try to be fair and this has never happened to me, but I am not sure anything was really done wrong here. 

However, I can vouge for Gate.....he has been very helpful to me in-game and has always seemed very fair.....I hate that he might get his named smeared from something as trivial as this.

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 25, 2010, 01:05:06 am
I believe it is pretty evident that you would need to wait 5 mins from the time you arrive there.

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Giggity on April 25, 2010, 04:06:11 am
so the guy could have been afk for an hour, but it's evident to wait another 5 minutes?  I dunno I don't understand it but this won't be a first lol.

See you in game all !!

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Eliseus on April 25, 2010, 01:07:43 pm
Truth is, don't go afk at a camp, someone will most likely show up and kill your mob

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Reed on April 25, 2010, 01:20:40 pm
Truth is, don't go afk at a camp, someone will most likely show up and kill your mob

There is truth in this

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: xoltrek on April 26, 2010, 05:19:10 am
See Hunters reply (2nd reply) in this thread of server rules: http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0

He states:  "You can go afk while camping for a boss but need to engage the boss within 5 minutes of it spawning. If the boss has been up for 5 minutes, and the person is not attacking it yet, then they forfeit the camp and anyone can have it. "

If that applies here, then Hunter has already answered your question.

That was maybe 2 min AFK (maybe less) since i was ALT+TAB to check.

I got to wait like 1 hours and hakf to get an other king (i was lucky, he was wearing  sword).

When i arrived to camp, i never KS, always hailing hte gu who is camping asking if he got loot and leaving or staying until he leave camp.

If Gate came, and was saying 'hail', was speaking, and having had no response after some minutes, i would understand he engage the KING. I'll accept the fact of having lost the camp.
But Gate come + kill + leave, nothing else, and this append in less than 2 min (as i say i was ALT+TAB during loading screen on other toons).

I am not cring about peaple doing some things not really fair. Most of time i talk with them to arrange something. but appanrently GATE have nothing to do about rules or fair play. Honestly I think a good warning could make him understand that we must respect others...

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: robpickles on April 26, 2010, 09:36:07 am
I hate to say this but maybe a simple solution would be to make all the FG/CG mobs spawn faster and all the time with their required item.

This way no one will complain about KSing.  Someone comes in...is afk...someone takes it...5 minutes later...poof...same spawn with the same needed item.

This will eliminite hour and a half waits and possibly not spawning with the item and a lot less arguing all around.

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: b33tlejuice on April 26, 2010, 10:06:41 am
well i could be a d*ck an say that the best way to prevent KS'ing is to pay attention and not go afk or if u do go afk, consistently check. but i'll be easy. But still, he said 2 mins, could of been 20 for all we know (srry, really untrusting of people in general) and you dont have proof that it was 2 mins and he doesnt have proof it was over 5. Can you say stalemate? i really thought this topic would have been dropped by now or resolved. Only thing that comes from posts like these are a) drama b) flames c) trolls. Should just send the proof to hunter directly stead of bringing it to the forum for the drama

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: robpickles on April 26, 2010, 10:43:43 am
(srry, really untrusting of people in general)

i really thought this topic would have been dropped by now or resolved. Only thing that comes from posts like these are a) drama b) flames c) trolls.

You are right...unfortunately you can't trust people until that trust is earned.  Most people learn that the hard way.  And even when it is earned...there is always that one person who goes back on it.

It is a sad reality.  You are also right about topics like these.  Why do we waste our time?

We are here (hopefully) to make things better for EZ, not worse.  I just wish people would learn to help figure out a solution to a problem instead of whining about them.

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Reed on April 27, 2010, 10:15:56 pm
(srry, really untrusting of people in general)

i really thought this topic would have been dropped by now or resolved. Only thing that comes from posts like these are a) drama b) flames c) trolls.

You are right...unfortunately you can't trust people until that trust is earned.  Most people learn that the hard way.  And even when it is earned...there is always that one person who goes back on it.

It is a sad reality.  You are also right about topics like these.  Why do we waste our time?

We are here (hopefully) to make things better for EZ, not worse.  I just wish people would learn to help figure out a solution to a problem instead of whining about them.

These posts give me something to read when the wife is getting ready for us to go out.... and i don't have enough time to actually play *shrug*

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Lodar on April 28, 2010, 07:35:53 am
Make the king chest card drop more often? More from trash anyways since bosses are always camped. heh

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: robpickles on April 28, 2010, 07:37:07 am
These posts give me something to read when the wife is getting ready for us to go out.... and i don't have enough time to actually play *shrug*


Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Lodar on April 28, 2010, 07:39:16 am
These posts give me something to read when the wife is getting ready for us to go out.... and i don't have enough time to actually play *shrug*


Ha what the hell... LOL!
It was funny enough

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: b33tlejuice on April 28, 2010, 10:48:52 am
lol reed, either that or waiting for people to make asses of themselves in ooc for your "screens of the banned" collection

Title: Re: king (guk) KS
Post by: Reed on April 28, 2010, 04:10:47 pm
lol reed, either that or waiting for people to make asses of themselves in ooc for your "screens of the banned" collection
