EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Blighton <Leader of Red Dawn> on April 30, 2010, 12:00:28 am

Title: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Blighton <Leader of Red Dawn> on April 30, 2010, 12:00:28 am
Just so im clear on the new etiquette thats has come to Ezserver. So im camping Tacvi and have been for a few hours when i engage tunat for my final kill when a few select people waiting around decide to assist me causing my adds to to ping-pong around killing my cleric..I clicked a rez on my cleric before my warrior goes down and when i return from the death i find Eisengaurd has leaped me to kill tunat in his spawn location..now if im wrong then ill eat this fuggin post laptop and all but i think that was some hoe ass shit..after i find him on tunat i proceeded to run Fraps..ask him wtf?..he says its in the rules..blah blah blah..i cant hold every boss..and posts him and his bots on my very next boss for another kill..if the shoe was on the other foot..i mean come on..i would of bowed out and let the guy finish his kills..if this is found to be of cause i will post the fraps..

i hate the bs but this one burned me

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Eisengaurd on April 30, 2010, 12:52:50 am
I figured we resolved this in say chat, but I guess not.

When I loaded in my warrior there was no one in the zone except Ashbane who asked if I had a group coming and whether or not he could join.  Tunat was up, I figured either A) the person prior got the loot they needed or B) they wiped and might enjoy some free loot.  Simply restated, you weren't in the zone when I engaged the boss

I finished loading in 2 other accounts and engaged the boss as boss 1 was spawning, So I assumed he'd come running to enjoy the fight.  He did not and I then learned you were in the zone with a 'wtf' comment in /shout.  At this point in time Tunat is about dead and you come running in screaming of a KS and you fraps'd a fight already in progress.  You proceeded to be very rude which wasn't really necessary since had you explained your situation you would've gotten any loot you wanted, but you'd rather insult me and call me trash. Fine.

It was at this point I followed the rules posted on this forum which allows me to leapfrog should you be engaging a boss.  At no point did I steal a kill which you accused me of, and furthermore had you just been decent this could have been resolved without addressing the entire community who likely doesn't care and gets irritated with drama on these boards.  Feel free to /tell me on Eisengaurd or shoot me a PM to discuss this further.



Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Eisengaurd on April 30, 2010, 12:55:13 am
also forgot to mention I moved my toons to boss 5, while you were killing boss 2, which allowed you to hold 2 camps according to the rules.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: zolton32 on April 30, 2010, 12:56:21 am
Sounds like these 2 rules were broken to me but thats the server owners call i would post the fraps:

Place nice here, and don't kill steal. You can hold a camp if you are not afk. When a mob spawns, you need to engage it, or else you will be considered afk and forfeit the camp. You can not have 1 toon hold the camp while waiting for your group to arrive. If your not ready to engage when the mob spawns, then your not camping it, and forfeit the rights to the camp if another party wants it. If a guild is actively buffing up when a boss spawns, then please give them about 5 minutes to engage, or else they lose the rights to the boss. If a guild spawns a boss thru a turn in quest, then only that guild has rights to the boss. You can't hold 2 or more camps at the same time, so if a group/guild is fighting a boss, then another group/guild is welcome to 'leap frog' and claim the next boss.

Do not make a train bigger than 10 mobs in a custom zone. This does not include pofire, which is considered non-custom. You can make any size train in non-custom zones. Do not purposely train anyone in any zone in order to kill them or any other reason.

http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0)

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Eisengaurd on April 30, 2010, 01:00:11 am
Sounds like these 2 rules were broken to me but thats the server owners call i would post the fraps:

Place nice here, and don't kill steal. You can hold a camp if you are not afk. When a mob spawns, you need to engage it, or else you will be considered afk and forfeit the camp. You can not have 1 toon hold the camp while waiting for your group to arrive. If your not ready to engage when the mob spawns, then your not camping it, and forfeit the rights to the camp if another party wants it. If a guild is actively buffing up when a boss spawns, then please give them about 5 minutes to engage, or else they lose the rights to the boss. If a guild spawns a boss thru a turn in quest, then only that guild has rights to the boss. You can't hold 2 or more camps at the same time, so if a group/guild is fighting a boss, then another group/guild is welcome to 'leap frog' and claim the next boss.

Do not make a train bigger than 10 mobs in a custom zone. This does not include pofire, which is considered non-custom. You can make any size train in non-custom zones. Do not purposely train anyone in any zone in order to kill them or any other reason.

http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0)

First, see my bolded text in your quote

Second, I'm extremely confused how No Trains applies, please fill me in on your logic

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: zolton32 on April 30, 2010, 01:05:26 am
Sounds like these 2 rules were broken to me but thats the server owners call i would post the fraps:

Place nice here, and don't kill steal. You can hold a camp if you are not afk. When a mob spawns, you need to engage it, or else you will be considered afk and forfeit the camp. You can not have 1 toon hold the camp while waiting for your group to arrive. If your not ready to engage when the mob spawns, then your not camping it, and forfeit the rights to the camp if another party wants it. If a guild is actively buffing up when a boss spawns, then please give them about 5 minutes to engage, or else they lose the rights to the boss. If a guild spawns a boss thru a turn in quest, then only that guild has rights to the boss. You can't hold 2 or more camps at the same time, so if a group/guild is fighting a boss, then another group/guild is welcome to 'leap frog' and claim the next boss.

Do not make a train bigger than 10 mobs in a custom zone. This does not include pofire, which is considered non-custom. You can make any size train in non-custom zones. Do not purposely train anyone in any zone in order to kill them or any other reason.

http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0)

First, see my bolded text in your quote

Second, I'm extremely confused how No Trains applies, please fill me in on your logic

First off i was posting that as you were replying. Second if you agroed the mobs to his cleric killing it as was stated that is training the mobs to kill another player. He said you attacked the mob after it was already engaged. Which is why i said kill stealing.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Eisengaurd on April 30, 2010, 01:13:24 am
If his cleric ran in and died during the fight it was due to adds spawning, which is not a train.  If you're familiar with tacvi, there are 8 mobs that spawn, period.  3 have pets/familiars, and 2 spawn adds once engaged.  The second boss and the final boss (tunat) spawn adds throughout the fight.

I didn't run anywhere nor did I pick up mobs to create a train, they just spawn, much like Qvic mobs only at a faster rate.  It is possible he got agro simply by being in range without my warrior having a chance to pick up the add.  However, I never once saw his cleric or a body of which he speaks, only someone shouting I KS'd them from the zone in.

Look forward to seeing the fraps.  The zone and Tunat's room were empty upon engaging.  It's a little upsetting I need to be prepared to fraps every single fight (even in an empty zone) in order to prevent accusations.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Number XIII: Roxas on April 30, 2010, 01:16:29 am
Wow.. i mean its not like you can lvl 71  on this server. I would be glad for free loot and said thank you. XD After you said I could have it.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: zolton32 on April 30, 2010, 01:18:53 am
If his cleric ran in and died during the fight it was due to adds spawning, which is not a train.  If you're familiar with tacvi, there are 8 mobs that spawn, period.  3 have pets/familiars, and 2 spawn adds once engaged.  The second boss and the final boss (tunat) spawn adds throughout the fight.

I didn't run anywhere nor did I pick up mobs to create a train, they just spawn, much like Qvic mobs only at a faster rate.  It is possible he got agro simply by being in range without my warrior having a chance to pick up the add.  However, I never once saw his cleric or a body of which he speaks, only someone shouting I KS'd them from the zone in.

Look forward to seeing the fraps.  The zone and Tunat's room were empty upon engaging.  It's a little upsetting I need to be prepared to fraps every single fight (even in an empty zone) in order to prevent accusations.

Read what he wrote above he said you were playing tag with the agro which is what got him killed. And how do you know you were the only one in the zone? You do a /who when you entered?

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Eisengaurd on April 30, 2010, 01:23:14 am
Yes I did do a /who when I zoned in since I logged out in Tunat's Room and he was up.  I also use Macroquest for the map/stick features and can see what bosses are up and who is in the zone and where.  So I knew without a doubt I was the only one in the zone, along with Ashbane asking to join.  I also knew for certain that Tunat was the only mob up, prior to engaging and setting up, I noticed the first boss had spawned and was planning to pick up agro quickly on him when he came running to the room.

Playing tag with Agro? If I engaged a mob from 100% to dead and he's agroing adds that spawn, I'm not sure how it's my fault he died by getting in range with a squishy class.  That's like telling me it's my fault you died in PoD from dragon AoE poison because I was killing too close to you.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Blighton <Leader of Red Dawn> on April 30, 2010, 01:23:29 am
Dont even bother with this tool..Im still in game killin bosses in Tacvi so he can spend all night tryin to explain he isnt a asshole when he knows what he did was a hoe ass move..Let me know how reading the rules over and over tonight works out to your favor tomorrow...im over it..i know you now...back to killin..

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: zolton32 on April 30, 2010, 01:27:53 am
Yes I did do a /who when I zoned in since I logged out in Tunat's Room and he was up.  I also use Macroquest for the map/stick features and can see what bosses are up and who is in the zone and where.  So I knew without a doubt I was the only one in the zone, along with Ashbane asking to join.  I also knew for certain that Tunat was the only mob up, prior to engaging and setting up, I noticed the first boss had spawned and was planning to pick up agro quickly on him when he came running to the room.

Playing tag with Agro? If I engaged a mob from 100% to dead and he's agroing adds that spawn, I'm not sure how it's my fault he died by getting in range with a squishy class.  That's like telling me it's my fault you died in PoD from dragon AoE poison because I was killing too close to you.

What he says though is that he engaged then you jumped in. Yet you are saying its the other way around? Thats he said she said without proof.

BTW i would not zone the server is not showing up  ??? So you could be like me and not be able to log back in >_<

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Eisengaurd on April 30, 2010, 01:31:55 am
I agree it's he said/she said.  However I'd like to see his video of him dying while engaged, rezzing his warrior, and re-engaging, as well as his scattered corpses, all while I jumped in to steal his kill.  Hence why I said post the fraps.

I assume the fraps will show him running in to tunat's room, seeing tunat engaged, screaming he was KS'd, and me shouting What KS? shrug

And yes about world server, I logged off awhile ago to do some crap and then saw this post which I thought had been resolved.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Eisengaurd on April 30, 2010, 01:34:36 am
Dont even bother with this tool..Im still in game killin bosses in Tacvi so he can spend all night tryin to explain he isnt a asshole when he knows what he did was a hoe ass move..Let me know how reading the rules over and over tonight works out to your favor tomorrow...im over it..i know you now...back to killin..

Like I said before I apologized to you and offered you the loot on Tunat, nothing was removed from the corpse.

Glad you're over it.

Enjoy Tacvi Killing.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: PORTIS on April 30, 2010, 01:37:45 am
Can i just say, why the hell wasnt this posted rants? doesnt seem like a general discussion?  ??? But, if somebody logs into a zone and the zone is empty and a mob is up and they kill a mob, how do they know what may just have happened?

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Zartaxis on April 30, 2010, 05:29:26 am
Doesn't seem like any rules were broken here and then he was nice enough to leave the loot on the boss for you. 

If I zoned in to Tacvi and it was empty with just the final boss up I would engage him also.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Karbuk on April 30, 2010, 07:56:29 am
heh he said hoe a lot...thats kinda funny

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: xoltrek on April 30, 2010, 08:10:34 am
yes some guy dont kill tuna because too hard for them.

That append tome coming with nobody in tacvi so engaging tuna.

Also, you are accusing someone and saying you have frap...

Where is your frap.

Nothing to say without any proof.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Brink on April 30, 2010, 10:30:51 am
Next time someone spawns kronos i'm going to go up and pull one onto me and die. Then yell at them for training..... NOT

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Gantrathor on April 30, 2010, 11:18:08 am
With regard to the title "Tacvi Leaping" at one time on one of the previous forums I recall a post from Hunter that basically said whomever engages the first boss is entitled to the entire run.  There is no leapfrogging allowed in Tacvi.

If that is still correct (assuming my memory isn't faulty)  ;) then when you arrive in an empty Tacvi and see that only the final boss is up, you should assume it belongs to someone else who wiped out.  Do an /ooc (is that working ok now?  haven't been in game in a few days) to see if someone is coming back.  If, after a reasonable amount of time has passed (say 10 minutes) no one has answered or shown up to try again it's probably safe to engage.

To my knowledge, Tacvi is the only zone on the EZ server that has a "No Leapfrog" rule.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Tacticulous on April 30, 2010, 11:19:36 am
...I recall a post from Hunter that basically said whomever engages the first boss is entitled to the entire run...

I too remember this.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Brink on April 30, 2010, 11:22:06 am
From what Ive seen just by players alone. Once someone starts killing Tacvi, its there round. Meaning all the bosses 1-8 are for them. However if someone dies and no one is in the zone. It kinda doesn't matter lol.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Gantrathor on April 30, 2010, 11:33:30 am
except they have the right to return, regroup and re-engage in a reasonable amount of time.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Mirielle on April 30, 2010, 11:36:52 am
I would say that if the person / group in the run wipes and doesn't come back and re-engage in 5 mins, then it opens it up (abandoned zone)?  (As per the rules thread).

So if someone enters the zone, sees the final boss up and no-one else in the zone, then I would think that they ought to wait 5 mins before engaging the boss.

Thus adhereing to both the no leapfrogging and the 5-min engage rule?

Maybe I'm reading and interpreting it wrong though.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Eisengaurd on April 30, 2010, 12:32:17 pm
I'll touch on everything I read regarding the situation.

When I entered the zone, the first boss was up.  I then engaged Tunat assuming he would come running, he did not which makes me assume someone was rushing to get to tunat.  So if I'm not mistaken, I did not leap and was entitled to the zone since i was attempting to pull the first boss and thus the zone?

Second, there were no corpses in tunat's room, If i saw corpses I would've OOC'd and my intentions were always to help.  I know we're all familiar with the bug of corpses not always appearing, so on my screen, they weren't there.

Finally,  if Tacvi is exempt from the rules of 'leap frogging' it should be posted on the current forums.  The way it currently reads it sounds of linear progression and therefore tacvi fits, in my opinion.  While it was a jerk thing to enact the rules, I was only playing that card due to his extremely rude behavior.

Either way we will get a ruling on tacvi and how the rules apply.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Gantrathor on April 30, 2010, 12:51:11 pm
I understand your point Mirielle, but as different rules apply to Tacvi than other zones, the 5 minute rule isn't (in my opinion) applicable.  The entire run belongs to the first person/group to engage the first mob.  Regardless of wipes, rebuffs, etc...once the first mob is engaged, the rest are off limits until the person/group either finishes the run or relinquishes the rights to it, either verbally or by abandonment.  It can easily take more than 5 minutes for a group to come back after a wipe.  That's why I mentioned 10 minutes in my post, along with using /ooc to check if anyone is coming back.

Eisengaurd, I would agree with your assessment if the first mob had in fact come running to you.  Since it did not, that meant someone else had aggro'd him ahead of you and therefore they had the rights to the run.  As you had checked and didn't find anyone in zone with the full spawn up, I can see why you would think that way.  Assuming everyone is telling things properly from their own point of view, I would guess that Kroe must've zoned in and engaged Boss 1 between the time you checked the zone and the time you engaged Tunat.

I too would like to see a repost of the No Leapfrog in Tacvi rule on the current forums to clear up future issues...assuming of course it is still in place.  My quess is when Hunter posted his rules this one was obscure enough that it didn't occur to him to post it.  Since we haven't had any Tacvi leaping arguements there was no squeeky wheel to grease.  ;-)

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Eliseus on April 30, 2010, 02:31:22 pm
Where's the fraps, without fraps, there is no arguement, srsly.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Reed on April 30, 2010, 03:52:10 pm
Bottom line in this debate.

Tacvi has 8 mobs total,
A group capable of handling the mobs war already present, or recovering from a wipe,
Eisenguard jumped in an decided to kill what wasn't his

Most here on this server, at least in my experience, consider Tacvi 1 camp. This is due to the long spawn time, and again low number of mobs.

When you played on live (if you played live) and were at a camp, did you kill 1 mob out of the like 40 available? or kill all that were around that area? Same concept here. Small zone with few mobs.
Don't be a douche

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Reed on April 30, 2010, 03:53:46 pm
Where's the fraps, without fraps, there is no arguement, srsly.

And this, of course my previous post was before seeing this.
I will gladly retract my assumption if FRAPS proves to be complete BS on poster's part.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Eisengaurd on April 30, 2010, 03:54:40 pm

There is no bottom line.  I zoned in to Tacvi with Boss 8 and Boss 1 up.  I wasn't being a 'douche' by any means.  I didn't zone in at the front and run past his group setting up. I logged in to zone with Tunat up, and Boss 1 up. So to me that's not recovering from a wipe.  Please read everything before you make your assessment so you don't look like a 'douche'.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Eliseus on April 30, 2010, 03:55:31 pm
Lol, I'm just saying, the guy says he has fraps, idk what really happened, but when you call someone out and say you have fraps, it usually helps to show it.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Zartaxis on April 30, 2010, 04:00:43 pm
Honestly if I zoned in and saw boss 8 and 1 up I would assume that whoever had cleared 1-7 had left and couldn't kill 8 because it had been an hour and boss 1 spawned again.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Reed on April 30, 2010, 04:02:28 pm

There is no bottom line.  I zoned in to Tacvi with Boss 8 and Boss 1 up.  I wasn't being a 'douche' by any means.  I didn't zone in at the front and run past his group setting up. I logged in to zone with Tunat up, and Boss 1 up. So to me that's not recovering from a wipe.  Please read everything before you make your assessment so you don't look like a 'douche'.

even being put into a position where you are questioned on your actions makes you look bad in general.
If the poster would kindly bring us a link of his FRAPs that shows something credible on his behalf, imagine what people may think when you zone in and they are killing Tacvi.

"Hmm.... he's been known to steal mobs here. I wonder if i have to watch out or not..."

Obviously his FRAPs shows he's a dumbass, then you get my apology and we go about our ways, and everyone forgets this thread even exists.... much like all others here

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Eisengaurd on April 30, 2010, 04:20:22 pm
Well I'm glad you feel so inclined to post your opinion about something you know little about and pass judgement on others.  I'll keep that in mind when I question the validity of anything you post.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Reed on April 30, 2010, 04:25:53 pm
Well I'm glad you feel so inclined to post your opinion about something you know little about and pass judgement on others.  I'll keep that in mind when I question the validity of anything you post.

He apparently feels wronged to begin with, meaning something occurred to question your actions.
That enough is something worth posting about, hearing of this kind of behavior regarding you in the past to being with.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Supreme on April 30, 2010, 05:50:16 pm
FFS guys..

One hour respawn.

Between the time this happened and now there has been (at most) 5 more tunats spawn?

It is hard to claim tacvi since the respawn timer was changed to an hour. Unless you are kickass the zone will prolly respawn before you kill tunat. Some people can do it when they pull boss 4-8 to the zone in and AE kill it.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Blighton <Leader of Red Dawn> on April 30, 2010, 05:55:27 pm
Im uploading the Fraps now..it seems to be taking a hella long time..I didnt want it to come to this but even when i sent Eisengaurd a PM he still refused to man up and admit it was a "hoe ass move"..ill have it posted by tonight..

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Blighton <Leader of Red Dawn> on April 30, 2010, 09:05:19 pm
You know i was really going to leave this one alone..I do have the Fraps and yes i only started the Fraps after i returned to see him killin Tunat..you can see the link i have for rots off the first boss as he had respawned on my way to repull Tunat back to the zone in where i pull all bosses..Now keep in mind im pissed and have to fight my self from chewin this tool a new ass right in game so dont pay much attention as i start to give him the run down in a few choice words and change my mind..ALSO im going to point out that earlier in this thread Eisengaurd stats he uses Mq2 for maps/stick, well he also seems to use this for illeagal use... watch as he chats with his warrior and gives me his views of whats just happened and what the rules say while his cleric continues to chain heal well after Tunat is down..If i was not in the zone when he so called checked the zone..why did i beat a the first boss who respawns a few times with just my warrior and ranger to dps before Tunat went down?  All the bosses corpses were at the zone area where the first boss spawns as well as my 3 characters and another warrior and mage who were waiting on my rots..Like i said this guy knows wtf he was doing.. he never offered to let me loot anything..i really wanted to leave it alone but he just dont want to own up to it..i tried to even send him a PM to see if he would just admit it was a shitty move but he refused to see it that way..Soooo here it is...


Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Reed on April 30, 2010, 09:22:09 pm
his cleric continues to chain heal well after Tunat is down..

In this case, its a touchy subject. He is monitoring his character, so its not as if he is breaking a rule per-say. Its a grey area. I dont see a problem with it really. He is playing his toons, they arent automated and killing his mobs for him while he sleeps.
he still is clicking shield for heal buff, rezzing on deaths, etc... I know alot of people who also do this and i dont think its a huge deal tbh.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Reed on April 30, 2010, 09:26:07 pm
As for the video... well it just looks like you were watching him kill the mob. Doesn't show you getting "trained", your rezzing and preparing for mob, him jumping you... nothing.
So im apologizing to Eisenguard for jumping down his throat on this. You made it seem as if there was rock solid proof.
As Supreme said, yeah its 1 hour spawn. Usually have like a 15min wait between killing last boss and first on spawning, in my case anyway. Just the principle of the issue.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Ashbane on April 30, 2010, 10:51:05 pm
When i zoned into tacvi nobody was in the zone and #1 wasn’t popped yet but #8 was still up... After we engage you show up and start screaming your head off like you own the place really shows your character. If it gets to the point where someone has to look at server logs it would prove my story.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Tacticulous on April 30, 2010, 11:51:11 pm
Such an anti-climactic movie for what was supposed to be solid proof of a "hoe ass" (btw it's ho not hoe, a hoe is a gardening tool and I don't think "gardening tool ass" is what you were going for, I could be wrong though) KS'ing you.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Supreme on May 01, 2010, 02:28:44 am
Cool video.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Supreme on May 01, 2010, 02:31:58 am
Tunat is up!

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: zolton32 on May 01, 2010, 05:38:10 am
If you read carefully in his first post he said he went to attack and was fighting him when this guy attacked as well causing agro to kill his cleric then he died trying to rez his cleric before he started fraps. So what you are seeing is him coming back to confront the guy. At lease thats my understanding from his post and what is shown in the video.

He starts out to tell him he was camping tacvi (condensed without the swear) But he deletes that shout

Then he types your ks is on but deletes it without sending

Then he says your ks is on fraps that one he does send.

The guy says what ks?

He responds by saying do you think the minis died by themselves?

The guy says funny how the first one died seconds before the last and to bear in mind you can't camp bosses (think he meant bare >_<)

He says your a real stand up guy

The guy says i logged into an empty zone guy with the last boss up I'm sorry you failed on him

He then says its up now for hunter to decide

Then the fraps ends.

Thats a strange conversation to say the least. He first says that the boss was up and he was alone in the zone then says that you can not camp bosses?

He then says i'm sorry you failed on him? He also claimed to of left the loot for the guy yet in the video you can see him looting it?

And if it was not recovering from a wipe then why was the last boss up yet all the others were dead except the first boss that respawned? I'm new to the game but from what i understand is that there are 8 bosses correct? And they have a 1 hour respawn right? If it took 5-10 minutes to kill each boss and if you were wiped while fighting the last boss then by the time you got rebuffed and reset your spell gems that 1 hour could easilly pass between the first kill and the last which the person died on right?

But oh well its up for the person in charge to make a choice on if a rule was broken or not. So guess you would have to wait for what he has to say. Although if i was camping an area working to the last boss and mafe it there then died from a mistake (be it my own or not) i'd be upset as well to come back and see some one else killing it. And i think most people would be as well. Just my 2 cents though.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Supreme on May 01, 2010, 07:36:27 am
You are mistaken.

So im camping Tacvi and have been for a few hours when i engage tunat for my final kill when a few select people waiting around decide to assist me causing my adds to to ping-pong around killing my cleric..I clicked a rez on my cleric before my warrior goes down and when i return from the death i find Eisengaurd has leaped me to kill tunat in his spawn location..

If you follow the run on sentence closely you will see that there was someone other than Eisenguard that caused the demise of the group.

Eisenguard stated that he showed up to a zone with just 1 person present and boss 1 and 8 up.

So he proceeded to kill Tunat assuming that who ever came had abandon the zone after getting the item(s) they needed and left tunat up.

This thread attempts to smear Eisenguard when it looks like to me that he did nothing wrong. Given the circumstances i would have done the exact same thing (and laughed at you for dying to tunat).

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Karbuk on May 01, 2010, 09:56:25 am
(http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/9620/columbog.jpg) (http://img691.imageshack.us/i/columbog.jpg/)

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Reed on May 01, 2010, 02:45:45 pm
This thread attempts to smear Eisenguard when it looks like to me that he did nothing wrong. Given the circumstances i would have done the exact same thing (and laughed at you for dying to tunat).

I'd have to agree now. Luckily Eisenguard is an understanding fellow and accepted my apology in PMs.
Serves me right for believing people. Bad Reed.. Bad

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Balthor on May 02, 2010, 03:59:02 am
Tacvi sucks tbh. Remember the 2hr respawn and usually some jackass would clear it super slow on purpose or even kill it out of order?
Man I use to hate that.
Several times a week I would sit there and wait for the whole damn zone to spawn so I could set the respawn timers to something less then 1hr20min.

Hope people appreciate that its a 1hr respawn now. That is sexy.
Now the way the zone is scripted it is meant to be cleared in order. If Hunter decides to not post that rule again then I would hope people would be decent in the zone... Yea hello <China>, I still love you, especially with it being on 1 hour now. Woo Woo.

P.S. Reed you know you cant trust anyone, esp OneAngryDorf

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Reed on May 02, 2010, 07:39:15 am
Man, Balthor where you been hiding?
Need to start logging on again =p
Send me a PM sometime with what you're up to.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Blackee on May 02, 2010, 05:11:20 pm
I don't know much of the situation here, nor did I read OP or anything.

Eisenguard is a good guy. I doubt it highly he'd pull a dick move on anyone, let alone knowing the consequences that follow.

Just my 2 coppers.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Balthor on May 05, 2010, 12:45:37 am
well I got busy with RL and decided the drama in game wasnt worth it. I figured at some point I would get ban-sticked If I stuck around so a break was in order.
Then while browsing websites I saw that Diablo2 had a ladder reset so I figured wtf I might as well throw in the disc and screw around for shits n giggles.
Now I am running a few bots 24/7 selling items so I can stockpile trade currency on the trader boards for when/if Diablo3 comes out.

I log in once in awhile to EZ to make sure I remember passwords.
Might come back soon and actually play again.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Reed on May 05, 2010, 06:47:42 pm
well I got busy with RL and decided the drama in game wasnt worth it. I figured at some point I would get ban-sticked If I stuck around so a break was in order.
Then while browsing websites I saw that Diablo2 had a ladder reset so I figured wtf I might as well throw in the disc and screw around for shits n giggles.
Now I am running a few bots 24/7 selling items so I can stockpile trade currency on the trader boards for when/if Diablo3 comes out.

I log in once in awhile to EZ to make sure I remember passwords.
Might come back soon and actually play again.

Man, you're always a step or two ahead of me.
I was to young and stupid to get a good bot running in my old D2 days. i did like Ladder though. 1 to 85 in a night on a druid was where its at. a good solid 15 hour grind.

always liked the hammerdin doing baal runs for exp, who was damn near invincible that i could leech off of til i got the gear i needed.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Balthor on May 06, 2010, 07:31:57 am
Yea my newest char is having a run of bad luck. Ran pub games last night which I usually do not and the bot got killed 5 times. Such is life and back to private runs outa the clan channel.
It is lawl that my newest MF sorc went from 87-94 in the time the paladin has farmed (and re farmed) to the 98Percent xp into level mark.
If you are going to be online this weekend I'll get on so we can kill shit together.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Reed on May 06, 2010, 07:47:37 pm
sounds like a plan man, should hook me up with some Windows & 64x maphack and stuff. If there is any that is.
Only reason i still dont play. I have a windows xp partition on my hard drive... for diablo 2 specifically, but dont use it because D2 seems boring without a pre established group of folks

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: shea851 on May 06, 2010, 11:25:16 pm
D2 is really fun if you get into d2jsp.org trading and collect forum gold.  That way, you can use maphack/bots all you want, and when you get banned, you don't lose everything.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Reed on May 06, 2010, 11:35:29 pm
well i imagine now blizzard doesnt really care. WoW makes them all the money they really care about lol.
D2 is kinda like "meh"
but the website you mentioned intrigues me sir.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Reed on May 07, 2010, 05:03:36 pm
Hey Balthor, i tried to send you a PM but its blocked.
Send me a PM with your email if you could, got a few things for you.

Alternatively, allowing PMs on forums would work too. Thanks bud

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Balthor on May 08, 2010, 12:01:58 am
Yea I had that all turned off. I can turn it back on. jsp is cool but a lot of the users are fuckwads. At this time I do not know of any MH that is not detected ban-sticked but most of the bots Ive come across work just fine as long as you do not use a loader or injector.

Title: Re: Tacvi Leaping?
Post by: Reed on May 09, 2010, 01:07:06 am
should hook me up with the website you used to get some D2 utilities. bot and what not. would just be nice to play again