EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on June 09, 2012, 09:54:12 pm

Title: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Hunter on June 09, 2012, 09:54:12 pm
No new spell file download required at this time, current one already available is still good.

Added a few more new spells to drop to most custom tiers.
Renamed Ancient Shield to Shield of the Ages
Updated Shield Quest - 10 Bosses (Epic 1.5 groups should be able to kill now).
Removed Non_Custom_Zones NPC
Updated Universal_Teleporter NPC code (XYZ, etc)
Re-added NPC Spells to T3/T4 Bosses

Players that have Epic 1.5's should be able to kill the 10 bosses required in the Shield Quest. The bosses do have some regen, but not too major. May need at least a full group or more to break through the bosses hp regen. This should help players start their Shield Quest using Qvic Essences.

The millions of plat required doesn't happen until the higher ranks, so it basically scales with the tiers as you go up. The recipe book is not required for any of the combines, so if you already know what is required in the quest, then you do not need to buy/read it.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Natedog on June 10, 2012, 08:00:50 am
Some of the shield bosses still have the same AOEs that will probably 1 shot a 1.5 group.

Cazel - in Oasis .. is uber bugged too.. Flurries about 100 times per second and spams my screen... killed a 6.0 warrior 653,000 HP in about.. 10 seconds lol

Correction.. 21 Flurries / Rampages in 1 combat round heh

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Hunter on June 10, 2012, 09:41:43 am
Learn tactics, you noob. I saw a Necro solo'ing Cazel.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Natedog on June 10, 2012, 09:59:41 am
Learn tactics, you noob. I saw a Necro solo'ing Cazel.

Ah kiting mobs.. fun times!

Will we be seeing any kiting in T7? lol

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Kovou on June 11, 2012, 02:42:54 am
Hunter did you intend to have EVERY T4 boss to spawn with a DT of 585k? i mean i've seen several groups wipe due to this. even with T5 gear i wipe doing them now. this kind of makes it very hard for anyone not T5+ to do T4...i know the DT is between 90 and 120 seconds minus warlord who was DTin eveyr 30 seocnds...this makes him harder then MCP just looking to see if htis was intended if so....why? also..have you looked into the T6 Zone crashes? they crash at least twice a day. maybe check for a memeory leak?

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Natedog on June 11, 2012, 05:06:48 am
Was the HP of T4 mobs lowered or am I crazy? I was killing most of them before they DTed me

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Chunka on June 11, 2012, 01:23:23 pm
No, same hps. Its kind of overkill when you have a bracer mob spawning adds, doing AE root every 60 seconds or less, and doing a knockback.....then adding a 585K DT on top of it. Was it your intention for this Hunter? Because TBH even with DI doing Burning Prince is dicey with a group of 4.0 chars. Or were you wanting to force T4 to be multi group content?

Just not sure where you wanted to head with this. I understand adding spells back in to the mobs, and even agree with it....but DT was a stupid copout mechanic live, and I like it just as little here. While I can see it on key mobs for added challenge, adding it to every boss in a zone seems as if it were unintentional, because it makes very little sense.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Solbash on June 11, 2012, 02:12:24 pm
Why does everyone cry when he puts things back to how it origionally were when he created them?

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Stormcougar on June 11, 2012, 03:16:27 pm
Why does everyone cry when he puts things back to how it origionally were when he created them?

I'd imagine it was changed so people could progress, but now that those people have progressed pass it, its time to close the gate for the rest.  Only people who I've seen for the change, are those already pass it in the progression and can burn it before the DT's.

Was the HP of T4 mobs lowered or am I crazy? I was killing most of them before they DTed me

The DT's were a horrible game mechanic from inception and at least Verent realized it, for its only been rarely used outside of Original content(and yes before a troll pounces I realize PoS, Fear, and Hate lagged behind the release of EQ).  Master Yael and the very last pop in the Cursed cycle are the only ones I can think of that used it after the realization of how horrible it was, guilds only raided Sky...if they had to, not for fun.  They killed Golems in Fear only if they had too...or to take a break from the clearing of zone. On a side note, yes Aten in Vex Thal also had DT, but wasn't worth mentioning since it was avoidable by killing the warders first.

The NPC roots are also OP, 15+ minutes is too extreme...most afflictions should not exceed the duration of the fight.  3-5 minute would be more reasonable...5 minute still being too long, since sometime the root is cast as the MoB dies...and you have to sit there and watch your loot go public.  Someone will feel the need to mention clicking T2 pants...the root starts in T1.  3 Minutes on the root would be a perfect number, since thats also the amount of time it take a corpse to become public.

The root included in T3/4 has made the remaining casters ineffective. Their nukes are already resisted except on add pops, so all they had left was their pets.  The root neuters the pets to the status of statue, unless something just happens to get near...off-tanking a pivotal dynamic of EQ rendered useless since there will be no add pick ups...turning every fight into Tank and Spanks.

I never saw the problem with the way T3/4 was currently...something not broken didn't need fixed, if it was changed in the past it was to get to the point it was currently in...a doable endeavor for equivalenty geared people.  I haven't heard any official reasons for the changes, but rumors are because of essence farming for the new Shield implemented, but that doesn't seem right either because changing back content to accommodate forward content doesn't make sense.

Someone mentioned the T5 noobs and the changes reduce them...no it doesn't reduce them it adds under-geared noobs into T5, since now the armor is unobtainable.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Griz on June 11, 2012, 05:06:43 pm
Original Inny, Cazic, pretty much every island boss 4+ in Sky all used to DT. I don't think any legit boss from Kunark or Velious used it, except for a spawned guy for the cleric epic quest chain.

In Luclin, Shei, Exiled, Cursed, Emp, and Seru all used to DT. They took it off of the last three once people started getting into VT.

I think an interesting way to handle DTs here would be to put them on the adds rather than the boss, giving you a timer to kill them to avoid it.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: marxist on June 11, 2012, 05:58:39 pm
i like that idea, gives you incentive to actually kill them

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: ho0ked on June 11, 2012, 07:54:28 pm
Thank you for the spells and the new shield Hunter.

However, I and many others are very upset by the change to T3/4 mobs making them nuke for 587k (It's not a DT, those are way higher and non-mitigateable)

Everyone is fine with the spells being back on the mobs, except the ae root crap from T1+ mobs being way to long.

The huge nuke is totally unfair, personaly I left halfway through T3/4 to work on UC since you cant even get a 4.0 and finish T4 without it (Again overkill/uc takes way to long) And now my reward for going backwards to pre-tiered content to spend endless boaring hours getting the uc you have made required (and server defining at the same time, come on dude?) is that when I try to go back and work on T3/4 when I get literally SICK from ldon is my 12 man team gets pwned by stuff I was easily killing before.

If I had known this I would have stayed in T3/4 and finished all my armor before going after UC.

Please get rid of the nukes on all the mobs in T3/4 including warlord and mcp, keep the other spells and stuff thats all good.

Thanks for reading, and letting me play here.

PS. The UC takes WAY to long, plz reduce the peices by half, or increase drops/coins.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: napoleonn on June 11, 2012, 09:00:33 pm
Ok im pretty sure since ldons and hoh are BEFORE T3/4 you should have a UC already don't ya think? It's a raid zone right? So not that all your toons need UCs but if your raiding there should be around 3-4 UCs on the raid? Just saying....

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Stormcougar on June 11, 2012, 09:11:58 pm
I agree with ho0ked, thanks for the work put in and giving us a place to play.

Also agree that if the UC is to be required the HUGE time-sink should be reduced...otherwise I always thought he UC was just a way to make things easier, rewarding those who choose to pursue it.  Very much like the RoA...hopefully in the future that remains a tool to make things easier for those who chase it and not a required device.

Ok im pretty sure since ldons and hoh are BEFORE T3/4 you should have a UC already don't ya think? It's a raid zone right? So not that all your toons need UCs but if your raiding there should be around 3-4 UCs on the raid? Just saying....

By that philosophy we should also already have RoA 100, since its pre-pre-pre-Tiered content.  I've always thought of the UC and RoA as a longtime Veteran reward.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Griz on June 11, 2012, 10:30:09 pm
I'd like to see a boss that did an aoe fear and then maybe a 15 second root. That would be pretty funny.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Stormcougar on June 11, 2012, 10:46:00 pm
I'd like to see a boss that did an aoe fear and then maybe a 15 second root. That would be pretty funny.

lol Ever introduce an Earth to a Storm in HoH...the results are just as disastrous.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Hunter on June 11, 2012, 10:46:49 pm
Chill people. I'll look into it when I'm home again.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Kovou on June 11, 2012, 11:43:37 pm
you rock hunter thank you

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Natedog on June 12, 2012, 01:33:58 am
No reason to bring up UC grind nerf in here guys! UC is required for progression in T5+

Tower of Frozen Shadow was to be the alternative to Ldon grinding but the eta on that zone is unknown at this time.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Stormcougar on June 12, 2012, 02:29:18 am
No reason to bring up UC grind nerf in here guys! UC is required for progression in T5+

Tower of Frozen Shadow was to be the alternative to Ldon grinding but the eta on that zone is unknown at this time.

...and to put this topic back on track this is about T3/4.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Hunter on June 12, 2012, 11:00:36 am
Not changing the grind on the UC, this has already been discussed.

The spells I re-added to the T3/T4 bosses are the same groups of spells that they originally had. Players who reached T3/T4 Bosses before anyone else had to deal with this. The only reason I removed it is because of zone crashing, and I couldn't figure out why the zone was crashing. Apparently this zone crashing has already been fixed. Anyone who has been here a while can tell you about that. The zone crashes have been 99% eliminated. So I put the original spells back into those bosses.

The shout kill is actually Cazic Thules shout kill. And yes players are getting enough HP now to survive it. I'll have to increase the damage on it so players will stop complaining about it being a high nuke spell, and it'll just be instant death again as intended.

I've changed all the shout kills on T3/T4 bosses to a weak AoE poison for now.

The AoE Root will remain for now.


Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: ho0ked on June 12, 2012, 12:15:12 pm
Not changing the grind on the UC, this has already been discussed.

The spells I re-added to the T3/T4 bosses are the same groups of spells that they originally had. Players who reached T3/T4 Bosses before anyone else had to deal with this. The only reason I removed it is because of zone crashing, and I couldn't figure out why the zone was crashing. Apparently this zone crashing has already been fixed. Anyone who has been here a while can tell you about that. The zone crashes have been 99% eliminated. So I put the original spells back into those bosses.

The shout kill is actually Cazic Thules shout kill. And yes players are getting enough HP now to survive it. I'll have to increase the damage on it so players will stop complaining about it being a high nuke spell, and it'll just be instant death again as intended.

I've changed all the shout kills on T3/T4 bosses to a weak AoE poison for now.

The AoE Root will remain for now.



Thankyou very much for considering the concerns of your playerbase! Why oh why didn't you work for sony before it was to late lol

Thanks again for the wonderful world you have created and the respect you show for our concerns


PS. I am still very concerned about the UC and how it is essentially required to play here, yet ENORMOUSLY hard to obtain, where is the appropriete place to discuss this issue?

PSS. Idk if your aware but this fourm posting mechanism is seriously mesed up, as i type the window scrolls up back to your quote making it really hard to write to you, I have to constantly force it back down in order to read what im writing, it is also horribly laggy typing very slowly as i type fast...

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Chunka on June 12, 2012, 12:54:31 pm
I honestly dont think the UC is all that hard to obtain. Time consuming? Yes! Definitely! Mind numbingly boring? Without a doubt! Worth the effort? Beyond question.

But difficult? No.

And BTW....thank you Hunter. Even when we dont agree on an issue I gotta respect how you handle issues here. Thanks for the attention.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Stormcougar on June 12, 2012, 01:48:49 pm
I'm not concerned about the UC, that was never an issue...but there was a weak counter-logic to the UC arguement.  The changes to T3/4 was my consern.  It used to be fun and challenging. Now its  fun and challenging.

Before, It allowed off-tanking, pet pick-ups, and general use of your whole party.  The root has removed pet classes from play...the high resist rate has blocked casters nuke...Casters being completely useless, unless the pets happen to be already near something to kill, they are nothing.

Is this the intent to make an all melee server?  Tank and spank, the root doesn't add a challenge, it just turns a fight into a tank and spank...*yawn* fight, fight, switch to adds, fight, fight, switch to adds.  Leaves do room for group dynamics....fight fight switch to adds...that's it...changes a non-linear game back to a linear feel...this is how it WILL be done and no room for classes to add their charm and jest to the mix. 

15 minutes on a Root...how can this not be seen unreasonable.  3 minutes is the perfect number...even if the MoB casts it upon death, it allows you to get to corpse and hold it before it becomes public.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Brokyn on June 12, 2012, 01:54:01 pm
15 minutes on a Root...how can this not be seen unreasonable.  3 minutes is the perfect number...even if the MoB casts it upon death, it allows you to get to corpse and hold it before it becomes public.

Your logic is faulty, the corpse becomes "public" in the eyes of a Ninja Looter after 2.5 minutes, not 3...  On this server, however, the corpse is NEVER public.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Brokyn on June 12, 2012, 01:55:26 pm
Oh, and P.S.  That's what Radiant Cure is for, and if your pet is rooted, suspend minion and bring it back again, voila, no more root...

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Stormcougar on June 12, 2012, 02:14:56 pm
My logic is fine, Fifteen(15) minute root, you don't even sit a child in timeout for that long...and the 3 minute was a number grabbed from a an event that occurs.

Oh and P.S.S RC has 3 minute refresh and MoB's refresh the root as soon as you get rid of it.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: napoleonn on June 12, 2012, 02:35:02 pm
Sorry but before this change the zone was not hard or fun at all, it was basically turn in token hit attack and watch tv till i had to kill adds. Sorry that you can't do that anymore and it was fun to you or even hard, but this is accually fun to me now that i gotta pay attention just alittle more. Once again this is a raid zone right? Takes more then a few casters and tanks to do it now thats all. Hope he puts in a DT that kills all tanks cause its just a minor upkeep to stay alive, wouldnt mind haven to rez a tank and use off tank once and a while imo....

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Stormcougar on June 12, 2012, 03:17:04 pm
Sorry but before this change the zone was not hard or fun at all, it was basically turn in token hit attack and watch tv till i had to kill adds. Sorry that you can't do that anymore and it was fun to you or even hard, but this is accually fun to me now that i gotta pay attention just alittle more. Once again this is a raid zone right? Takes more then a few casters and tanks to do it now thats all. Hope he puts in a DT that kills all tanks cause its just a minor upkeep to stay alive, wouldnt mind haven to rez a tank and use off tank once and a while imo....

Don't really see valid argument...all I see is a T6 coming back down and Boo Hoo'ing that stuff 2 or 3 Tiers down has became "Trivial"

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Hampage on June 12, 2012, 04:34:04 pm
Sorry but before this change the zone was not hard or fun at all, it was basically turn in token hit attack and watch tv till i had to kill adds. Sorry that you can't do that anymore and it was fun to you or even hard, but this is accually fun to me now that i gotta pay attention just alittle more. Once again this is a raid zone right? Takes more then a few casters and tanks to do it now thats all. Hope he puts in a DT that kills all tanks cause its just a minor upkeep to stay alive, wouldnt mind haven to rez a tank and use off tank once and a while imo....

Nap, I would hope that you would see T3/T4 as boring since your epic 6.0 and T6 geared. That would be like me complaining that Tacvi is boring cause I can solo it in 5 minutes. I haven't been in T3/T4 since these changes have been made due to gearing up some alts but I can tell you that when I was in full T2 and no UC, the T3 bosses themselves were pretty tough and when they got in a lucky round it could one shot my tank. It wasn't until I got my UC on my warrior and 4.0's on my necro and paladins that I was able to auto mode it but even then theres times a lucky round sends me to 20% hp and I gotta hit viv on my cleric in a panic.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Hunter on June 12, 2012, 07:50:08 pm
Oh, and P.S.  That's what Radiant Cure is for, and if your pet is rooted, suspend minion and bring it back again, voila, no more root...

I just added "I" to the pets special attacks making them un-rootable and un-snareable. This is for the pets on Epic 3.0 or higher.

Couldn't remember which pets we're up to right now, and it seems that 5.0 is the latest pet we're using so I'm going to have to create Epic 6.0 Pets soon with more HP and DPS as a clickie on 6.0's, and again soon on 7.0's. Anything 3.0 or higher will continue to be unaffected by roots.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: hateborne on June 12, 2012, 08:08:14 pm
Ballin', thanks.

Could you look into the bug where wizards sometimes fail to one shot mobs?



Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Stormcougar on June 12, 2012, 09:18:22 pm
Oh, and P.S.  That's what Radiant Cure is for, and if your pet is rooted, suspend minion and bring it back again, voila, no more root...

I just added "I" to the pets special attacks making them un-rootable and un-snareable. This is for the pets on Epic 3.0 or higher.

Couldn't remember which pets we're up to right now, and it seems that 5.0 is the latest pet we're using so I'm going to have to create Epic 6.0 Pets soon with more HP and DPS as a clickie on 6.0's, and again soon on 7.0's. Anything 3.0 or higher will continue to be unaffected by roots.

Awesome...interesting fix -- Pet classes are alive again!  Thanks Hunter.  Logging on to play around.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Tornasu on June 13, 2012, 12:56:20 am
I want to agree with making the higher tiers more multi-player oriented, but as more guilds focus on the higher end content wouldn't it make sense to make maybe a 200k DT or something that COULD kill you, and keep you on your toes, wanting to keep your tank TOPPED at all times etc. The T5+ content is being handled by guilds, so catching up as a 6boxing player would make it harder and harder to gear up as progression increases because guilds are focused on higher tiers right now.


Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: napoleonn on June 13, 2012, 02:27:46 am
Sorry but before this change the zone was not hard or fun at all, it was basically turn in token hit attack and watch tv till i had to kill adds. Sorry that you can't do that anymore and it was fun to you or even hard, but this is accually fun to me now that i gotta pay attention just alittle more. Once again this is a raid zone right? Takes more then a few casters and tanks to do it now thats all. Hope he puts in a DT that kills all tanks cause its just a minor upkeep to stay alive, wouldnt mind haven to rez a tank and use off tank once and a while imo....

Nap, I would hope that you would see T3/T4 as boring since your epic 6.0 and T6 geared. That would be like me complaining that Tacvi is boring cause I can solo it in 5 minutes. I haven't been in T3/T4 since these changes have been made due to gearing up some alts but I can tell you that when I was in full T2 and no UC, the T3 bosses themselves were pretty tough and when they got in a lucky round it could one shot my tank. It wasn't until I got my UC on my warrior and 4.0's on my necro and paladins that I was able to auto mode it but even then theres times a lucky round sends me to 20% hp and I gotta hit viv on my cleric in a panic.

Yes it's easier of course but it's the same grind as it always was since i was 4.0'd and uc'd on war/pally. Thats when i started it was when i was UC'd on 1 toon in t3 and 2 in t4. Now the way it is i accually have to pay more attention then i had to when i started. I guarentee i could do it with what i started it with and don't make me prove it cause i will. :P

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: hateborne on June 13, 2012, 08:23:27 am
Wait, mobs nuking for 500k? That isn't a DT?



Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Natedog on June 13, 2012, 09:02:47 am
I did plenty of T4 with no problems.....

However... I've been doing lots of T3 mobs and every other mob a different character losses sync with the server. Not sure if its the new spells added.. or just me?? Anyone else have problems with T3 mobs lagging you out?


Turn off Paladin AOE spell and seems to be doing 100x better.. maybe that was the problem lol

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Chunka on June 13, 2012, 09:12:09 am
Turning off crusaders and going to the heal reduced lag for me a lot.

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Natedog on June 13, 2012, 09:59:11 am
Turning off crusaders and going to the heal reduced lag for me a lot.

Ya plowing the bosses in 20 seconds.. and crusader's fury II -- AOEing the adds.. with 3 paladins == INSANE lag and 90% of my team just loses sync

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Bladethorn on June 14, 2012, 03:44:15 pm
I was losing sync on my group as well. Sorry, but can you guys clarify what you mean by turning off Crusaders AOE? I'd engage an avatar and 5 of my 6 fade out. If there is an option I can turn off to keep this from happening, would love to know it.

Thanks for insight!

Title: Re: Updates 06-09-12
Post by: Griz on June 27, 2012, 03:52:45 pm
Players that have Epic 1.5's should be able to kill the 10 bosses required in the Shield Quest. The bosses do have some regen, but not too major. May need at least a full group or more to break through the bosses hp regen. This should help players start their Shield Quest using Qvic Essences.

Hey, I just started working on this, and some of the abilities thus far have been countered easily enough with creativity (cazel). I definitely think it is overtuned for people in 1.5s, because the poison DOT aoe ticks for 25k with 99 poison stacks, and you can't proc heals on the lfay boss (cleric handled it easily enough). Furthermore, unless I am missing something about Korucust, his trash hits about as hard as T5 trash, charms, and summons, so I doubt you're supposed to kite them.

I even tried logging my rogue on to see if it was a stealth mission or something to sneak past them and kill the boss, but alas they see shroud of stealth :(

Edit: Tried using pacify spells to bypass them, it lands but can't seem to get past them still.