EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Mattnaik on November 28, 2012, 09:21:36 am

Title: Bazaar?
Post by: Mattnaik on November 28, 2012, 09:21:36 am
Just curious why there isn't some sort of Bazaar on EZ. I only played Live through LDoN so not sure what system they have now but I remember having to keep a toon logged on all the time to sell stuff in the Bazaar.

Does the EMU codebase not support it or would it just be too many concurrent connections to the server.

How about some sort of offline auction house type of deal? It would really boost the economy in game I think if people could buy/sell essences and SLS's and whatnot.

Or everyone could just hang out in the EC tunnel and /auction just like the old days  ;D

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Fiend on November 28, 2012, 09:28:43 am
The bazaar worked the last time that I checked.  There's a healthy economy on EZ, but there aren't that many different items to sell, the server reboots every night, and the AFK check boots inactive people.  Nobody uses the the bazaar because of those things.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Brokyn on November 28, 2012, 10:03:44 am
And, having toons logged in that are not playing is just increasing population without actually doing anything...

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Kovou on November 28, 2012, 10:27:18 am
aka causing lag for the rest of us who are playing

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Nexxel on November 28, 2012, 10:27:39 am
And, having toons logged in that are not playing is just increasing population without actually doing anything...


Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Mattnaik on November 28, 2012, 11:25:45 am
That's what I figured was the reason. How about some sort of custom offline auction house? Too much?

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Brokyn on November 28, 2012, 12:37:09 pm
How about some sort of custom offline auction house? Too much?

How about a WTS post on the forums?  Is that enough of a custom offline auction house?  Because trading in game gear from character to character outside of the game is never going to happen.  That would be a buttload of update queries for Hunter to do on top of his already full schedule.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: hateborne on November 28, 2012, 12:40:58 pm
I really don't like the auction house concept. I like the ability to flip items and make a profit. :-P


Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Mattnaik on November 28, 2012, 12:57:13 pm
I really don't like the auction house concept. I like the ability to flip items and make a profit. :-P


Yes from a sellers perspective it's pretty easy to flip something quickly. From a buyers perspective, the right person needs to be on at the right time and paying attention to /auction channel.

Not a terrible nuisance or anything I just remember when the bazaar was first introduced back in the day and spending hours just browsing peoples wares. Just waxing nostalgic really. 

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Stuff4Sale on December 02, 2012, 06:40:56 pm
Just throwing up a WTS post is probably gonna be good enough on the forums. Obviously you would need to log on and trade the item to another character, but for the most part people can sell things rather easily just in auction channel while in-game. Don't see Hunter spending time on creating an AH, but I could be wrong.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Hunter on December 02, 2012, 07:00:34 pm
I wonder if I could write up my own Auction house in perl (quest) code using a custom table to hold all the items available to be sold.

Then hail the npc for list of items and prices available.

I bet it can be done.

And with it being a quest / npc then it could be done from any zone, but just for fun I might put the npc in Commons Tunnel :)

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Stuff4Sale on December 02, 2012, 07:05:12 pm
If so, could I also request a custom porter to that tunnel? I'm too lazy to run!! ;)

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Mattnaik on December 02, 2012, 08:49:54 pm
I wonder if I could write up my own Auction house in perl (quest) code using a custom table to hold all the items available to be sold.

Then hail the npc for list of items and prices available.

I bet it can be done.

And with it being a quest / npc then it could be done from any zone, but just for fun I might put the npc in Commons Tunnel :)

This would be awesome!

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Hunter on December 02, 2012, 09:58:08 pm
I could just edit the Universal Teleporter and Pet Teleporters to be at the XYZ of the tunnels when asking for 'Commons' zone.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Hunter on December 02, 2012, 10:01:30 pm
I know people are going to hate me for this, but I might go with a fee style system too of 1% of asking price, non refundable.

So to put an item for 100pp up on auction, you'd need to have %1 (or 1 pp) in advance to pay the fee before it gets listed.

I'd be using a custom table to store everything, item price, item id, seller, etc.

I don't know if there would be 'bidding' yet.

Listing "Flowing Black Silk Sash" for sale by all vendors sorted by lowest price first is something that would be super easy to do in mysql.

Since I played GW2 recently, I'd probably use their Auction House for ideas and examples of how players can buy, sell, and search.

Would have to wait until after T7 though :)

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Nexxel on December 02, 2012, 10:38:03 pm
I wonder if I could write up my own Auction house in perl (quest) code using a custom table to hold all the items available to be sold.

Then hail the npc for list of items and prices available.

I bet it can be done.

And with it being a quest / npc then it could be done from any zone, but just for fun I might put the npc in Commons Tunnel :)

YES!  ;D

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Mattnaik on December 03, 2012, 07:46:29 am
I know people are going to hate me for this, but I might go with a fee style system too of 1% of asking price, non refundable.

So to put an item for 100pp up on auction, you'd need to have %1 (or 1 pp) in advance to pay the fee before it gets listed.

I'd be using a custom table to store everything, item price, item id, seller, etc.

I don't know if there would be 'bidding' yet.

Listing "Flowing Black Silk Sash" for sale by all vendors sorted by lowest price first is something that would be super easy to do in mysql.

Since I played GW2 recently, I'd probably use their Auction House for ideas and examples of how players can buy, sell, and search.

Would have to wait until after T7 though :)

1% sounds reasonable.

Just some preliminary thoughts/questions on this:

- Without some sort of custom UI for this, how would you set the price of what you are selling?

- I assume when buying something it would appear on your pointer or in your inventory?

- Would there be any difficulty in selling stacks of things?

- If something you put up for auction doesn't sell (assuming there is a time limit) where would the item go? There's no mail system like other games so maybe they would appear on your pointer or in inventory when you log in?

Not necessarily looking for answers to these questions, just food for thought.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Chunka on December 03, 2012, 09:17:11 am
I came from an older server, so it was Gfay and North FP rather than EC Tunnels.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Hunter on December 03, 2012, 03:03:47 pm
Every item for sale in the auction database will have a Primary ID field.

Would just have players just 'give' the npc what you want to sell.

If the item you give is acceptable (not no-trade item), then it would assign automatically the next available id.

Then you could hail the npc with 'list' and would search the database for all items with your character id that has no price yet, and create a 'saylink' that you can click on that references the unique id of that records id. This would set your flag, or current item focused on, to that item, of which then you could tell the npc in a hail how much you want to sell it for.

If the item is no-drop then it'd be rejected and returned to you.

If you buy something then yes it would probably appear on your cursor like when doing any other quest for a reward.

Probably won't be able to sell stacks right away. Would have to figure out how.

I have it all written in my head already. Combo of just giving the npc a trade window, then listing them, and saying their prices.

I don't see a reason (yet) for auctions to expire. I don't think GW2 auctions expire and I might use their structure or setup style.

When players buy your item, then your auction balance would get credited. Then you'd have to hail the npc at a later date to 'withdraw' your balance of platinum.

Hope I'm not reinvesting the wheel on this one, would have to see if eqemu has anything set up already for the bazaar.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Kovou on December 03, 2012, 03:47:08 pm
problem im seeing with that is that it would confus the system when you have ppl who have zone/god names as their PC names...or those that are close to each other like my monks *who i wasnt thinking about when i made them lol* Knomraskiia and Knomraskii it has confused NPC's before with hails and hand ins so it might cause the same problem here.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Hunter on December 03, 2012, 06:30:49 pm
problem im seeing with that is that it would confus the system when you have ppl who have zone/god names as their PC names...or those that are close to each other like my monks *who i wasnt thinking about when i made them lol* Knomraskiia and Knomraskii it has confused NPC's before with hails and hand ins so it might cause the same problem here.

Would be using char id and char name, which both are unique.

Perl knows that Knomraskiia is not equal to Knomraskii

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: shawnluc on January 25, 2013, 01:48:40 pm
#seller.  Great feature that I have used on another server.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Udeni on January 25, 2013, 02:03:37 pm
A great system i've used on a different server, Shards of Dalaya, was the listsold system. I have no clue how it could be set up here, all I know is it used the shared bank as the input and storage area for selling items. Used /cm commands like /cm listsold next, /cm lisbuy <seller> <# of item in the seller's list>

It was used with the titanium client, and probably uses some ghetto-code to make it work, apparently Shards uses some really outdated code system.

Just throwing it out there as an idea, not sure if it's been brought up or not, though.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Brokyn on January 25, 2013, 02:31:55 pm
When we are worried about bandwidth and server population issues I think it's a bad idea to encourage people to log in and leave toons online all night when they are not actively playing.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Udeni on January 25, 2013, 03:55:35 pm
The listsold idea wouldn't require you to be online. The seller specifies a rpice with /cm listprice (or something to that effect) <price> then drops the item in his shared bank. Bags can be added to the shared bank for more selling space, however you can't sell bags themselves. He then opens his listsold up with the command /cm listadd <description of wares> The person has now opened his listsold for the next 96 hours (4 days). This person can then log off for the next while.
Now a buyer can search through listsolds by the command /cm listview <# of different seller's listsolds> (This shows the name of the seller, and their description from /cm listadd) or /cm listsold <specific person's listsold> (which shows one person's wares) He then sees that Bob is selling fbss for 10kpp, and Rick wants to buy it. It's #3 on Bob's listsold, so Rick uses the command /cm listbuy Bob 3  Bob now has 10kpp waiting for him, and 10kpp goes away from Rick's inventory.
Bob then logs in a week later, long after his listsold has closed. He sees he has some money waiting for him (a message saying "You have platinum waiting for you, use /cm listget with a banker targeted to retrieve it.") so he goes to a banker and types /cm listget, and voila! 10kpp in his inventory. Bob is now a very happy man, now 10kpp richer than he was earlier.

In Shards, the listing system has a 2% ish fee that the bank takes, not sure if that'd be good or bad here. 2% gets to be a lot when your wares are 5million plat each. (thats what, uh, 100k plat in fees, that's a lot.) However, for being able to put your stuff you want to sell up for a long time and not worry about it, it's probably worth it.

Basically, you won't have to worry about people sitting logged in taking up bandwidth with the listing system. It's a lot like the broker from eq2 and aion, except the fee is applied when you collect your money, not when you put an item up for sale. However, this is a hell of a lot more ghetto code-wise and user-wise than a broker system.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: shawnluc on February 01, 2013, 09:14:52 am
Like I said, the #seller code on EQtitan is the best I have seen.  While im not sure if the code is public, I do think it would be a great asset here.


Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Felony on February 01, 2013, 09:36:50 am
Its not public code and it doesnt matter because the RoF client has support for offline trading.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Hunter on February 01, 2013, 02:43:18 pm
Haven't updated the source yet, and don't know if RoF would actually work for bazaar, might need source code behind it.

Would be cool if someone could write up a script for buy/sell bazaar style. Would have to use DBI use qglobals are too unreliable. I'm sure some neat stuff like SELECT LIMIT 10 Order Desc stuff would help to sort prices high/low and names alphabetically too when searching.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: marxist on February 01, 2013, 04:04:28 pm
Would be a ton of lag from that. I'd vote against it.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: lerxst2112 on February 01, 2013, 06:31:02 pm

Offline traders will definitely take some code on the server that hasn't been written yet.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: MarbleArts on February 28, 2013, 02:34:43 pm
people were discussing the bazaar idea today.  i like the idea of having the old bazaar zone back.  maybe have something like illusion: wisp (or something similar) cast on everyone in the zone (kinda like the twinkle toes idea).  something small and non-animated.

then again, i like tunnel trading too.  good times

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Fugitive on February 28, 2013, 03:48:31 pm
This is stupid why would he want a zone where people just sit around and waste resources and bandwidth?.

Use /auction when you are logged on.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: bobo on February 28, 2013, 04:08:39 pm
I have to agree with fugitive on this. With all the changes that went active for "lag mitigation", I would hate to add lag just to have people afk to sell some items. The auction channel is the way to go.

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: Rageful on February 28, 2013, 05:43:09 pm
sigh... just wait for Rof

Its not public code and it doesnt matter because the RoF client has support for offline trading.

Btw that post was only 1 page back

Title: Re: Bazaar?
Post by: MarbleArts on March 01, 2013, 05:21:14 pm
very good point. never thought of the band with

well, what about using it for a future server expansion, like as a special event zone or t zone or quest or something?

I really liked that zone  ;D