EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: hateborne on September 08, 2015, 02:18:58 pm

Title: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: hateborne on September 08, 2015, 02:18:58 pm
T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2 Completed!

PLEASE TEST IF YOU ARE HIGH ENOUGH! T10 spells CAN drop, cash is so-so high, consumables are there (tradeable consumables for L78), and the mobs are plenty angry.As things break/explode/blow-your-mind, please please please post in this thread so I can logically segregate the info/input for better organization. I will try to answer or address EVERY post relating to T10 in this thread. :-D

Huge thanks to all that contributed. I will be sifting through input and going from there!

Friday (All Day): T10 Beta opened.
Saturday (All Day): T10 Beta still open.
Sunday: T10 Beta ends in the evening.

I hope to see everyone there. This is more for stability, code testing, and respawn "feel" (too fast/slow/wtfspawndamnit).


Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: hateborne on September 11, 2015, 09:49:31 am
This is live. Have fun! :-D


Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 11, 2015, 11:25:17 am
I'll kick things off! Just going to number things to make it easier to skim thru later.

1. First encounter was with the goops near the zone in. Rampage from these buttholes is able to 1 round melee toons with 3.9 mil HP (they can proc Wild Ramp on every hit, so if they land a full round of attacks on your Warrior, they have the potential to do some crazy RNG disgusting poop on your boxes damage.

2. I popped a trap near the goop area which aggro'd around 10 mobs. Only 2 aggro'd though, thankfully, because these mobs both had the Wild Rampage ability. After killing those 2, and having a few deaths, I recovered and went to check on the rest of the trap mobs. They were standing exactly where they spawned and had been showing on my aggro list the entire time. After attacking with my warrior, I got mez-break messages nonstop. It kept saying 'Kruciel has awakened soandso' I brought over my boxes and mercilessly punched them to death while they stood there motionless, perma mezzed.

3. After passing the goop area I thought I'd try the Tree with rangers around it to the north. I knew I was in for a lot of mobs aggroing so I threw drake up and ran over on the warrior. They dropped me from their tree in about 2 seconds (ranged hits don't proc drake as we all know). I kinda just sat there laughing, rezzed up, skipped past them and proceeded to murder the entire sarnak fort for about 40 minutes (no rampage there, yay!)

4. Chat box and UI bugs a lot in here. Chat box gets disabled when I try to type in it, getting in combat and punched in the head brings it back for some reason. The whole time I was in here this morning my warrior could not see his raid window to move groups or switch people around, which made me lose one of my zerkers for the remainder of the morning. He had the desync bug, so when he died none of my characters could see a corpse to rez and I couldn't move him into a group with a COH to get him back to me. Also, mage COH is disabled in the zone.

I'll come back and add more later after lunch. My first impression is still the same thing I told Hunter back when ToV had rampage: "If Ramp is going to exist in tiers to come, tanks stonewalls need to get reduced so mob damage can be brought in line to allow ramp. Tanks taking ~22% of the damage mobs dish out has made their base attack scale so high that no non-tanks can eat that damage reliably."

As for tank damage, it seems perfectly manageable aside from the Ranger pewpew. I'll give them another go later with some different strategies. I was NOT prepared for that many to aggro, and then have them stand there planted shooting at me.  The only close call I suffered on my tank was aggroing 3 Shadow Knights. That Harm Touch wrecks  :P hit 3% hp.

5. Just tried to go to the undead area, aggro'd about 15 mobs, 4 or 5 of them had Wild Ramp, instant wipe.  ;D

6. Ran back and tried to go east of the undead, trap aggro'd while swimming across the river and wiped before I could do anything.  :o

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: hateborne on September 11, 2015, 12:38:41 pm
I'll kick things off! Just going to number things to make it easier to skim thru later.

1. First encounter was with the goops near the zone in. Rampage from these buttholes is able to 1 round melee toons with 3.9 mil HP (they can proc Wild Ramp on every hit, so if they land a full round of attacks on your Warrior, they have the potential to do some crazy RNG disgusting poop on your boxes damage.

I know the issue here and will adjust them this evening. They have a special ability that needs to "cool back down".

2. I popped a trap near the goop area which aggro'd around 10 mobs. Only 2 aggro'd though, thankfully, because these mobs both had the Wild Rampage ability. After killing those 2, and having a few deaths, I recovered and went to check on the rest of the trap mobs. They were standing exactly where they spawned and had been showing on my aggro list the entire time. After attacking with my warrior, I got mez-break messages nonstop. It kept saying 'Kruciel has awakened soandso' I brought over my boxes and mercilessly punched them to death while they stood there motionless, perma mezzed.

Do you remember what type of mobs they were? Vampires, undead, bandits, etc?

3. After passing the goop area I thought I'd try the Tree with rangers around it to the north. I knew I was in for a lot of mobs aggroing so I threw drake up and ran over on the warrior. They dropped me from their tree in about 2 seconds (ranged hits don't proc drake as we all know). I kinda just sat there laughing, rezzed up, skipped past them and proceeded to murder the entire sarnak fort for about 40 minutes (no rampage there, yay!)

LoL snipers suck.

4. Chat box and UI bugs a lot in here. Chat box gets disabled when I try to type in it, getting in combat and punched in the head brings it back for some reason. The whole time I was in here this morning my warrior could not see his raid window to move groups or switch people around, which made me lose one of my zerkers for the remainder of the morning. He had the desync bug, so when he died none of my characters could see a corpse to rez and I couldn't move him into a group with a COH to get him back to me. Also, mage COH is disabled in the zone.

This I'll reach out to Akkadius on as I'm not sure what would be causing this. O_o

I'll come back and add more later after lunch. My first impression is still the same thing I told Hunter back when ToV had rampage: "If Ramp is going to exist in tiers to come, tanks stonewalls need to get reduced so mob damage can be brought in line to allow ramp. Tanks taking ~22% of the damage mobs dish out has made their base attack scale so high that no non-tanks can eat that damage reliably."

LOL I brought this up for years and the warrior kids cried that stonewall needs to be absurdly high. I'm glad to see that some one else is finally starting to realize that the math doesn't add up and it's to the point of all but tank get one-rounded. :-P

As for tank damage, it seems perfectly manageable aside from the Ranger pewpew. I'll give them another go later with some different strategies. I was NOT prepared for that many to aggro, and then have them stand there planted shooting at me.  The only close call I suffered on my tank was aggroing 3 Shadow Knights. That Harm Touch wrecks  :P hit 3% hp.

I believe I know the area you are referring to and I may lower that specific sniper's damage as they are often found in packs versus the lone pewpews.

5. Just tried to go to the undead area, aggro'd about 15 mobs, 4 or 5 of them had Wild Ramp, instant wipe.  ;D

I'll recheck the values tonight to make sure I didn't swap the number of hits, percentage of damage, and/or AC ignored (i.e. if I set 5 hits, 150% dmg, and 500 AC, but mixed up dmg and AC...500% damage FTL).

Good start! I'll reply more once I get back from errand number 3901285 today. :-)


Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 11, 2015, 01:09:27 pm
2. I popped a trap near the goop area which aggro'd around 10 mobs. Only 2 aggro'd though, thankfully, because these mobs both had the Wild Rampage ability. After killing those 2, and having a few deaths, I recovered and went to check on the rest of the trap mobs. They were standing exactly where they spawned and had been showing on my aggro list the entire time. After attacking with my warrior, I got mez-break messages nonstop. It kept saying 'Kruciel has awakened soandso' I brought over my boxes and mercilessly punched them to death while they stood there motionless, perma mezzed.

Do you remember what type of mobs they were? Vampires, undead, bandits, etc?

It appears both times this happened, there was a bard type mob in the trap pack, a tone deaf minstrel. Happened with a pack of bandits both times so far.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: WatchYouDie on September 11, 2015, 01:29:51 pm
maybe adjust the damage modifier on wild rampage

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 11, 2015, 01:46:41 pm
Tried the Ranger area again, 10 rangers aggro just by walking near the ramp. I thought they were just choosing to shoot me because they could, I didn't know they were permarooted. There's no way I can get anywhere near them without aggroing a shitload of stuff. Some of them landed ranged attacks on me for 1.31 mil.

Every time I zone in, getting one or two characters desynced, having to relog them.  (Global bug, used to happen to me in Dranik 24/7 until I swapped to RoF2. Character zones in, invisible to all other clients. Upon opening his raid window, he sees all of the characters listed 2-3 times each.)

Tried splitting some of the gnolls from the 15+ pull to break into that camp, but Spirit of the Ninja clicky disabled in the zone apparently, so they all came and stomped me.

Orc Legionnares and Berserkers hit extremely hard, traps with those dudes are wiping me every time. Only way I can safely take a pull with them is to rotate Furious  clicky into drake 4 into vie 3 into furious disc.

So far, the only large camp I've been able to break into is the Sarnak Fort. Mobs there seem to hit for less than the rest, aside from the SK Harm Touches. Also, none of them rampage. The undead, gnoll, and orc areas all aggro so many that I can't stabilize the warrior, even with cooldowns rotating he just flops.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Rymo on September 11, 2015, 03:44:53 pm
UF client.

4. Chat box and UI bugs a lot in here.
Map show on, chat box blackout. closed map, chat box text show again.

Every time I zone in, getting one or two characters desynced, having to relog them.  (Global bug, used to happen to me in Dranik 24/7 until I swapped to RoF2. Character zones in, invisible to all other clients. Upon opening his raid window, he sees all of the characters listed 2-3 times each.)
T9, yes. Zone in, 1-2mins after, 1-2chars super laggy. need to relog. seems to since last month.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 11, 2015, 04:14:06 pm
Spam left click map a few times, chat window comes back.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Raygan on September 11, 2015, 06:41:18 pm
Tried bellow pulling with bard to split the mobs....nope...LOVE the message about memories are not forgotten here....the message that flashes in the center of the screen something about you hear thunder or something...disappears too fast to read it...or maybe I am a slow reader.....second group of toons die EASY! don't know if orc packs can see you from a LONG way off or not but they raped Raygan...she was like a hooker dropped in the middle of a sex offender camp!  :o

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Raygan on September 11, 2015, 06:46:31 pm
LOL I brought this up for years and the warrior kids cried that stonewall needs to be absurdly high. I'm glad to see that some one else is finally starting to realize that the math doesn't add up and it's to the point of all but tank get one-rounded. :-P

I am TOTALLY up for this if it keeps my other toons from getting one rounded.  ;D

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 11, 2015, 08:01:32 pm
Hunter didn't want to have to change every stonewall and readjust the damage of every tier accordingly, so he removed Rampage from the entire server instead  :P I don't know if it was intended to be a bandaid fix to save the changes for a later time. I think without doing that though, the options for Rampage are something like: Use the second target Rampage on a few select mobs throughout the zone to add some pressure and strategy, and rely and spell AOE to cover the raid damage. But full on AOE rampage for over 2 mil that can land multiple times per swing is just a kick in the nuts lol.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: hateborne on September 11, 2015, 08:49:03 pm
Tweaked the bandit ranger, lowered the percentage of damage the wild rampages can do, and have a plan to help address some of the lag in zone (but need tomorrow to implement last part).


Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: balidet on September 11, 2015, 11:17:59 pm
its the dsync that gets me the most..takes me 20 mins to get all my toons in the same zone on a wipe....

not sure how to split the massive piles of undead.

killed a few traps...got a bag of coins..

oozes are fun.. feed them as many pets as you can and watch the massive fun

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 12, 2015, 12:36:18 am
Been struggling to finish the last few ranks on my ear, I'll put some more time in tomorrow after I finish it. Will have to just try the cleric / sham / druid spamming into me like crazy. Pallies only with cleric / druid cooldown and spot heals was not enough for most of the pulls. I don't even have a button to tell the shaman to cast a heal on me atm, he's been a melee hero for so long now  :P

Definitely time to start UC3'ing the other healers!

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Krinkle on September 12, 2015, 02:29:32 am
My first impression is gonna have to be a complaint just because its such a big deal to me, the no coh makes zero sense to me, i play using only coh, when im in t9 at lake, and i go to kill black priest, i coh there, i dont use stick to get there.

No levitate is an absolute 100% killler as well I can see if theres some kind of way to levitate to a mob and kill it without clearing something, but couldnt you just make the mob like vulak, if you want that stuff cleared it must be before you can kill the named?

I dont understand why either of them arent allowed to be used and its really almost a game ruiner for me. id understand if theres a big reason why not.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Blurring on September 12, 2015, 11:37:00 am
So far all of my chat/UI bugs have been fixed by turning all the labels off in my MQ2Map. Just something to try for everybody else having troubles.

I think there's too many labels and it's causing problems. Perhaps MQ2Map will need to be optimized in some way to run well in this zone.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Denzig on September 12, 2015, 11:38:54 am
Spending some time in here today so I'll update this as I go along. Some of it may be as intended, but adding my observations.

I ran into one of the agro mobs that just stand there mezzing themselves. "A sunburnt ruffian" and was a vah shir model.

I've got to agree with CoH needing to be on, at least during testing. Travel around the zone is quite difficult due to the large agro radius. The time it takes to move any significant distance because of agro wipes is time lost actually killing mobs and learning stuff to feed back.

Gnoll pathing is old ToV worthy. They'll run right past me, up a hill, back down, round the mountain and finally come to the pull spot. Usually with waaaay more mobs than I initially pulled.

Agro/assist range on undead is pretty gruesome. Can pull one and the whole pack comes even if they're a decent pace away. Tried a few pulling methods so either I'm not doing it the way it's intended, or assist range may be too high.

Feign Death is taking the full 3 minutes to drop agro. I could swear there's a randomness built in there so it doesn't ALWAYS take the full duration. Will keep playing with it.

Undead gnolls have a lot less hp's than the rest of the mobs I've encountered.

Since archers are tethered, if you can clear the camp (I did the one by the mesa exit) you don't have to pull. They'll auto-agro and you just pick them off. Doubt that's intended.

Succor reward item zones you, rather than teleporting like in other zones.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Krinkle on September 12, 2015, 12:45:12 pm
Mobs mezzing themselves is usually caused by the spell reflection on insane goblin pet buff, used to love shooting someone in the face on faceshooter in pvp and it reflecting and changing my name to faceshootee

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 12, 2015, 01:17:22 pm
Ya, but this is a trap spawning and 8 of the mobs being mezzed before they take a step, and they remain mezzed while you run allllll the way over to them and hit them 1000 times, getting 1000 mez break messages and still they do not attack. It feels different than IG reflect

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 12, 2015, 02:18:38 pm
Was able to break into the Ranger camp today. Most of the hits they fire off seem to do 200k or less, but I still see a 800-900k every now and then. With the way the area is setup, breaking into it is a nightmare still. Because of the perma rooted archers, their threat tables work the same as any permarooted mob. Closest target = aggro. And because their positioning is so scattered, it's rather hard to keep the warrior the closest target, also having to deal with the massive aggro range of the other mobs that constantly funnel into you as you try and pick off the rangers. All in all, I did clear the area, but I never left combat once, so I didn't bother trying to rez while more and more archers kept aggroing. By the end, it was just 4 of my 18 left standing, but I killed all the named there  :P

Essentially, i just zerged the archers with bodies!

Also, I've seen the elusive 'mez-trap' happen with 3x 'tone deaf minstrels' and also a pack with 3 different bandits and 0 tone deaf minstrels.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kaid on September 12, 2015, 02:53:03 pm
More mez trap fun. "a bandit poisonmaster" x2, "a tone deaf minstrel" x2, and "an irritated berserker". Also in the trap but were NOT mezzed: "a tamed hellclaw" and "a bandit assailant"

I have to add my thoughts on the aggro radius, as I just swam under a bridge and had everything atop said bridge aggro on me.

1. They were rather far away on the z axis and shouldn't be able to see that far in any direction.
2. They shouldn't be able to see through the floor/ground/walls (we're not allowed to target through walls, why should they be?  ;) )

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 12, 2015, 02:58:20 pm
This is the message my mage just received:

a goblin marauder goes on a RAMPAGE!
A goblin marauder slashes YOU for 462516 points of damage. (Rampage)
A goblin marauder slashes YOU for 932703 points of damage. (Rampage)
A goblin marauder slashes YOU for 2225718 points of damage.          <----- ow
You have been slain by a goblin marauder!

Cleric's log:
a tamed hellclaw goes on a WILD RAMPAGE!
A tamed hellclaw punches YOU for 431875 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
A tamed hellclaw punches YOU for 420469 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
A tamed hellclaw punches YOU for 2192656 points of damage.          <----- ow

Druid's log:
Ro'kki goes on a RAMPAGE!
Ro'kki crushes YOU for 2620156 points of damage.             <------ ow
You have been slain by Ro'kki!

Warrior's log:
a sarnak blackhand slashes for 706598
a sarnak blackhand slashes for 413742
a sarnak blackhand executes a FLURRY of attacks on Kruciel!
a sarnak blackhand slashes for 1180606                                     <----------- holy shit
a sarnak blackhand slashes for 413742
a sarnak blackhand slashes for 413742
a sarnak blackhand bashes for 1
Kruciel goes into a berserker frenzy!
a sarnak blackhand slashes for 413742
a sarnak blackhand slashes for 543361
a sarnak blackhand executes a FLURRY of attacks on Kruciel!
a sarnak blackhand slashes for 413742
a sarnak blackhand slashes for 413742
a sarnak blackhand slashes for 413742
You have been slain by a sarnak blackhand!
50% + 11% + 15% stonewalls active for that^ don't make fun of me, I'll uprade to IG soon! I'm not missing Halloween again dammit!

Ya... those guys don't play. The rest of them are a pushover though.

Also, I've killed roughly 10 named now, and 2 chests (both empty). No spells yet. Nobody I've talked to so far has found any.

Decided to give the Sarnak Fort a try again after zerging through the ranger camp. I'm easily able to tank 10-20 of these guys, as long as there are only 1-2  blackhand in the pile. I see a lot of melee's for 120k to 200k and 450k to 1.1 mil from the blackhands. Very different from pulling a camp of orcs who average 450k and two types of mobs that average 800k-1mil !!

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 12, 2015, 03:49:51 pm
Also, can we just /delete the mass of NPCs fighting each other? The 900+ NPCs in zone seem to be the cause of the UI bugs (thanks Blarr for the discovery). There are also at least 100 things on my map listed as "Something" that might be causing a lot of the stress on mq2. Nobody, and i mean NOBODY is ever going to kill that pack of 50v50 fighting each other in a massive pile. Just dealing with 50 skeles + 3 guards in t9 is a big nono. The only way I deal with undead swarms in t9 is 1: proxy aggro by standing near them, getting on their hatelist, and waiting for the guards to DIE and then have the undead run alllllllll the way back to my camp, guard free or 2: constantly typing /time when i know it's almost 11pm in-game, and being at the befallen tunnel as they spawn to aggro all of them before the cluster-fuck of NPC vs NPC can begin.

And as for the large spiders in t9, people just avoid them because they're too much of a headache. NPC vs NPC just makes all of the mobs behave in a perma rooted fashion, and swing wildly at their closest target. It is not good  :-\

But the main problem is too many labels in the zone for mq2 to process on the map at once (mobs and invisible mobs)

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 12, 2015, 04:20:39 pm
Gnoll pathing is old ToV worthy. They'll run right past me, up a hill, back down, round the mountain and finally come to the pull spot. Usually with waaaay more mobs than I initially pulled.

I had a gnoll trap spawn aggro earlier, run away from me, up a ramp, into a bandit camp, and the bandits slaughtered all of them. Really funny  :D

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: balidet on September 12, 2015, 06:56:56 pm
wrong thread but.......

why was rampage made 30 min cool down? 

was at least useful every few mins to clean up the almost deads....

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 12, 2015, 06:58:06 pm
Decided to try that massive undead pull again with all cooldowns up. Got through it, focusing the rampage beast assholes down as fast as I could. Only 3 casualties.

Zerker #1:
a ghoulish creature goes on a WILD RAMPAGE!
A ghoulish creature punches YOU for 1742579 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
A ghoulish creature punches YOU for 1466016 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
a ghoulish creature goes on a WILD RAMPAGE!
A ghoulish creature punches YOU for 1369876 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
You have been slain by a ghoulish creature!

Zerker #2:
a ghoulish creature goes on a WILD RAMPAGE!
A ghoulish creature punches YOU for 1327735 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
a ghoulish creature goes on a WILD RAMPAGE!
A ghoulish creature punches YOU for 1396876 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
A ghoulish creature punches YOU for 1051173 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
You have been slain by a ghoulish creature!

Zerker #3:
a ghoulish creature goes on a WILD RAMPAGE!
A ghoulish creature punches YOU for 1673438 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
A ghoulish creature punches YOU for 1742579 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
You have been slain by a ghoulish creature!

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 12, 2015, 07:04:30 pm
Tried the same pull again, no go this time. Few rampage deaths again but then this happened:

Warrior Log:
a vicious mummy hits for 730230
a vicious mummy hits for 1164660              <-----  :-\
a vicious mummy hits for 657826
a vicious mummy hits for 440610
Kruciel goes into a berserker frenzy!
a vicious mummy hits for 785860
a dessicated zombie punches for 360507
a vicious mummy hits for 1160589            <-------   :-\
You have been slain by a vicious mummy!

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 12, 2015, 07:13:16 pm
wrong thread but.......

why was rampage made 30 min cool down?  

was at least useful every few mins to clean up the almost deads....

It's not a 30 minute cooldown, it's a 4 minute cooldown, that shares a lockout with MGB. Trust me, if I could move my mask to another character I would, I like rampage too.

If yours is 30 minutes without using MGB, you're missing the AAs to reduce the cooldown.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 12, 2015, 07:22:28 pm
Bandit trap pop, 4 of the mobs perma mezzed, 1 aggro'd and still he managed to snag a kill for himself before going down.

Ranger Log:
a bandit raid leader goes on a WILD RAMPAGE!
a bandit raid leader slashes YOU for 1298280 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
a bandit raid leader slashes YOU for 1593392 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
a bandit raid leader goes on a WILD RAMPAGE!
a bandit raid leader slashes YOU for 1785989 points of damage.
You have been slain by a bandit raid leader!

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 12, 2015, 07:27:56 pm
Tried to break the gnoll camp again, shut the warrior down instantly, not going to bother posting the log. Archers are stupid.

Pulled 1 lone mob on the cliff, aggro'd 10+ and 6+ archers.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: balidet on September 12, 2015, 07:28:10 pm
wrong thread but.......

why was rampage made 30 min cool down?  

was at least useful every few mins to clean up the almost deads....

It's not a 30 minute cooldown, it's a 4 minute cooldown, that shares a lockout with MGB. Trust me, if I could move my mask to another character I would, I like rampage too.

If yours is 30 minutes without using MGB, you're missing the AAs to reduce the cooldown.

you are correct... move on nothing to read here!

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 12, 2015, 07:38:55 pm
Final thoughts-

1. Rampage is silly, and is making most of the zone too annoying to attempt to pull to find out which mobs are the hard hitters.
2. The amount of damage the mobs deal mixed with the extremely high mob clusters is just too much pain. I suggest either spacing the mobs out a bit more (there's plenty of room in the zone) or reducing the damage of the certain mobs that are swinging for 700k+
3. The Sarnak Fort area is tuned very well, after spending another hour there. The named is very weak, but once you get a feel for the camp, you start to just look for the blackhands. They're the only hard hitting mobs in the area, and no more than 2 ever come together. Also the is NO RAMPAGE bullshit up there.
4. Archers are just going to make people skip those areas and farm the areas that don't have them, unless they need that spot for tier upgrades? They'll just be like the right half of oldcommons, nobody is going to go there  :P  My suggestion is to just take away their perma-root status and allow them to aggro normally. You can leave in their ranged attack. Just having them shoot you on the way to your pull-spot will be scary enough.
5. Can't explore some of the areas of the map because of being blocked by hordes of mobs that all aggro together.
6. Respawn seems too fast. I can't even clear 1% of the mobs in the zone before repops. I'd slow it down a bit, it is INCREDIBLY annoying with how many pathers there are once you break into a camp. You constantly have respawns pathing up from behind you while you're trying to decide where to move / what to pull.

And lastly, I know I can't see the loot yet, but if this is the type of damage mobs are going to dish out, can we get an update to the type 23 Tier Augment slot in all of our armor? I know some people still use the 4k hp augments, but some of us gave up caring about 70,000 hp a long time ago. I'd rather have 1000 extra resists than a 0.5% hp increase. Could be a new version of the leaf of vitality, but fits the top slot in gear instead of the middle. 5k hp per rank, up to 50k hp at rank X.

And just a small fix, can Amplify Healing have the perma-buff upgrade? Pally focus healing and the Druid / Shammy t8 clicky are both permanent, but the cleric's still has to be refreshed. Not a big deal, just a quality of life change.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 13, 2015, 12:16:47 am
I'll come back and add more later after lunch. My first impression is still the same thing I told Hunter back when ToV had rampage: "If Ramp is going to exist in tiers to come, tanks stonewalls need to get reduced so mob damage can be brought in line to allow ramp. Tanks taking ~22% of the damage mobs dish out has made their base attack scale so high that no non-tanks can eat that damage reliably."

LOL I brought this up for years and the warrior kids cried that stonewall needs to be absurdly high. I'm glad to see that some one else is finally starting to realize that the math doesn't add up and it's to the point of all but tank get one-rounded. :-P

The arguments that cropped up were warriors scared of not being able to AA farm in Anguish. That's literally the only thing that makes the change scary on the player's end. Stonewalls being absurdly high means you can easily mass farm older zones for essences. So from the player's perspective the thought of nerfing stonewall is terrifying, so the easy way out was to remove rampage.

I assumed it would stay gone, and some wizard type mobs would take its place, tossing some aoe spells out that are easier to control the values of. I still believe that's the right choice of a 'raid damage' mechanic at this point. People are going to feel obligated to scale down their group size and run SOA + IG on all their melee if Ramp decides to come back, and even that won't be enough if you pull 3 or 4 mobs that all rampage.

In the end, right before Ramp was taken out, we were soloing ToV trash pulls on the warrior because none of our melee could live more than 1 second of a trash pull with more than 5 mobs in it. It was incredibly stupid.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: hateborne on September 13, 2015, 10:15:56 am
The CoH blocking is intentional. There is a portal system in this zone. Three distinct portals exists. Every 10-15 min one portal "opens" a gateway to another portal (randomly). This lets a player walk his/her group in and be shot across the zone quite easily. There is little to truly be stuck on.

Oh f..damn. If you don't have the updated zone file, that zone is probably very very barren looking. I'll reupload it today and be online later.

Aggro radius will stay rather large, but I can reduce/half the assist radius though to prevent zone pulls instead of group pulls.

The gnoll pathing will be tweaked, but the point to help prevent players from pulling mobs from the canyon floors.

Mobs mezzing themselves...I have no idea and need to dig in to today and fix.

Mobs fighting each other stays as it's mechanic related. ;)

I'll triple check loot and likely set cash drops to something unnaturally high (1:5 for example) just to make sure it's working and as a reward.

As for Stonewall and rampage, it's going to be scary for a variety of reasons.

One being most people gear tank to the teeth and only aug/UC melee DPS. No use of resist or HP augs (or very little). This makes tanks much more durable. Now, compound that with ~80% stonewall and the mob damage has to be absurdly high to even touch tanks. This makes it ridiculously hard for melee DPS to withstand it. This leaves me with an almost fool's choice situation.

a) Nerf rampage damage or remove it, making it a useless and non-threatening mechanic.
b) Nerf Stonewall as a whole.

Realistically, option "B" can be useful as I can lower all Stonewall across the board to a cap of ~40-50% instead of ~80%. With that, mob damage starting at T4 and above could be lowered as well, so melee have a chance without NEEDING Halloween pets to survive.

I digress and this is relevant, but beyond the scope of this beta test. :-)


Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 13, 2015, 10:34:13 am
One being most people gear tank to the teeth and only aug/UC melee DPS. No use of resist or HP augs (or very little). This makes tanks much more durable.

Well that's their fault for being mega lazy  :D here's the sheet I've been using to track my team ever since t9 came out~


No excuse not to work resists with the bulk combine 8 stones recipes in. Every two clears of floor 7 yields a resist 10 stone.

Also, I've looted every leaf I ever found aside from the ones in t9 chests. I usually just kamikaze into a camp, /open the chest and clicky Fading Memories to check for essences. I don't feel like moving my team from the lake, clearing the area, and trying to snag the leaf. I'll get them from the rest of the UC3 farm  8)

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: hateborne on September 13, 2015, 10:37:02 am
Mass Group Buff (with reboot) no longer shares a cooldown with Rampage. Mass Group Buff shares a cooldown only with Origin (as it's a mostly useless AA with no other items in it's cooldown group).


Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Warbash on September 13, 2015, 12:05:18 pm
This zone sounds exciting:) wish I had time to play :)

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Mixlor on September 13, 2015, 12:52:52 pm
Nice one Hate on the MGB cool down fi!. Now maybe Kruciel will shut up and be happy. Lub you Kruciel!


Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: balidet on September 13, 2015, 01:40:44 pm
awesome sauce...

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: hateborne on September 13, 2015, 01:44:04 pm
Also, I've looted every leaf I ever found aside from the ones in t9 chests. I usually just kamikaze into a camp, /open the chest and clicky Fading Memories to check for essences. I don't feel like moving my team from the lake, clearing the area, and trying to snag the leaf. I'll get them from the rest of the UC3 farm  8)

The part in red is why Fading Memories is blocked in T10 (at least for a goodly while). I am very aware of the implications this has for DPS and threat, but the new AA should be helping with this deficit.


Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 13, 2015, 02:07:57 pm
Well, unless warrior gain 15 mil HP and Skin of the Drake 5 comes out, that strat won't be working in t10 for a few tiers anyways lol

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Raygan on September 13, 2015, 02:49:12 pm
a) Nerf rampage damage or remove it, making it a useless and non-threatening mechanic.
b) Nerf Stonewall as a whole.

Realistically, option "B" can be useful as I can lower all Stonewall across the board to a cap of ~40-50% instead of ~80%. With that, mob damage starting at T4 and above could be lowered as well, so melee have a chance without NEEDING Halloween pets to survive.

I REALLY like this idea....I just have to wonder how much of a pita it would be to go and change all this in every zone t4-t10.....btw did I say I liked the idea?  I still hate joo though, Hate!

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: WatchYouDie on September 13, 2015, 03:00:57 pm
there are proper ways to combat rampage .... wild rampage is a different story ... but as i stated before reduce or put a - dmg mod on wild rampage. ... i see a lot of work to revamp the stonewall system .. with how long t10 has taken to come out i would say it might take just as long to convert/adjust the current system when there are other options.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 13, 2015, 03:45:35 pm
there are proper ways to combat rampage .... wild rampage is a different story ... but as i stated before reduce or put a - dmg mod on wild rampage. ... i see a lot of work to revamp the stonewall system .. with how long t10 has taken to come out i would say it might take just as long to convert/adjust the current system when there are other options.

Plain old Rampage can be both a single target attack to the 2nd person to engage the mob or an AOE hit to all around the mob in a full 360 degree area. If only the Single target version was added, this would not be a raid damage mechanic  or anything to worry about healing. It would just mean you have to swap one of your knights to tank mode and gear a 2nd tank up. While that would still be mildly annoying, we're referring to the AOE Rampage being unfit for the current state of EZ.

Also, even if it was the 2nd target to engage only, having 3-4 mobs all doing it while in one pull is still a bit excessive to even try and worry about your melee engaging at different intervals.

I believe you are confused in thinking that Rampage in t10 is the single target only version of Rampage. Pre PoP, it was like that yes. Post PoP Rampage hit for full on AOE.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 13, 2015, 03:50:32 pm
Wild Ramp could be modified I suppose, but at the moment I'm seeing it proc a 3rd attack swing constantly that is dealing a full 100% unmitigated attack without the (Wild Rampage) tag at the end of it. That's what is killing my characters most of all. I'm guessing this is a result of Triple Attack being added with the last update Akka made?  :P

See below:

a goblin marauder goes on a RAMPAGE!
A goblin marauder slashes YOU for 462516 points of damage. (Rampage)
A goblin marauder slashes YOU for 932703 points of damage. (Rampage)
A goblin marauder slashes YOU for 2225718 points of damage.          <----- ow
You have been slain by a goblin marauder!

Cleric's log:
a tamed hellclaw goes on a WILD RAMPAGE!
A tamed hellclaw punches YOU for 431875 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
A tamed hellclaw punches YOU for 420469 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
A tamed hellclaw punches YOU for 2192656 points of damage.          <----- ow

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Rent Due on September 13, 2015, 03:54:42 pm
someone do me a solid and call me in 6months when its all worked out

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: WatchYouDie on September 13, 2015, 04:27:16 pm
there are proper ways to combat rampage .... wild rampage is a different story ... but as i stated before reduce or put a - dmg mod on wild rampage. ... i see a lot of work to revamp the stonewall system .. with how long t10 has taken to come out i would say it might take just as long to convert/adjust the current system when there are other options.

Plain old Rampage can be both a single target attack to the 2nd person to engage the mob or an AOE hit to all around the mob in a full 360 degree area. If only the Single target version was added, this would not be a raid damage mechanic  or anything to worry about healing. It would just mean you have to swap one of your knights to tank mode and gear a 2nd tank up. While that would still be mildly annoying, we're referring to the AOE Rampage being unfit for the current state of EZ.

Also, even if it was the 2nd target to engage only, having 3-4 mobs all doing it while in one pull is still a bit excessive to even try and worry about your melee engaging at different intervals.

I believe you are confused in thinking that Rampage in t10 is the single target only version of Rampage. Pre PoP, it was like that yes. Post PoP Rampage hit for full on AOE.

correct and there was ways to manage this. i.e. max attack range.... also aoe ramp was removed because of pets .... it was the bitch fest over pets dying that lead to the change. I will say i havent gone in and tested t10 but unless hate modified that range of ramp max attack range should avoid aoe ramp.

with this being said you should still be able to put a -dmg modifier on aoe ramp to negate the lack of higher stonewalls on other toons. (this may even fix pets dying like the bitches they are too)

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 13, 2015, 04:31:19 pm
If max attack range is the fix, what would be the point of putting it in though? Boxes will just attack at whatever range you tell them to, and with 'moveback' they will automatically adjust to that range. So the entire mechanic is nullified by MQ2 other than some freak deaths from the Ramp firing off as they run into attack before they readjust and moveback. It seems like an annoyance rather than something you can overcome and feel good about.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: WatchYouDie on September 13, 2015, 04:34:36 pm
If max attack range is the fix, what would be the point of putting it in though? Boxes will just attack at whatever range you tell them to, and with 'moveback' they will automatically adjust to that range. So the entire mechanic is nullified by MQ2 other than some freak deaths from the Ramp firing off as they run into attack before they readjust and moveback. It seems like an annoyance rather than something you can overcome and feel good about.

kinda exactly the point of rampage. also if all are at max range then the rampage reverts back to tank and tank takes extra damage. eq was not built around mq2 ...

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 13, 2015, 04:39:04 pm
I still like the idea of Wild Ramp with some minor tuning, but I also like aoe spell effects more. A while back, Hate said he put multiple checks in place for resists and removed most 'full resist' thresholds. With this in mind, I never stopped edging up my boxes' resists, thinking it would be something to make future tiers easier. For example:

Aoe damage of a t10 mob vs sub 3000 resists: 3 mil damage (this threshold is reachable in less than an hour of pulling floor 7, assuming you don't have RoA level 1 and a sorc charm level 1 on your boxes at this point)
Aoe damage of a t10 mob vs 3000 resists: 1 mil damage
Aoe damage of a t10 mob vs 3500 resists: 900k damage
Aoe damage of a t10 mob vs 4000 resists: 800k damage
The above are numbers I just pulled out of my ass to make a quick example. Obviously, if something like this was used, each resist checkpoint would reduce the damage by a lesser amount (J curve for those famliar) such as the first checkpoint making the damage not 1 shot your team, 2nd checkpoint shaving off 10%, next 8%, then 6%, then 4%, so that you never reach a point where you don't have to heal, it just becomes less of threat with gear and time, and allows you to pull slightly more, or survive an accident whereas you wouldn't if your resists were lacking.

I'm just throwing this out because I assumed it was the road we were headed down, after deleting ramp and removing the 'get hit or fully resist' via spells & resists.

The reason I support this so much, is because there is something already in-game to support making your boxes not get 1 shot, have raid damage that needs to be healed, and you can always work more to alleviate some of the pressure, whereas with Ramp it feels like a monster truck driving over your face and then throwing it in reverse.

If max attack range is the fix, what would be the point of putting it in though? Boxes will just attack at whatever range you tell them to, and with 'moveback' they will automatically adjust to that range. So the entire mechanic is nullified by MQ2 other than some freak deaths from the Ramp firing off as they run into attack before they readjust and moveback. It seems like an annoyance rather than something you can overcome and feel good about.

kinda exactly the point of rampage. also if all are at max range then the rampage reverts back to tank and tank takes extra damage. eq was not built around mq2 ...

Right, but EZ is, which is why we pitchforked the shit out of it to begin with.

Furthermore, if you're telling me you think you can make your melee all attack from max range of a pile of mobs, without taking ramp from any of them, I'll suck your dick and delete my characters. Different mobs have different hitboxes, different max melee values, this is what made ToV impossible for non-tanks to help kill trash. It also made people throw on drake, skip from boss to boss, Fading Memories and summon the group, skipping all of the trash.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: hateborne on September 13, 2015, 10:25:26 pm
Snipers have been reduced in hilariousness damage. AoE Rampage has been slightly lowered in proc chance and fairly lowered in damage (unless it's a non-issue, then it will likely creep back up). Loot has been fixed in some areas and vastly improved for mobs like goops.

Additionally, zone has been locked back down to development mode. I will continue to hammer away at it this week for a final "full beta" (all @%!# enabled) before I make live. :-)


Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: balidet on September 14, 2015, 01:13:22 pm
you can try playing with max attack range ... that is what I did but the AOE is larger than the attack cirlce on mobs in this zone.    they seem to have a tiny attack zone of around 23 and the aoe extends to around 30... that was my findings..

also the oozes seem to grow with each kill so it changes on them...starts tiny and can get pretty large.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: WatchYouDie on September 14, 2015, 07:43:58 pm
so i was thinking ... hate if you want to take the time to max cap stonewall at some % leave current spells the way they are and give people flexibility to choose how to obtain that max % it could be a great idea. .... oh let me explain why ... say i drop my IG pet and use arch demon ... if i am close or am able to get close then i would gain another mil hp = bigger pulls .... haha  ... but ig pet would still be more useful on an alt or even a lower tier toon who wouldn't get the benefit of the hp buff.

with that being said ... i still say it's your time ... it's not necessary but it can be beneficial.

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: balidet on September 14, 2015, 11:23:01 pm
this is insanity the easy way for him to do this is make IG not warrior usable....you are all insane for doing that... STOP THE INSANITY

Title: Re: T10 Beta Testing Attempt No. 2! (9-8-15)
Post by: Kruciel on September 15, 2015, 04:43:35 pm
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:12 2015] a hot springs goop goes on a WILD RAMPAGE!
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:12 2015] A hot springs goop hits YOU for 1024595 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:14 2015] You slash a hot springs goop for 117427 points of damage.
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:14 2015] You slash a hot springs goop for 47534 points of damage.
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:16 2015] a hot springs goop goes on a WILD RAMPAGE!
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:16 2015] You slash a hot springs goop for 117427 points of damage.
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:16 2015] You slash a hot springs goop for 18110 points of damage.
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:18 2015] You slash a hot springs goop for 180629 points of damage.
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:18 2015] You slash a hot springs goop for 180629 points of damage.
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:18 2015] You slash a hot springs goop for 180629 points of damage.
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:19 2015] a hot springs goop goes on a WILD RAMPAGE!
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:19 2015] A hot springs goop hits YOU for 1151777 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:19 2015] A hot springs goop hits YOU for 1533323 points of damage. (Wild Rampage)
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:19 2015] Kruzerking goes into a berserker frenzy!
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:20 2015] You kick a hot springs goop for 107 points of damage.
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:21 2015] You slash a hot springs goop for 52286 points of damage.
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:21 2015] You slash a hot springs goop for 52286 points of damage.
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:21 2015] You slash a hot springs goop for 52286 points of damage.
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:22 2015] a hot springs goop goes on a WILD RAMPAGE!
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:22 2015] A hot springs goop hits YOU for 1151777 points of damage.
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:22 2015] You have been knocked unconscious!
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:22 2015] You have been slain by a hot springs goop!
[Sun Sep 13 22:43:22 2015] a hot springs goop  grows from consuming the kill!

Just posting with time stamps for reference. This would have been healable for sure if I had a pally in that group at the time. But after spending a couple hours there, I had both pallies in the warrior's group and I was avoiding Rampage mobs like the plague. Rather have the extra tank healing and rez the 2nd group. I will have more UC3 healers by the next test, we shall see what happens then when I can be a bit more flexible with the group arrangements :P