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106  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: SoD Client Download? on: December 02, 2010, 11:21:24 pm
Don't get "House of Thule" haha.... the newest expansions will always be the buggiest. SoD being the exception (although it did have problems when it first came out).

Underfoot may not be the greatest option ATM from what I heard. They still haven't fixed friend/ignore lists the last I checked. A couple other problems including one where hailing the buff bot will get you thrown across the zone and 20k dmg taken. I think that one might have been taken care of though.

I'm honestly really picky when it comes to content. I picked Titanium first because it seems like the most well-supported. However, the pros outweigh the cons for SoD, so I'd really like to get my grubby paws on it.
107  General Category / General Discussion / Re: New to Emulator servers on: December 02, 2010, 11:18:07 pm
It was the processors. I am running a prgramm that will only one processor for the game.


Download the SoD client. It supports multiple cores. =)
108  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Caster class revisioning on: December 02, 2010, 11:17:00 pm
I think you are missing the point and simplicity of the idea Mech. Let me see if I can break it down for you.

1. Your a wizard, you go and collect tokens from each boss in PoD.
2. You take those tokens and give them to this one particular npc in the guild hall.
3. Upon turning in the last token that npc's hail script is changed for you.
4. You hail that npc and he does a class check and based off that class check he return certain options. Those options are for you to chose a subclass that is available to wizards.
5. Say you chose cleric, he then gives you an item with a right click effect of gate to xxxx zone that has a vendor and a quest npc.
6. The vendor sells spells that are only available from that zone. There might be 5 spells maximum on this vendor. 2 group heals, 1 single target heal, group conviction and DI.
7. Your done with sub class.

You have not changed anything to your class. You can't use cleric aa's. Your mana pool is based off your int still, nothing like that has changed. You don't get all of the cleric spells. You can't wear their gear. You are a wizard. The only thing that happen was you got access to spells that were no where else in the game.  It does not have to be complex. It can be very very simple.


Wow, nice Xiggie. That broke it down nice and simple!! It would be cool to see something like this.. Grin

Yes, quite. Me, being the over-thinker that I am, assumed that the long and detailed post you started the thread with would entail a complete overhaul.

So you're just proposing the "Sub-Class" to be all of 6-7 spells max? Pfft. That doesn't sound too bad =P hahaha.

For that, all you'd need is a zone for every caster class, and make all the spells in that zone available to ALL classes, and then upon leaving the zone, have your character flagged and the event removed so that you cannot repeat the quest/instance and become a caster melting pot haha.

Wow. Much easier =P
109  General Category / Suggestions / Re: WTB/WTS Forum? on: December 02, 2010, 06:42:49 pm
I could see this working with FG/CG kits.... but one item at a time? Can you say spam thread?

Plus I don't think everyone would be able to keep up with their own posts, having to go back and edit them every time an item sells.

Good idea, but I'm not sure it would work here. It needs constant upkeep if it's gonna work right.
110  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Subject: balanced classes on: December 02, 2010, 06:33:18 pm
I was referring to Chain CELESTIAL Healing... Hellooooooooo?

Nah. I was referring to Complete Healing, but I was using it as kind of an example. Say pallys in EQ Live could proc 7500 dmg heals as fast as they do here. Compare that to the casting time of clerics actually casting 7500 dmg worth of heals in that game. BIG difference. It's like comparing pennies to quarters.

It was kinda meant as a comparison, and yes I do understand complete heal is obsolete =P

But damn... pallies smackin' the crap out of something, healing 32k hp every 2-5 seconds... that's hard to beat. Get 2-3 of 'em on the team, that's DPS, AS WELL AS heals! win/win. Clerics don't DPS and heal at the same time, do they?
111  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Caster class revisioning on: December 02, 2010, 06:14:12 pm
I did read it through =) every word of it. I really really like looooong detailed posts, so you kept me entertained. Looks like you put a lot of thought and effort into it. However, don't take offense to this, but it kiiiiiinda sounds a little bit like subclassing in Guild Wars. Kinda. Sorta. Maybe?

I DO understand where you're coming from, but the sheer number of spells that the programmer would have to go through is mind-boggling. Hell, every time I make a new caster class and go to the spell/disc NPC in the glade to get 'em, I start laggin for a few seconds as my chat box gets spammed like crazy. I wanna say it's an average of ~20 pages of spells at 8 spells a page. ~160 spells per class to alter! Whew!

I'm 100% sure that you're thinking of a much more reasonable way to implement this change without having to fix EVERY spell and such... but it's still gonna be a PITA

It seems like there would have to be some serious restrictions in play. If you choose a subclass and are locked out of all the other subclasses' spells/abilities, that concept would be correct. Again, that's more code and programming required just for that one button press. The dynamics of the classes/subclasses would change entirely. But if you just pick a class, and now that class is defined as: "Technically can learn ANY spell in the game, but has an item that restricts him to one zone for spells," then you have to eliminate ALL dropped spells from ALL mobs in the game. There are many other factors you have to look at. (Example: AAs?)

What about armor? Wizzy/Cleric duo is INT vs WIS for casting, isn't it? So you gotta have max INT and WIS? That's tough (well not end game, but you get my point)... would you be able to pick up the Wizzy only gear? Or both the Wizzy and Cleric only gear? ARGH!!!! HAX!

This all would require programming in EQ's code for a whole new setup to the class system. Eventually, after many many many many hours spent recoding an entire base of software, players would find out which is the BEST combo/subclass, and then repopulate the server with THAT subclass, neglecting all the time and effort that the programmers put into it. There's always at least ONE class in MMOs that is more desirable than another =/

Another example. Say someone comes onto the forum and makes a post detailing how we should be able to fly around the map, and even go so far as to detail out an instruction manual on how to control your flight, what zones you can do it in, and what advantages you gain from doing so. The guy could write a book on why flight should be allowed in EQ, but when you look at the flipside, from a programmer's standpoint, it's a fantasy. I wouldn't even know where to begin altering the code for that kind of gameplay. It's a completely different ballpark now, and most likely, a completely different game.

Really dude, I admire you for taking the time to write out a ton of great ideas, and believe me if they would have created EQ2 in that image with the proper planning and layout, I'd have bought it. I'm not trying to bash you or stomp on your ideas... but rather... give you a different standpoint and try to get you to see all sides. I'm sure that the idea sounds AMAZING from the players' standpoints, but to programmers (Hunter), it's just more work that isn't even guaranteed to work or be worth it. If this was implemented wrong at all, players would get pissed and probably stop playing because it's "broken" or "unpolished."

TL;DR: Lots of work + Lots of time + Lots of ideas + Lots of planning/polishing = Brand new game. It wouldn't be EQ/EZ anymore =(  

*******EDITED: to correct my dumb mistakes.
112  General Category / Rants and Flames / SoD Client Download? on: December 02, 2010, 02:38:31 pm
Didn't wanna throw this in general, but it isn't really a rant or flame. More of a request?

I've been looking all over the place for an SoD client available for download. I tried multiple Torrents (sorry for using that word), but all of them are either dead links, broken, incomplete files, or seedless.

I just moved into a new place, and apparently I got a strict ISP because I tried DL'ing a CD through "Privateer Cove" and my internet access got shut off for 2 weeks and I got a stern warning.

Would anyone happen to know if the SoD client is still available anywhere? I'd even go so far as to accept the link to a "T-word" although I'll have to find a network that isn't as closely monitored as my new one is.

I'd prefer if I could get a Rapidshare or direct DL of the file, even though that may be asking too much.

Any ideas?

EDIT: Received PM with 2rnt (haha didn't say the word!). I appreciate it, Sir (you know who you are Wink )
Anyone know if it's up on RS or something I could DL from home without being slapped with a fine and no internet?
113  General Category / Warrior / Re: Warrior 4.0 model on: December 02, 2010, 01:55:55 pm
So I heard the 5.0 is gonna be a Rascal?
114  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Fighter's and Caster's Guild Quest Guide on: December 02, 2010, 01:50:52 pm
Yes, but everyone should have one eventually =P

And I guess by the time you could afford one, you wouldn't need this guide anymore, and you could just buy a FG kit for 500-800k.

I'm thinkin' if you got bored farming your T2/T3 I guess =P haha. Guess you're right though. This doesn't seem like a very viable method of farming =/

But GI LGuk is still a grand idea. Some items are not lore, so farm the crap out of 'em and just spew links in /auction when you finish and port back to Nexus.
115  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Subject: balanced classes on: December 02, 2010, 01:46:45 pm
I know a guy on server who boxes 3 pallies, all of whom crit proc heal for ~32k almost constantly with 3.5s (I believe)

Kinda beats the tar out of CCH =P
116  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Lag on: December 02, 2010, 01:41:40 pm
Haven't tried that, were are those settings at? The issue you described is almost the same thing I have in PoD and Qvic except it just randomly happens. One minute I'll be fine then the next it's hard to do anything. Doesn't matter whether I box or solo. I just found it odd that I had never had this issue before now it's happening out of now were.

If you press Alt+O in game, it'll open the options window. Go to the video tab (or whatever it's called). From there, I believe the frame rate buttons are on the left - press "Video Modes" button or "Advanced Options" button on the lower right. It's probably under one of those settings... but I can't be sure unless I'm in game.

Send me a /tell in game - Mechules - later tonight. Don't send me any messages until evening because right now I got my RL buddy using my pally to RoA his warrior, so that's not me.

In fact, if you're impatient, I'm sure the kind folks in /ooc could help you find the frame rate bar. =)
117  General Category / Guild Recruitment / Re: newish player lfg on: December 02, 2010, 01:36:11 pm
I swrear to god I thought your post said Jewish char lfg.

You saying there aren't any Jewish guilds in game?!?!?!?!

118  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Caster class revisioning on: December 02, 2010, 01:32:54 pm
Really don't mean to jump in here and piss on your Cheerios, but I've been forum jumping cause I've got nada to do at work.

What you've proposed sounds like a complete overhaul of the entire class system of Everquest. Just the details alone make it sound like an entirely different game with its own complex system of functionality. Hunter would pretty much have to rebuild EZ from the ground up to allow multi-classing in the EQ format.

This does not sound like a simple weekend patch. It sounds like a dedicated team of programmers who want to spend a year or so creating their own version of EQ, only to have it go to Quality Assurance and tested by various gamers and be rejected because it's taking away from the whole point of having a EQ Emu/Private server.

Again, I apologize if I sound pessimistic or like I'm bashing you for an idea - and don't get me wrong, I'd like to see it implemented as well, just for gits and shiggles. I just don't think we'd have the resources to do it, and even if we did, the player base may not come off as enthusiastically as you did. =(
119  General Category / Screenshots and Videos / Re: Nebi Hacking on: December 02, 2010, 01:23:22 pm
I would rather gouge my eyes out and listen to Metallica for 8 straight hours than PLing someone on p99. Wink

Hey! What's wrong with a little 'Tallica? =(
120  General Category / Quest and Guides / Re: Fighter's and Caster's Guild Quest Guide on: December 02, 2010, 12:39:30 pm
Terrific guide. Used it to get my FG (along with the aid of my RL buddy for the harder-to-get pieces).

If I may suggest though:

If you can get into a guild, you should instance LGuk for the 100k. There will be NOBODY else in the zone camping your pieces (unless you get a guildy who needs something =P) If you can get into a nice rotation for all the CG/FG drops in the zone, you really don't ever need to stop moving and killing, and if you do get multiple items, SELL THEM! This is a great way to pay back that 100k you invested in the instance, as well as saving up a lot of cash for the last few pieces you need if you're worn out from Guk. In the guild instance I used, I've had the Froglok King drop 2 Mithril 2hs in one kill. Luck? Maybe. Money? You know it! Just have some alts posted inside with you, and if anything lore drops, loot the multiples and port to Nexus, sell, and run back.

THAT, or you can make a few lvl 1 alts on your account, buy a portable banker on your toon in LGuk, loot the lore drop, throw it in shared, log onto low lvl alt, and throw it in their bank for later. Profit!

P.S. - I am not 100% sure that the portable banker method would work correctly. Can anyone verify this?
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