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91  General Category / Screenshots and Videos / Re: Nekkid Gnome PVP (Christmas Event) on: December 26, 2010, 11:09:10 pm
Definitely not bashing on the video. Quality is good and you spiced it up with a few effects which is nice =)

However, there isn't enough content! What happened?! Who won?! Where's the fighting?! Even though we could find out who won by reading the forums, I wish I could have seen a bit of gnome-on-gnome action lol.

Good first vid though =)
92  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: THE RL PICTURE THREAD!! POST YOU IN RL ~HERE!~ on: December 26, 2010, 05:20:02 pm
A thumbs-up is the 2nd coolest thing to do with your spare hand other than holding a Rockstar, I'll admit...

Or wait was it the 3rd coolest thing?
93  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: THE RL PICTURE THREAD!! POST YOU IN RL ~HERE!~ on: December 26, 2010, 04:53:44 pm
ok I'll bite =(

1st one is cell phone camera when I was in the Marines.

2nd one is a very happy cigarette in San Francisco on my visit.

3rd one is a bit more recent, but still about a year old.

Boy, do I hope they post correctly =/
94  General Category / Updates / Re: Heals/Procs on: December 18, 2010, 06:58:32 am
Redacted most of the comment. TL;DR kinda thing.

Wondering how many others have noticed a noticeable, if not slightly increased, rate of damage done to their characters since the proc changes?
95  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Are WARs and PALs OP? Vote away!!! on: December 04, 2010, 05:01:15 pm
Why do you want to know if you don't want anything changed? You don't want either one nerf'd or altered in any way..... so you made a public poll?

I think you already know the answer. This is more an /ooc question than a thread-worthy poll.
96  General Category / Paladin / Re: Paladin DPS Aug (Vote) on: December 04, 2010, 03:52:34 pm
Hey, lay off of Zadar!!!

He told me he was touched in his no-no zone by a Paladin when he was a kid.

NERF LoH! Nerf proc grp heals! Nerf DPS! Bring back the "holy" in this class!

(AKA - holy crap, this class sucks)

Don't change a darn thing, Hunter =) I lurve my pally
97  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Lag on: December 04, 2010, 03:47:07 pm
Weeeeird... I dunno. I suggested what worked for me. Perhaps you'll find something that works for you in the video options? Just mess around with it a bit.

Do you have WinEQ2 or ISBoxer by chance? That will significantly reduce eating up your computer's resources.
98  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Subject: balanced classes on: December 03, 2010, 11:20:45 am
The real issue is this:

>T3/T4, both 'ideal' setups you listed, Merc.. require 6 toons wearing plate armor.
>T3/T4, both 'ideal' setups you listed, Merc..
>setups you listed, Merc..
>you listed, Merc..
>listed, Merc..


It's "Mech" lmao. I was being very silly (drunk perhaps) when I came up with the name. Mechules (like Hercules) was the name of my old band. I think we renamed it to Zombijak (hmmmm SK name?). But yeah, it's a Mechanical Hercules basically. VERY silly. Not very RP at all though.
99  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: SoD Client Download? on: December 03, 2010, 11:15:40 am
I've received 3-4 PMs from individuals pointing me in the right path. All of them have given me the same answer, so if anyone needs info on how to get SoD, please PM me and me alone. I'll take over from here =)

I'm just a little upset it had to be a 2rnt. I may end up purchasing a RS account just to upload it there so I can share it.
100  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Graphic Files on: December 03, 2010, 11:14:08 am
Better still, to not get Hunter in trouble or shut down, we should delegate a motivated go-getter to share the graphics folders/files. =)

Then if any crap goes down, Hunter can just be like "ummm that guy is a total dick and I banned him" and move on lol

Another idea. Bored at work. Taking over the forums. Punch and pie.
101  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Graphic Files on: December 03, 2010, 11:08:44 am
The way I see it... when you boot up EZ Server, you see the names "Sony" "Everquest" etc...

We're using the same character models, the same level designs... hell... in non-custom zones, all the mobs have the same names!

Why worry about copyrights for some weapon models? It's not like anyone who downloads the weapon models folder has access to the inner bowels of Everquest, just by possessing that one file alone.

Worst comes to worse, why not "Anonymously" upload it into a file share website (non-torrent format), and mass PM the forums with a link? Then those of us who DO get the info can "word-of-mouth" it around the server and help everyone else out.

Just an idea, and a quickly thought up one.
102  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Subject: balanced classes on: December 03, 2010, 10:58:47 am
More nerfing would only make the end of the game longer. Adding clicks is not going to force anyone to group up.


Now, instead of jumping from one mob to the next and constantly grinding for that one piece of gear, you gotta stop after every fight and wait for the delay to finish before you pull again =P

Not gonna make anyone go "gee, golly-gosh... I should get some friends now!"

If you've been boxing for, oh, lets say a year or so... and you've gotten to T2-T3ish by boxing... you may find yourself a little ticked if hunter nerfs your pally procs, warrior deeps, or turns your cleric into a wizzy (which he already said isn't gonna happen). I've heard many times that boxing makes the EZ Server world go 'round. To blatantly force people to group up by adding clicky effect procs with a longer delay, Hunter would be hindering our ability to box effectively without premium boxing software, which we'd have to purchase.

While I agree that people should be able to play their characters efficiently, it is also my belief that this is EZ Server, Hunter's planet, and that we're here to have fun and basically play as we wish. If you wanna play one character and not box, find a guild or some buddies. Better yet, get your RL buddies into the game! If you want to box 3 full groups of toons, go right ahead! Either way, the end-game content is still getting harder. Harder for boxers to keep up with all their characters on tougher encounters, and harder for single players to find groups.
103  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Subject: balanced classes on: December 03, 2010, 12:38:57 am
No. Therefore I should shut the hell up. You're right =(

I just like to think mathematically and overthink everything. I bet if I spawned MCP tomorrow and went into the battle I'd just run around like a chicken with its head cut off.

I just heard from a guy that 12-boxed him. He had 2 clerics per grp though, so my math didn't do it justice. Maybe I'm just trying to jerk my pally-peen a little bit. I dunno. Friends? =P
104  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Graphic Files on: December 03, 2010, 12:22:41 am
On a side note, would it be possible to create a folder of said graphics/icons and throw just that file up on the forum download page? May be a lot more beneficial to the masses to point them towards the forums instead of telling them to copy their whole client, patch through EQ live, and then copy the folder.
105  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Subject: balanced classes on: December 02, 2010, 11:33:22 pm
Don't mean to argue with you, Xiggie, but the math speaks otherwise.

1 pally getting a proc every 3-4 hits... could be 2-4 seconds or so per heal. Chance to crit. DPS involved as well. Also able to proc 25k+ dd with weapon, and another 1-2k or so on clicky.

1 cleric healing once every 3.2 seconds. Chance to crit. No DPS.

Group aspect:

3 pallies, 3 warriors - you're set.


2 pallies, 1 cleric, 3 warriors.

And yes, I agree with high lvl Oracle charm or UC, they DO heal for better. But pally with full lvl Oracle or UC would be right up there alongside them.

............ You know what I better shut up before I get pallies nerf'd =(
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