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946  General Category / Updates / Re: Ultimate Weapon Discussion on: April 08, 2014, 11:46:12 am
basically the UW should be not 10x the epic, but more like 2.5x

I think this is an excellent option.  It makes the UW better than an epic (although I have issue with that in and of itself) but it doesn't make it a cake walk.  As long as content is adjusted to fit the epic players, then the UW would still give you that "leg up" that everyone wanted it for in the first place.

I disagree with changing the UW quest at all.  leave it as is, that way as new content is brought out (assuming it will) then new UW's will be brought out too.  It helps to give the playerbase something to do when not wanting to progress but also doesn't make it a "have to have item" to progress from tier to tier (that should be gear/epic).

I think this is the best idea of all and. at least for me, gives me exactly what I thought the UW was all along.

I also don't disagree with making strike augs available for UW as well as the epic aug.  Although maybe making the augs changeable to make people be able to customize their epics...maybe turn in warrior aug to obtain "x" class aug and make it UW usable...like a warrior with a pally proc or warrior with a cleric proc or warrior with a Sk proc....yadda yadda yadda.....
947  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Can Unique items be made ?? on: March 23, 2014, 07:11:52 am
Best stay off forums then.  it only took you a total of 3 posts to come across a dick.  And the last 2 posts have all  been trying to cover your ass.  Sorry if I feel no sympathy for you.  Fugi pegged you right.
948  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Add v2s to T4 boss?? on: March 22, 2014, 04:08:29 pm
Wasn't trying to be a dick, bud.  Just trying to give a reason as to why not.  This whole server is really based off one grind after another...slip streaming it, in that aspect, just lets people rush by content...of course I also have a constant feeling that too much is given away and that ToFS should have only been allowed for people who were flagged for t5+...because back in the day you had to have most all toons in main group UC'd to survive Abyss...but now t5 has been nerfed a few times to make the content easy...or at least easier than it use to be.
949  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Can Unique items be made ?? on: March 22, 2014, 03:38:23 pm
For once, and only this one, I agree whole heartedly with you Fugi LOL
950  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Add v2s to T4 boss?? on: March 22, 2014, 03:37:01 pm
Do what the rest of us did...stop progression and work on your UC's.  Heck even when UW came out...everyone was  WAY past Qvic and we still had to go back to farm 100 of those essences.  Using your theory we should have just put Qvic essences, Tacvi essences, d minors, d majors, g minors, g majors, on t5,6,7 to keep from having to do older content.  if that is done with everything you would just steam roll all content.
951  General Category / Updates / Re: On the Warpath #1 on: March 22, 2014, 12:34:59 pm
Also wanted to thank you, Hate, for getting rid of all the trash loot in T8 as well.  Thanks for streamlining this tier.
952  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Can Unique items be made ?? on: March 22, 2014, 08:29:06 am
I think what is meant...at this point, with everything on Hate's to-do list....that's so far from important at the present time....

You also have a total of 3 posts on forums...so saying,

I tried to speak with you last night and received a sarcastic negative "what did you break now" comment. (unlike Aaron's emails and /tells to me)

is a really frigging low blow...and has earned you the new title, DOUCHE...that unique enough for ya?
953  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Epic Effects Revision Thread on: March 20, 2014, 05:22:58 am
mage epic pets are all fine. MORE than fine....they're a ton better since the mana neck change.

I have a mage that I never use because the dps is so low.  How are mage pets better (dps wise) with mana neck? I would love to see maxxed epic pets being comparable in dps to melee classes...maybe having mana neck giving pets the comparable ninja strike proc...but not the ninja strike proc (since that is melee) ya know something x caster pet proc........but only with the neck that way peeps cant roll pet classes to counter the expense of melee classes....but that way I could unshelf my mage....and then maybe pet classes could be a more viable option again (post T5)
954  General Category / General Discussion / Re: The New Classes on: March 12, 2014, 08:13:30 pm
I tried live again about a month ago...no one on I remember playing with and you cant use any of your old gear w/o having to pay for the account...no thanks, ezserver beats live hands down.
955  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Server down. on: March 12, 2014, 05:09:09 pm
Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor

Someone watch American Psycho....ALOT?
956  General Category / Updates / Re: On the Warpath #1 on: March 12, 2014, 05:06:30 pm
It is important to note that even people in Qvic/CT era need plat. I think the 76k plat bags are too much for that level, but they do need something worthwhile.

This will help them afford crafters guild and get their first strike augs going. It would also help them buy higher tier drops from other players which is nice for everyone.

Gems drop like candy in Qvic.  Use those to sell and make strike augs.  Making low tier strike augs is frigging DIRT cheap.  When you get t4+ is when it starts to get pricey. And is pointless to start working on UW when you first start out on server so that is not a useful argument either.

Plat drops are fine through t6....they need to be really looked at from t7 on....mainly in t8-9. Hunter made mobs in HoH drop big time plats not too long ago so that zone is fine...t5 drops small to large plat bags and t6 drops plat bags like crazy.
957  General Category / General Discussion / Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp... on: February 24, 2014, 04:42:36 pm
Here's another idea as well if you don't want to make the ancient wisp non agro...make it spawn in the north west corner of the zone that way it doesn't kill ya as soon as it spawns...you still get the spawn..is still auto agro but it wont wipe ya out as soon as it spawns.  Although I do have a feeling it was designed to help with botting so I don't know if this idea will be the best idea...just throwing noodles against the wall see what sticks. Cheesy
958  General Category / General Discussion / Re: A small idea for ancient willowisp... on: February 24, 2014, 11:20:09 am
Of course an additional benefit to this would be for newbies who apwan it could sell the loot rights to higher tiered folks to come into their instance to kill the mob....so would help those people who qq about not making plats for strike augs

959  General Category / General Discussion / A small idea for ancient willowisp... on: February 24, 2014, 11:09:33 am
I was wondering, if there was a way to make ancient willowisp not an auto agro mob.  If someone is botting in JP, then they would (I assume) target the ancient...and then wipe...but most folks who farm the zone don't have a full group in the zone, as they are just trying to get the GLS for making SLS...but for those who do want to kill ,legitimately, they could park group at zi and once the Ancient Wisp spawns they could CoH group assemble/buff up...then engage.  Maybe , if Ancient Wisp was instituted due to botting, make it have the same name as a regular wisp just with a red con...no auto agro...then botters would run up try to kill....and then that could be logged to make botters in the zone easily researched?  Just an idea...and if it doesn't make any sense then disregard.
960  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 02-10-14 on: February 18, 2014, 05:04:25 am

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Re: Updates 02-10-14

« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2014, 01:15:56 PM »
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how about instead of a random rng plat drop in the tier have a set gem that drops, upon clear, that way you know you will get xyz per tier no question.

for instance, you clear T5 completely and a gem collector spawns, you kill him and he will drop a gem for T5

I like this idea.  Although why not just add the gem to the end boss instead of to a whole new NPC in the zone?

Agreed, being forced to clear a zone for any plat is not a good idea, plus if everything is guaranteed at the end, that eliminates a big thing that EQ has always been about, the RNG.

I will disagree with this statement.  This is NOT eq.  Having a guaranteed chance for x item to drop is a given if you want to look at esse off OMM or off Vulak...or hell in t7 off Sloth...or whatever that demon looking dudes name was.  I think the above stated is a great idea!  It would help from having people constantly refresh the instance because they have a more clear end goal...that in turn helps server resources...seems like a win win to me.
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