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1  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: SHUT THE ^%^#@*& UP ABOUT GLUTEN YOU IDIOT! on: December 24, 2015, 01:26:13 pm
My hope is that Bali is correct, but my fear is that Brannyn almost certainly is.

I accepted early on that taking on this lifestyle would put me in the minority on a fairly large scale. People just don't seem to want to make the connection between petting a dog an eating a steak at the same time. It's tough when you inherently believe people would want to make a change if they knew exactly what was going on. You cant doubt that a small group of compassionate people can change the world though; It's the only thing that ever has.
2  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: SHUT THE ^%^#@*& UP ABOUT GLUTEN YOU IDIOT! on: December 22, 2015, 07:48:45 pm
Hey I'm totally pro choice too! It comes down to a matter of sentience. The animals we kill have lives that matter to THEM. It was different when we had to kill for our own food, or we died. We don't, now, and we should begin to act accordingly. The problem is that no form of farming is moving in the correct direction. Factory farming can very easily go down as one of the most atrocious things mankind has ever done. The sheer number of things we put to slaughter in horrible ways is outstanding. More animals are killed every year than there are people on the planet.

This woman is very intelligent, and makes my case on the matter far better than I ever could. I know it's not common to watch an 18 minute video that someone else posts, but if you're willing to put the time in or have a spare couple of minutes, I suggest at least considering it. She's not going to jam a bunch of PETA nonsense down your throat. It's only about awareness.

3  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: SHUT THE ^%^#@*& UP ABOUT GLUTEN YOU IDIOT! on: December 21, 2015, 08:25:46 pm
I'm a Vegan, Chunka. It's what happens when your parents raise you with a conscience, and to treat living things ethically. There are no studies that prove humans need to eat flesh based proteins. The studies, instead, indicate that it was because we ate large quantities of proteins. Beans, Nuts, Vegetables (some) all sit in this category, and since there's really nothing to differentiate in digestion, the body doesn't care what the source is.

Not gonna touch that C02 comment. Thats some meta-level crazy shit.

I actually agree with you on Gluten. But I still think you're wasting your vote with Trump.
4  General Category / Updates / Re: Merry Christmas! on: December 21, 2015, 02:57:57 pm
Loving the event. Fun to watch the death loops for people, then other people helping out to clear the zone while people grab their bearings.

Was it intended for the boxes to be req 78 to open?
5  General Category / Updates / Re: Post-T10 Grocery List! 12-2-15 on: December 14, 2015, 02:43:03 pm
To those making comments about the viability of Shadowknight tanks, looking for buffs : Invest more time into your tank. The warriors who would tell you they know I cant run with the rest of them have never played side by side with me (Or Watch, as a better example) as a tank. Those who have will rarely say there is something I can't do, because they see each class has it's strengths and weaknesses. I progressed through just about every tier except T7 by myself, and T7 was more of a buy fest for me to catch up with a friend who had played while I did not.

As much as I'd love to be super OP, Shadowknights don't need squat. We're plenty viable as is. I'd take an IGP if Hate's handing them out, though, since ive missed Halloween 3 years running now.
6  General Category / Server Status / Re: 0800 CST 19JUL14 on: July 19, 2014, 08:32:11 am
7  General Category / General Discussion / Re: T7 Boss Chains on: June 20, 2014, 07:45:10 am
Confirming what everyone else has posted. Did 5-6 clears over the last few days and only got 2-4 bats each one, if it wasn't for trap bats, I'd probably have cried.
8  General Category / Updates / Re: Server Code Update on: April 21, 2014, 01:23:20 pm
Shaman 4.5 > 5.0 epic turn in was broken as of last night, Epic Vendor kept spitting the book and epic 4.5 back out at me

At 2AM we had guaranteed spawns in T5, but no triggers.

Will double check on the latter later today though.
9  General Category / Updates / Re: Ultimate Weapon Discussion on: April 15, 2014, 06:37:06 pm
Will there be a modification to the UW questline with these nerfs?

Will the modifications done to T7 and T8 also reflect similar percentages in reduction?
10  General Category / Updates / Re: Ultimate Weapon Discussion on: April 13, 2014, 08:21:27 pm
People keep posting ideas that seem out of left field for how to balance uw dmg, and a better question is this, why does it need to change?  

Future scaling. Not being blunt, but that's what it boils down to.
11  General Category / Updates / Re: Ultimate Weapon Discussion on: April 13, 2014, 04:13:40 pm
bringing a uw to a groups dps would raise the dps of the uw... I'd not waste time on long exhaustive posts unless you are going to parse out what you are proposing.

My ideas were not posted as finite. I'll absolutely yield to you saying my numbers are way off. I simply don't know because I don't own one. I'd be happy to know what the UWVII / VIII / IX / X parses VS group parses are currently. The idea was given as a foundation to build off of. Make the UW equivalent to an agreed upon number of toons with augs within it's respective tier.
12  General Category / Updates / Re: Ultimate Weapon Discussion on: April 13, 2014, 03:03:54 am
I've been sitting back watching this go on from a distance for a while, kind of feeling like I didn't have a dog in this fight because I'm not a UW holder. Still made it to T7, and then some with the assistance of the very helpful Rent and Raygan. So then, bored at work, for the last 24 hours I decided to start farming and trading up for Qvic essences. Just to see how quickly I could get to 100, so I'd have at least some basis to post on.

~12 play hours. That's all it took. It sucked, but it happened. EOP and EoFS are another matter, sure, but I've gotten a few of those just by doing resist farming. Higher tier essences will suck too, I'm also sure. I have no doubt that the people who are in the upper tiers of the UW dedicated a lot of time to getting it. That being said, lets look at some of the major things that I know a lot of us have spent time on. Specifically things that have been "nerfed" and "beneficially implimented" since the start of my play time in early 2012.

-Shadow unlimited warp (Also, unfortunately the mob used to farm v2 charm upgrades.) Changed to ~4 Max
-Added ToFS and introduced massively higher drop rates for v1 charm upgrades
-Increased v2 charm upgrades from trash mobs; Introduced in multiple zones
-MCP deathtouch removed, making progression past T4 easier.
-LDoN train farming for POINTS, with the occasional charm upgrade is no longer the norm
-Lore, unstackable tiki crystals changed to stackable, allowing much easier and faster T1/2 clears.
-2 hour T5 wrist mob timers dropped to 30 minutes
-SLS stackable, GLS drop rate increased

Absolutely sure I'm missing a ton of other notables, but you get the point. The vast majority of people can read the above list and say, "Man, the way it used to be was like pulling teeth." UCV1 sucked. T5 wrist progression sucked. SLS farming still sucks.

All of the above implementations were made at the discretion of, like, TWO people working hard as hell to make content for you to enjoy; Their adjustments were made to make it so that it wasn't so easy you quit, but it also wasn't so difficult and mentally taxing  that you quit, either. With the exception of the SLS. This is exactly the scenario here and needs to be seen from the opposite end of the road. What's coming isn't a nerf, it's a general increase in progress ability across the board while still allowing the dedicated players to keep a significant chunk of their rewards from horizontal progression. Hate spelled that out clear as day. I didn't expect a refund for the time spent on UCV1 when they made it easier, and had I done UW, I wouldn't expect one either. That's now how it works. So here are my thoughts.

Implementation ideas:

Bring white damage to a level identical to what you would see out of a fully geared, secondary DPS group of 5 of that tier with augs. This allows for you to make reliable and fair increases for tiers to come based on hard numbers. Plus, this'll stop people vetoing an adjustment because they did it so that they didn't have to make a second group. It smashes the validity of their argument.

Bring HP to = Sum of all visible armor for the current tier. T7 visible armor gives you 500k HP? 500k HP on UW requiring that tiers essences. A significant boost in HP and still not game-breaking, especially if you're breaking into T8 with it.

Bring Heroic resists to ((Current Tier Minimum Resists - Average Innate Resists)*.60). UCv1/2/3 plus a handful of farmed augs would take care of the rest. This would allow UW holders to keep resisting everything, while keeping our new, "beta" content from having a massive Zimbabwe-like inflation. It also allows the content to be adjusted in a way that the guy who wants to farm heroic resists instead of UW can still break in without a month of work in ToFS5. This is important to think about now before we start getting into the BILLIONS with HP and 10's of thousands in heroics.

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