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1  General Category / Updates / Re: Source Update 6/23/2015 on: July 06, 2015, 11:43:25 am
Spells that are duration of 30 seconds like Tower of Vie, and Skin of Drake have been affected by this latest source update.  Instead of the normal 30 seconds, they are only lasting 18 seconds. 
2  General Category / Updates / Re: Vampires Attack Blackburrow! 6-9-15 on: June 16, 2015, 05:57:47 pm
Before Death spell change.  My cast key, was casting Death 3 first, then Death 2, then epidemic.   Death rank 3 and 2 both stuck and spread, after change if cast sequentially, as suggested by Hate, they are stacking properly and spreading.  Thank you for the clarification.
3  General Category / Updates / Re: Vampires Attack Blackburrow! 6-9-15 on: June 11, 2015, 10:46:53 pm
Wished i would have made this event.  Hope it was fun and informative to all who made it.  On a side note the changes made to the necro death line, seem to have created a problem stacking multiple ranks on top of each other, my rank 3 is landing but then none of the other ranks 1,2 are landing on top.
4  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Broken Stuff Repair Shop v2.0 on: March 21, 2015, 12:30:08 am
The bazaar seems to be down, i tried the usual way to zone into this zone by /say bazaar via the universal teleporter.  The reply i received was "you are not yet experienced enough to pass through an inter-planar portal."  Is this by design?  If so why was there no mention of taking down the bazaar via a post about it, and if its not by design then this is broken Undecided

Using UF client.

Edit: I also tried getting into bazaar via running thru the nexus and clicking on the door in PoK.  I still can't get in at level 77.  Can someone else try, please?
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Unable to make/enter new instances 2/26/2015 8:30 PM MST on: February 26, 2015, 10:48:53 pm

Have same issue.  Also, can't get into the minis
6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Quick Poll: Skin of the Drake on: February 03, 2015, 10:41:31 am
Insert Quote
I think your instincts are right about adjusting drake, but why not just tweak the heal amount or something, and see how that works? Having a hit count seems lame to me as you could pull a bunch of mobs, reach hit count then die. Peeps will just stop using the Druid imo. Longer duration recast just means another situational use and again Druid gets shelved.

Just halve the healing for now and leave rest alone and see where it leads? Why the rush to totally nuke drake?

Also was any content or drop rate adjusted to take drake into account? Someone mentioned t8 drop rates and the drake nerf affecting ones ability to get them at the same rate. If so that should be considered too.

I vote other and agree with Warbash here.

My one and only concern about hateborne killing jesus, err fixing drake, is T9 and t7 are tuned for MASS pulls, mass kills, to spawn bosses and farm them normally.

Not only that but so are HOH tokens, Gemstone of the Ages, AA points in anguish (thats a big money maker there also).

Can we expect to see those tuned? and if so WHEN? if those will be tuned, then I say no changes to drake untill those changes are made as well. Because (and I do understand you have a life outside of everquest hate and not everything can be done in the blink of an eye) I dont want to have drake nerfed, then the other changes pushed to the back burner for a few months.

And Krinkle here.

It seems as the content on EZ is designed around mass pulls/clear zones. Rinse repeat in order to grind aa's, farm essence, get enough HoH tokens to spawn the right boss to get that last piece of t4 gear, ect, ect...
7  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Upcoming Caster Changes (1-30-15) on: February 01, 2015, 08:16:45 am
Insert Quote
Quote from: troxeler on Today at 06:18:27 AM
So here is the thread where this line of spells was implemented http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=2835.0
dated april 2012.

Skin of Drake I,II,III on this list

This line of spells has remained the exact same for what? almost three years? and now its OP three years later after lots of people have used this spell to get to t9 plus grind hundreds of hours essence farming for UW's, and now its OP? I don't get it, why now?

It's been changed multiple times in that time frame there bud, good try though.

Well i haven't seen any post about the change to this particular spell, and i did make the assumption that it has remained the same the entire time.

Let me be more constructive.  As someone who logged into EZ after doing hours of research on forums, wiki, etc etc, i created a 12 man around the fact that this spell Skin of Drake was integral into my decision to run with a druid pal in my main group with tank and a cleric in my 2nd group for making sure they stay alive.  I use skin to pull and then when i get back with my pull again to stay alive for enough time to let my other heals, pally proc, Crab two shoes or druid BoN heal and druid regen help keep my warrior up.  I am not the type to sit in nexus /auction wtb gear, because i enjoy playing through the content, so i've been going tier to tier without overpowered gear, except for what was given to me early on by a very helpful person.  Even with the 30 sec cool down, which seems like too long sometimes, i still wipe my raid if i get to greedy on my pulls or rallos zek forbid i get a fizzle with my druid.  Drake helps me to survive the initial incoming before i can get my group engaged, but because my toons are geared for the content they are fighting in it sometimes takes me longer than 30 sec to get them all dead. after which waiting 90 sec seems like long time to wait before i can recast to make my pull again.  So yeah if this were the case then i would run smaller pulls but take me longer to clear a zone.  I have the max run speed reward item from credits and still have to strafe run to keep from getting beat on so much on big pulls of lower tier stuff, example hohonora, and even then one well timed stun will wipe me.  However, the excitement of getting back to my group alive and not have druid fizzle on drake  is what separates this server from other servers in the eqemu family. Pulling large trains of mobs on myself and watching them go down like flies because i put the right effort into building my team is just an awesome experience.

If the change is something that is going to happen regardless of what i and others are commenting on then i think Rent has nailed it pretty well. Although i'm just getting through t5 and not sure of run speeds in further tiers are like.

I would think you could keep the original proposed changes if you:

A. got rid of all mob magical arrows on pulling
B. toned mob speed down to T9 mob speed in the other tiers (T7 esp, but T6 and T8 as well)

this would allow you to never need to use drake as a pulling strat, just as a "keep me up for 30/45seconds of the pull hitting the tank at the point of kill" that way the clerics/shamans/paladins could start their healing rotations to keep the tank up.

AOE and straight DPS kills most of the crowd down pretty fast once your tank is back to the kill area, decreasing the need for massive healing. Also once your crew gets going they keep the tank up, especially the paladin swinging the sword.

in that scenario you would pull to what your tank's hps would allow, run back to your group and hit drake once to "cover" you and allow a small window to allow your paladin's heals, cleric hotkey heals to keep you up while you burn down the crowd. Therefore, you wouldn't need this a constant drake, thus the intended intent.

Drake could go back to being a sort of "oh shit" type heal, in this case your "oh shit" moment would be the moment the train hits your tank from the pull. once that "oh shit" moment wears off your crew is taking care of the train.

For some reason when i click insert quote from the original poster nothing happens, so i have ctrl c'd and ctrl v'd the quotes from others. I'm new to the forum and still figuring it all out. Thank you for your patience.
8  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Upcoming Caster Changes (1-30-15) on: February 01, 2015, 06:18:27 am
So here is the thread where this line of spells was implemented http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=2835.0
dated april 2012.

Skin of Drake I,II,III on this list

This line of spells has remained the exact same for what? almost three years? and now its OP three years later after lots of people have used this spell to get to t9 plus grind hundreds of hours essence farming for UW's, and now its OP? I don't get it, why now?
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