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1  General Category / General Discussion / Heyas everyone! on: July 13, 2012, 06:08:28 pm
So in the last year since i quit I have been promoted and divorced which has changed my free time and I have some time to play again.  Got a new comp I7, 8gig, 470 ferni graphic card so should be able to box much more efficiently this time around.  I read that they have changed the UC/ROA in the ammount of a time sink they are.  Is it worth starting over fresh on here with everyone so far ahead?  Or should i just go play on a solo server somewhere?


*wave* House of Strix
2  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Double Loot on Labor Day weekend? on: August 24, 2011, 08:21:41 pm
I really hate to be the voice of reason here but............................

The economy hasn't recovered from the last round of double loot weekends yet


3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Slot 7??? on: April 27, 2011, 11:34:49 pm
i believe the slot 7 aug's are the ones that were used to lower mana do to a cap issue on the server a while ago. 
4  General Category / Updates / Re: Transfer Charms on: April 24, 2011, 08:25:51 pm
Any chance this still in the works?  Kinda dropped of the conversation map with this thread
5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Lost Eq Emulator password on: March 08, 2011, 04:20:17 pm
yeah ive lost at least 6 toons most likely more ive forgotten about over the years because i forgot the passwords.  Your only hope at this point is for Hunter to have mercy on your soul and move the toons to new accounts, however unlikely that is.
6  General Category / Updates / Re: More Banned! on: March 07, 2011, 01:28:14 pm
Hah will be 43 this year.  You people are making me feel young again!
7  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Victorville peoples on: March 04, 2011, 10:49:45 pm
Have a 10 year old myself.  And gotta say it makes me physically sick to my stomach even thinking about something like this.  Hope all goes well for your family
8  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Cube on: January 25, 2011, 01:40:36 pm
Wow man, does it make you feel better to just keep making shit up?

Your family should be proud of you.......

Ok this guy pushed it so Ima tell the whole story as I was simply trying to let it die but he wont.  Uhh like Ive said Bert and I created this toon account at the same time, I was lazy and asked him to make the login for me.  We tag teamed the char until he got bored and left.  Anyhow bert and I talked about this the day it all went down and he told me how the trade was made.  There wasnt a trade in a sense that a toon/account was given to anyone.  The trade was as follows, Bert would get the use of a necro on p99 to farm items since they solo well there.  Swiftblade was offered the "use" of Cube to farm T3 under some restrictions.  First restriction was do not under any circumstances deguild Cube, this was not adhered to.  Second was that if I login he was not to try to play Cube if I am online, the toon was simply to be used to help farm not to be used full time.  This was not adhered to. The third was to not remove or change anything at all on Cube, I cant be sure that there was cash on Cube but I thought there was, though aint gonna cry about it.  I got a pm today from swifts guildleader telling me how upset swift was and could I get bert to give him back his p99 account.  The truth is this, Swift never gave him the eqemu login cause wouldnt you believe this, he doesnt "remember it".  You can draw your own conclusions as to what that means but as long as Bert doesnt know anything other than how to login toon the password is still the same.  This guy can still login said necro on p99 at anytime yet hes still crying about it, Bert quit logging in that toon that day, right after Swift logged in on p99 berating him.  The "trade" was nullified and everything reverted to what was before, his account on p99 returned and Berts account returned on EZ.  I didnt ask for nor do I want Swift to quit here, I honestly thought lightblade was him and offered much help.  I know Im an idiot and ask anyone I cannot remember names at all!  Even now if Swift comes back I would help him as I do everyone, I stayed online yesterday for 4 hours doing nothing but getting strangers 4.0's.  i told Bert I was going to help this guy out but he told me to tell the guy he got back what was his just leave him be, but Im a generally nice guy unless I get pushed.  Im an asshole sometimes and I do believe I have earned that title at one time or another.  I try not to be and usually feel bad the next day about stuff, but this isnt one of the times because THIS GUY GOT HIS ACCOUNT BACK NOTHING WAS TAKEN FROM HIM.  Youre welcome for this daily does of drama Rostam, Balthor, Xig, etc.   i honestly feel bad that this ugliness was put in front of Hunter.  To him I apologize completely and offer to help the community even more using what resources I have.  I have said this before and Ill say it again, I am EZ's biggest damn gay ass cheerleader.  To Aname that barefoot post made me tingle inside, thanks for making my Saturday morning.  Good day to you all, and yes I love all of you.
9  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Cube on: January 14, 2011, 01:26:48 pm
Go for it. No one really cares.
If you had come in here and said "Im pist, this happened but its whatever." I would have been willing to help you out with some shit.

And that is the problem, Im out the toon i traded for, im out the account i traded for it.  Was completely scammed and you all still applaud the behavior and defend the scammers.  If anything hopefully Hunter will have read this and will just ban the toon all together.

What do you mean?  Gnaughty not only admitted it in /ooc the other day but laughed about it...  but whatever.  Have fun with Cube and the server.   Seriously a shame to as i loved playing here.
10  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Cube on: January 14, 2011, 01:15:03 pm
Bump im keeping this at the top so EVERYONE who comes to these forums and server will know exactly what kind of people are on it.  Matter of fact, think ill just make a new post here and at Eqemu forums also
11  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Cube on: January 14, 2011, 12:26:18 pm
Yes i got burned by Gnaughty.  Moved on.  Dont particularly want to play on a server that obviously not only condoned this activity but then applauds the piece of shit who did it.  

And no Gnaughty isnt helping me with anything, I am not Lightblade.


And Kaizan no i didnt get anything back.  Just good ol scammed by a dirtbag.  You people just keep on applauding this dirtbag, amazing.....
12  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Cube on: January 12, 2011, 06:18:20 pm
I didn't "take" the account. 

I was given the account in a trade and i am sorry as i had never seen or heard of the toon before and had no idea anyone else had ever used it.  So you people can move on and quit this witchhunt it would be greatly appreciated.  I come here to play and have fun and take my mind off of RL stress and plan on staying as i love this server. 
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