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1  General Category / General Discussion / Re: rounding out my group.. on: July 19, 2012, 02:51:07 pm
Welcome to EZ server and enjoy your 100+ hour grind in LDON4 + HOH to make it into T5!

Oh thats per each chars UC.

[Edit] Damn that sounds just pumped full of venom. Just venting, UCing a group will break your soul.
UC came out when t3? was popped if im not mistaken, maybe a bit later.

But TOFS comes out sometime soon we can hope =]
2  General Category / Rogue / Re: Rogue Epic's (lets talk about these things!) on: July 03, 2012, 06:20:56 am
Wow I didnt realize the rouges 4.0+ was that powerful, now if we could only have the stam to use it every cooldown nudge nudge timeless invigor Cheesy
3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: BoT Nerf and server economy on: July 03, 2012, 06:16:44 am
Im going to take Pals advice since this is totally derailed/buried in the thread and refine it and put it into the suggestions. What was meant to be a discussion about server economics reflecting a giant exploit fix turned into a troll session 
4  General Category / General Discussion / Re: BoT Nerf and server economy on: July 02, 2012, 05:01:24 pm
Hows everyone else making plat these days? With anguish out costing like 8m total for VIIIs surely theres something else out there?

If i told you how Bill Gates earns his money, could you do the same and earn as much?

Completely different situation, Bill Gates took years of hard work and backstabbing to get where he is. It took people here probably days to figure out how to farm plat.

so earning plats is easy on this server, then why are ppl asking stupid questions ??too lazy to even think of an easy problem ?

What seb pointed out is that that money was made through 18main raids earning 360k an hour, which probably took an hour to figure out you could make this single task into a massive raid.

Im not sure if youre trolling, or just lacking......so i'll put it this way. LDON4 charm/plat farming is about 40-50k an hour + points. Velks farmed(trained) in an instance is hovering around 85k-100k an hour. BoT with a single group(not overpowered in my opinion) is 120k an hour on the dot. The difference being the type of farming.

EXCLUDING the CG quest to get in, a FSV is 2.5m total. Each knight class, assuming you only use 1 is 2.5m * 3(4.0epic) 7.5mill. Converting that into hours of farming thats 62.5hours of farming plat via group in BoT to gear 1 toon with augs.     Velks@90k = 83.3hours    LDON@50k= 150 hours

LDON4 we will put at 50k an hour, needing 25 of each charm for your UC, which the paladin benefits the most out of(see other threads to confirm) produces about 2.5k- 3k points / hr farmed(See Xiggies post on UC farmhttp://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=2273.0) on average with oracle drops added in for luck. Charm upgrades being 2k would mean a total LDON credit need of 200,000 credits(lets say 150-160k needed if you get ALL of your oracles from LDON)

Using xiggies method and 2.7k as an intermediate value the UC farm from LDON takes 74.04 hours of farming per UC *6 for T5 = 444hrs needed

Leaving a gap of 76 hours of farming plat via LDON, now apply that to each character(the math is slightly different but hovers around the same numbers/hours) The remainder of the plat could be made via BOT farm = 31.6 hrs and Velks = 42.2 hrs

Additional information
People were making 18 man raids and doing BoT grind for as long as the quest has been out if Im not mistaken(it is a task, thereby allowing that from quest implementation), correct me if im wrong. It just creates and very large gap between those who already used the quest to get what they need and those starting their augs.

I also believe in T6 mob drop 75k bags of plat, making things a bit easier when you get to that tier.

Make the UC a flag that allows for the creation of a group task in BoT that is repeatable to slightly lessen the grind for the additional augs. This would allow for the first UC to be a big grind that allowed you to gain access to a more efficient way to gain plat for the augs needed on other chars/etc; while still being in line with server progression - it in fact encourages it.

How is that for being lazy? As I said this post was more directed toward hunter. All of the math is here to look at though, and ultimately it would be his call.

5  General Category / General Discussion / Re: BoT Nerf and server economy on: June 29, 2012, 02:31:23 pm
As hate and I believe someone else said before, this server is connected in alot of weird ways. The tiki spawns in T1 for example being connected to instances for spawn time.

This thread got derailed, so velks is on the table for money - looks like about 100k per hour in BDs etc.

Hows everyone else making plat these days? With anguish out costing like 8m total for VIIIs surely theres something else out there?

6  General Category / General Discussion / Re: BoT Nerf and server economy on: June 29, 2012, 05:39:35 am
Really wasnt sure on that whole situation, seeing as hunter as code that reads trains. Thanks for the tip tho. Wasnt sure if there was a server issue that caused lag when the castle was trained or what
7  General Category / General Discussion / BoT Nerf and server economy on: June 29, 2012, 03:00:06 am
So as Im sure a few have noticed, the BoT quest isnt chainable anymore. With Ninja Vs costing 1.5+m per, Im struggling to see another way to make plat as effectively. I can understand the nerf, because some were creating 18 man raids and making 500k and hour or so, which really trivialized money/time needed to get these strikes.

However with the no training rule in effect in velks, I can pull about 50-75k an hour there.

So I guess this is more a post for hunter, but do you have any other ideas to even out gearing chars vs time? Or is it just going to be HoH and velks grinding from here out? If anyone has some tips for plat, PM me and im willing to trade drag minors, majors, gods minors, etc for some information.

8  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 06-09-12 on: June 13, 2012, 12:56:20 am
I want to agree with making the higher tiers more multi-player oriented, but as more guilds focus on the higher end content wouldn't it make sense to make maybe a 200k DT or something that COULD kill you, and keep you on your toes, wanting to keep your tank TOPPED at all times etc. The T5+ content is being handled by guilds, so catching up as a 6boxing player would make it harder and harder to gear up as progression increases because guilds are focused on higher tiers right now.

9  General Category / General Discussion / Re: BoT Perma-zone bug on: June 09, 2012, 01:19:16 am
haha hey man, dont blame that on me
10  General Category / General Discussion / Re: BoT Perma-zone bug on: June 08, 2012, 09:44:11 am
Tried all of the above. No luck, War is still unable to move via char mover and is still stuck in guild instance even after another char deleted the guild instance.

Loop loop loop. =[
11  General Category / General Discussion / BoT Perma-zone bug on: June 08, 2012, 08:44:06 am
Wasnt sure if /bug was working or not in game so I decided to post this here. There is a part of BoT the North side, hug the right wall and go in the first red lightning.

If in a guild instance it will perma zone you from BoT to BoT - and the char mover wont register the char. I'll try again later, but I thought I would post the perma zone bug here to be seen.
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