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1  General Category / Sticky Topics / Re: THE RL PICTURE THREAD!! POST YOU IN RL ~HERE!~ on: September 06, 2011, 08:28:42 pm
Zuez - your fiance's shirt is see through in that first picture. It happens with thin black clothing and the flash of a camera. You might want to take that down.
2  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE on: August 27, 2011, 07:06:45 pm
Well it only took 1 week for another loser to to pop up on the radar. Here is another character that should just be banned. If he is that clueless to try and use this name he doesnt deserve a rename.

Emailed to hunter.

Thats obviously a play on "Fuck You" and actually "Forking" is a sexual act and when he puts "You" in the last name that is the definition he is implying or he is just straight up saying F U.

3  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Leaving EZ server. on: August 22, 2011, 10:52:41 pm
Good riddance, figured you wouldnt last long. I am glad P99 is around so the trash of EZ can have some place to go.

This comes from giggity...
and you can read these jewels from him starting on page 21 of the epic screenshots of people who need to be banned thread, under the rants and flames section.

I recommend no one trade for his characters, he probably did some questionable things with them.


Why would you thank someone for going around being a whistle blower.

I don't know about you but if a GM (Hunter) wanted to tell me I had an innappropiate name I'd have no problem changing it or doing whatever the Gm said needed to be done.  But having people running around thinking they are EZ Police is getting ridiculous.

I mean a 21 page thread of a bunch of little girls taking screen shots trying to get people banned.....I mean if the name really offends you, I am pretty sure they are not always going to be following you around the zone.

What do you do if you see an offensive bumper sticker while driving down the road....do you call the police and whine like a bitch?  There are rules in place for a reason, I understand that, but it's HUNTERS jobs to enforce those rules at his discretion.  I don't think he issued badges to any of you people to run around and try and get people banned.

I realize you got beat up in school alot, and now that you graduated and have a 4.0 or 2 you think it's your turn to get back at the man, but you need to chill and live and let live.
4  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE on: August 22, 2011, 10:40:09 pm
maybe hunter has been busy or he doesnt pay as much attention to players he doesnt know. I had emailed him that guy's characters in a Screenshot 1 1/2 weeks ago.

Still havent heard anything about the blunt smokers guild. Hopefully that guild name is rejected soon.
5  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE on: August 16, 2011, 08:29:32 pm
Guild should have name changed.

6  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE on: August 16, 2011, 03:02:23 pm
Drug references aren't covered in the naming policy - I'll reference it again in this thread just to refresh everyone's memories.

Just because I haven't listed a rule, doesn't mean you can't get banned for a certain action. Use your head, You know right and wrong. Don't be an idiot or you'll get banned.

I think I will side with common sense on this one but it will be Hunter's judgment call so continuing to argue about it is pointless. I just posted this to "refresh your memory" since you are good at quoting only pieces of the policy and not others.

Rules are rules.. and these rules say that drug references are A-Okay

No these rules do not say anything about it being okay. These rules state specific examples and then "etc...". That ETC... along with the common sense line from above leaves it open for interpretation by the owner. We all get that and didn't need your inaccurate post to revisit it.

Also, cannabis is a legal medicine in a number of states now, including mine - California =D And if you really, really, want to go down that road comparing video games to drugs we could pull up the stats of how many people have committed suicide over MMO's, I can think of at least 2 documented cases involving EQ off the top of my head and I'm sure there's more now that there's more MMO's. Total number of documented cases of cannabis overdose in the entire human history: 0. 

First off, I didn’t go down that road, the other poster did. I just pointed out the ignorance of comparing gaming addiction to using illegal drugs. They aren’t really comparable other than they prey on a human weakness, addiction. Secondly, you might need to go back to your college in Chicago and ask for a refund if you think that comparing suicides and overdoses is even a valid argument. Why don’t you try comparing apples to apples and googleup how many people have committed suicide because of weed? Probably 0, I have no idea, but at least formulate an appropriate argument before posting it in the public forum. I can't even defend that nor would I.
7  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE on: August 16, 2011, 09:24:12 am
And that is wrong how? You're against smoking weed, but you promote playing video games that are equally or even more addictive and have known prolonged issues with health than the weed you mention does.

Hypocrisy at it's best?

Apparently you need to train up in your reading comprehension skills. I clearly stated that I don’t have a problem with drugs or people doing them. My problem is making a guild or characters named after drug references in an online fantasy game. This is supposed to be a PG rated online game with the same naming conventions as EQ Live. Thus this guild name doesn’t belong.  Where do you draw the line on drug references? Can someone make a character named "Snorting Coke". Easy solution, keep character names PG. No drug references.

It is almost like you read something else out of my text that wasn’t even there and then took it way out to left field on your pointless tirade. I don’t promote online games or care one way or another about them. However if I was to post a counter argument to your moronic statement, clearly you can’t compare a video game addiction to doing an illegal drug.

Idiocy at its best?
8  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE on: August 15, 2011, 05:26:58 pm
Also to add another offensive naming violation to this list.

There is an entire guild named: "Bluntz Smokers" or "Smoking Bluntz" and most of the people i see in that guild seem to have names related to smoking weed. (dont know the exact name but will post a SS and email hunter soon)

Again, am I offended by this? No. I am sure half this server smokes weed. I spent 2 years of my early 20s partying it up and trying almost every drug. So no it doesnt offend me.

I am playing a Fantasy game though and I do not want to see idiots running around with drug references as their names. I get it you are cool and smoke weed. Keep that to yourself and your parole officer.

If we go by the naming convention of regular EQ then i highly doubt they would allow a guild named Blunt Smokers.
9  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE on: August 15, 2011, 05:13:19 pm
I went out of my way and took your advice on that just for the hell of it.

Since I continue to see the 2 characters "Rubbingon Yourchildren" and "Caressing Yourchildren". I went ahead and messaged him about his name. I stated that it was an inappropriate name and you might get banned for using it.

His response was: "Wow i didn’t think anyone would have a problem with it, it is just a name." "They will have to deal with it".

Three days later and I am still seeing him running around the nexus/surefall.

I guess that is about the answer I expected. What I am getting at is that the type of person that would use a name like the above, probably doesn’t have that normal built in social common sense filter that most people over the age of 18 have. He is not offended by trashy names, he is going to be offended by the fact that someone is trying to make him conform to some naming rules. Players like this attracts other bad players and within 6 months the server is a cesspool. Ban the mentality behind that type of player.
10  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE on: August 12, 2011, 09:24:20 am
Kylok -

You are putting way too much time into this. Stop trying so hard. This is basic common sense. You sound like a kid being told the rules and wanting to rebel about it. Ironic how you are calling us kids for policing when you are acting like a typical teen.

Read the rules and apply the rules when creating a character. It is basic COMMON SENSE not to name your character FAPFAP or JACKING OFF or JERKOFF or MASTURBATING. They all mean the same thing.

Does the name offend me? No it doesn't but I choose to invest my time into a server that has a little pride about itself. I dont want to run around the game and see names like this. It brings me back to reality which I am trying to escape from for 1hr every other day. I feel like im playing a game with a bunch of kids that cant follow simple rules.

Also I want to comment about your suggestion of approaching the player in game and talking to him about their offensive name. Here is my opinion on that:

 I am going to assume that the player ignored the rules or doesnt have enough common sense to not name your character something that ridiculous. Either way I am going to go ahead and "assume" that he isn't worth wasting my time talking to and no good will come from that conversation. Not to mention he will not be able to change his first name and most likely will not delete his character. So if he "assumed" that is okay to use a name like that then I am going to "assume" that he isnt worth wasting my time on other than to report him in hopes that his type will be banned and not allowed back on the server.

In Fapfap's case, as I said in my original post I think a name change is reasonable enough.

11  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE on: August 07, 2011, 09:03:40 pm
Sigh... Cant even go one 1 day without running into this trash. See attached. I emailed hunter already. This guy should just be banned with names like that. He doesnt even deserve a rename in my opinion.

Hopefully school will start back soon and we wont have to see this as often.

One of the names is kind of blocked but here they are:

"Rubbinon Yourchildren"
"Caressing Yourchildren"

12  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE on: August 07, 2011, 12:53:56 pm
What is his email? I PMed him the link to this thread with the SS.

13  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE on: August 06, 2011, 11:37:40 pm
Guy with an idiot Name: "Fapfap Fapfapfapfap".

Please have it changed. Immature and idiotic.

14  General Category / General Discussion / Re: THE RISE OF DIGNATIO on: July 15, 2011, 04:41:28 pm
I was being sarcastic about buying into a guild. The OP said if you are interested in joining to message him in game or in this thread. So you are recruiting just not "officially". Well I still would like to be considered as a recruit, "unofficially" of course. Please respond back with your standards so I know i meet them or not.

Thanks for your consideration,

15  General Category / General Discussion / Re: THE RISE OF DIGNATIO on: July 15, 2011, 01:39:13 pm
I'm interested in joining. However, I am only lvl 28 because I just started.

Do you guys take new players or do new players have to prove themselves by being able to 6box in T3 first and then pay to get in the guild? If that is what it takes to get in a guild im not down with that. I just want to socialize, help others, and do high end content when i have time.

Thanks for your consideration,

Lvl 28 Necromancer - Gunpwdr
Lvl 27 Bard - Sonitus
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