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Author Topic: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE  (Read 454663 times)
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #360 on: August 12, 2011, 01:09:24 am »

First and foremost how vague is:

Offensive words in names or public chat will not be tolerated, such as anything SEXUAL, racist, hateful, etc.

There is absolutely nothing vague about that. I mean really you put it in your own post. Fapfap is a clear violation of the rules. Trying to excuse anyone's violation of the rules by blaming other peoples sensitivities is a shitty excuse. My sensitivities have absolutely nothing to do with this. The rules were not put there to accommodate my sensitivities. Read through this thread, other people have tried to pull the vague card and it never works.

Saying I am griefing someone by by reporting/commenting/posting about their naming violation is inventing interpretation of the rule. If that was the case Hunter should ban himself because, really, banning is ruining someones game play. As for the name not violating the rules, I mean, come on, No offensive words, including anything sexual. There is no room for interpretation. Fapfap only has one meaning.

My lack of quoting is because the source is in my email and is in regards to a name change I requested on a character that was given me. How seriously do I take the rules? I have a paladin that was given to me. He has full UC and nearly full T4. I am not going to put the name in here because it doesn't totally belong to me. It would take me a long while to replace this character, I mean come on, a UC'd toon. I don't play that toon. I would love to, but its name violates the naming policy.

Quoted from my email from Hunter:
Quote from: Hunter
People need to maintain the reputations they earn, and people have tried to steal toons from their friends by doing char transfers too. Due to so much drama in the past, I'm not changing names, doing transfers, or reimbursing anything. To prevent ban, would just need to power level a new account.


In regards to my pride in getting people banned, Yes I am proud of that. I have kept a lot of idiots off this server. They either get banned or they find out that's not tolerable. As for posting it here as well as sending it to Hunter, if you don't get banned you get a shitty reputation. From that point you either clean up your act or you leave. Problem solved.

Bucking against Hunters rules does not get you far. Just look through this thread. Some random person will come to the server and challenge the rules or try to interpret them to fit themselves. It never works. As far as growing up. You are telling me that I am immature and you are defending someone with Fapfap as a name? Really? Wow.exe
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 01:10:59 am by Xiggie » Logged

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« Reply #361 on: August 12, 2011, 04:18:27 am »

Well then, since you obviously take this game very seriously and have enough time to care enough about to server to get someone banned over six letters that don't involve any swears and most people don't know the meaning of. Then let's wait and see if Byronosaurus and myself get our accounts banned for ignorance of the law. At least now I know to stay away from Xiggie and Dignatio - that's the whole reason I quit p99. And seeing where this drama is heading makes me want to:

a) quit while I'm ahead and leave you trolls to your bridges.
b) reroll all my characers as Xxxxxxxxxxxa, Xxxxxxxxxxb, Xxxxxxxxc, ad infinitum
c) turn off tells, shout, auction, out of character.

Good job of being the naming police, not so great for server population but hey - seems like it's mostly tiered elitist trying to make life harder for people just trying to have some fun in peace. For the record I have PC names off and pay 0 attention to the other people on the server unless I run into them in an LDoN.

Atm options B and C sound like the most entertaining while A is most probable. Enjoy your private server Xiggie - if you keep your work up you can have it to yourself.

P.S. Be more thorough in your reading if you're going to attempt to verbally spar with me - what I said was : "Depending on the interpretation the people proposing that certain names be banned that do not "violate" the naming policy may also be in line for the ban stick as you are ruining the game for others." So yeah, if Hunter banned someone named Xiggie for having an inappropriate name then yes, he should ban himself.

Also - I would assume that Hunter made the bad word/naming policy worded vaguely, and it is vague despite your personal opinion, so that things of this nature can be left to his discretion. He's judge jury and executioner - our opinions are just from the peanut gallery.

And since I'm on a roll - if you think people with inappropriate names should reroll then delete that T4 UC paladin, even if it isn't completely yours it would still be a lawful, just act that would bring about a more appropriate, mature, and politically correct environment for all of us to enjoy.

I have a toon named Blaknuss named after a Roland Kirk song http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blacknuss. This could be interpreted as racist, though it was hardly intended as such. That's why I'm defending Fapfap, he meant no harm by it, had no idea that people would take it as seriously as it has been and would change the name if it was at all possible. I would assume you might see him with the name Fapfap PleaseDontBanMe when you see him next.

Where does the line get drawn? If I make a toon named Xxxxxxxxxa is that going to be an issue because XXX is a rating for pornography? If I make a female erudite named Badonkadonk will that be grounds for the ban stick? How about Perineum or Labia? I knew a guy a p99 who had a female gnome named Squirting Continuously, though slightly vaguer then Fapfap it is still interpreted as sexual - though nothing ever came of his silly choice in names.  Perhaps I should just stick with names involving using illicit substances since that is clearly not covered in the naming policy - except for the et cetera part...

Furthermore, though Fapfap is indeed considered slang for masturbation on the internet, as no one in their right mind would dare speak such nonsense aloud, it does also have other meanings.

Fap - used as an adjective to describe one who is drunk:

"    * 1599, William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor, act I, scene I

          BARDOLPH: Why, sir, for my part, I say the gentleman had drunk himself out of his five sentences.
          EVANS: It is his 'five senses'; fie, what the ignorance is!
          BARDOLPH: And being fap, sir, was, as they say, cashier'd; and so conclusions passed the careires." - http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fap

Anyone have a list of names that people have been banned for? That would be a interesting sight to see.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 05:41:14 am by Kylok » Logged

Just remember... no matter where you are.... how old you are.... where you were at the time you checked the forum....
When you log in, Hatin' Trolls are coming for you! Yes oh yes they are, and they're hatin' from their cubicles and Basements!
But fret not! We have a spray for this!
Jr. Member
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« Reply #362 on: August 12, 2011, 06:02:25 am »

Stop please I can't take the crying
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« Reply #363 on: August 12, 2011, 08:51:14 am »

...and people wonder why I don't play in the summer season.....

Read the rules. It's a player policed server.
If that bothers you so much, find someplace else to be. your crying like a child will not change anything about it. Suck it up and deal.


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« Reply #364 on: August 12, 2011, 09:24:20 am »

Kylok -

You are putting way too much time into this. Stop trying so hard. This is basic common sense. You sound like a kid being told the rules and wanting to rebel about it. Ironic how you are calling us kids for policing when you are acting like a typical teen.

Read the rules and apply the rules when creating a character. It is basic COMMON SENSE not to name your character FAPFAP or JACKING OFF or JERKOFF or MASTURBATING. They all mean the same thing.

Does the name offend me? No it doesn't but I choose to invest my time into a server that has a little pride about itself. I dont want to run around the game and see names like this. It brings me back to reality which I am trying to escape from for 1hr every other day. I feel like im playing a game with a bunch of kids that cant follow simple rules.

Also I want to comment about your suggestion of approaching the player in game and talking to him about their offensive name. Here is my opinion on that:

 I am going to assume that the player ignored the rules or doesnt have enough common sense to not name your character something that ridiculous. Either way I am going to go ahead and "assume" that he isn't worth wasting my time talking to and no good will come from that conversation. Not to mention he will not be able to change his first name and most likely will not delete his character. So if he "assumed" that is okay to use a name like that then I am going to "assume" that he isnt worth wasting my time on other than to report him in hopes that his type will be banned and not allowed back on the server.

In Fapfap's case, as I said in my original post I think a name change is reasonable enough.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 09:28:15 am by mokaloka99 » Logged
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #365 on: August 12, 2011, 09:25:28 am »

"Depending on the interpretation the people proposing that certain names be banned that do not "violate" the naming policy may also be in line for the ban stick as you are ruining the game for others."

You see this is a non point. His name does violate the naming policy. There is no interpretation, it simply violates the naming policy. To suggest it doesn't is just ignorant.

Furthermore, though Fapfap is indeed considered slang for masturbation on the internet, as no one in their right mind would dare speak such nonsense aloud, it does also have other meanings.

Fap - used as an adjective to describe one who is drunk:

"    * 1599, William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor, act I, scene I

          BARDOLPH: Why, sir, for my part, I say the gentleman had drunk himself out of his five sentences.
          EVANS: It is his 'five senses'; fie, what the ignorance is!
          BARDOLPH: And being fap, sir, was, as they say, cashier'd; and so conclusions passed the careires." - http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fap

Coming up with obscure meanings to justify a name violation has not worked for others. You can come up with obscure meanings for swastika if you want, it is how it is interpreted by the mass majority of the server that counts. Some off shot meaning that no one knows about is not a justification for violating the naming rules.

Well then, since you obviously take this game very seriously and have enough time to care enough about to server to get someone banned over six letters that don't involve any swears and most people don't know the meaning of.

We don't live under rocks, we know what Fap means. Your assertion that most people don't know what it means is just wrong. The rules are not just limited to curse words.

I know to stay away from Xiggie and Dignatio

We appreciate this very much.

Good job of being the naming police, not so great for server population but hey - seems like it's mostly tiered elitist trying to make life harder for people just trying to have some fun in peace... Enjoy your private server Xiggie - if you keep your work up you can have it to yourself.

I have been playing on this server since 2008. I have been very vocal nearly the entire time about rule violations. If I was going to ruin this server I would have ruined it a long time ago. If anything my attention to rule violations is good for this server. I mean, this is the most successful custom server on emu right now. And has been for quite some time. The rules Hunter put in place and the fact that he encourages people to police the server, along with the content have ensured that.

Most people don't know what blacknuss means and have never heard of it. On the other hand, most people know what fap means. There is no comparison of the two. One is a blatant violation of the naming rules, the other has some obscure meaning that most would not know about that might be interpreted as offensive.

I don't know anyone who has ever been banned for a naming violation because their name had some far off obscure meaning. I have however seen people banned for an offensive name that had some other obscure meaning that wasn't offensive. I think Hunter uses average and normal common sense when determining that a name does not belong on his server.

Atm options B and C sound like the most entertaining while A is most probable.

a) quit while I'm ahead and leave you trolls to your bridges.

If this thread keeps trash off the server, then this thread has done its job. I have been called a troll before on these forums. It is always by people who don't have any real points. And you have had none. Stop bucking the rules.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 09:28:30 am by Xiggie » Logged

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« Reply #366 on: August 12, 2011, 09:44:33 am »

And I rolled him when I was stoned out of my mind and giggling with a buddy.

Just 2 Cents

For some reason the above quote made by FAPx3 or whatever, I highly doubt you two were giggling about Shakespeare when ya'll were high making name choices.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 09:47:18 am by Fugitive » Logged

Quoted for the Brotherhood of Warriors
"I want my wizard to cast Fugitives instead of fireballs.
We can't always get what we want. ;-)"
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #367 on: August 12, 2011, 10:01:27 am »

And I rolled him when I was stoned out of my mind and giggling with a buddy.

Just 2 Cents

For some reason the above quote made by FAPx3 or whatever, I highly doubt you two were giggling about Shakespeare when ya'll were high making name choices.


Jr. Member
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« Reply #368 on: August 12, 2011, 10:02:30 am »

I alway pictured Xiggie as a Gnome not a Troll
Jr. Member
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« Reply #369 on: August 12, 2011, 10:30:49 am »

And With a Pink Headbane that say Bad Man.
Gnome Monk
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« Reply #370 on: August 12, 2011, 12:49:43 pm »

Gnomes like turtles

Quoted for the Brotherhood of Warriors
"I want my wizard to cast Fugitives instead of fireballs.
We can't always get what we want. ;-)"
Jr. Member
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« Reply #371 on: August 12, 2011, 01:12:06 pm »

Robot turtles?
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« Reply #372 on: August 12, 2011, 02:52:18 pm »

I find it incessantly funny that this small issue has gotten blown out of proportion.

Let's stop discussing it, cause it appears nobody's gonna agree.

BOTTOM LINE: My warrior's name has offended the server Gestapo, and Hunter will do exactly what he wants to do about that. Period. Stop talking about it please.
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #373 on: August 12, 2011, 03:30:22 pm »

Part of choosing a ignorant name is getting an ignorant reputation. Part of the problem is that you think it is just a small issue that got blown out of proportion. It is not a small issue and this is a proportional response. Server gestapo? Have you looked over this thread? If you had you would know that it is the majority of the server that feels the same way about it. Tell me this, based off yours and your roommates response how many more times do you think your name violation ended up in Hunter's in box?

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« Reply #374 on: August 12, 2011, 04:09:19 pm »

He's prolly got an inbox full of "Please ban Fapfap" right now Xiggie.

Again a point Kylok made was that when we came to the EZ server, we figured silly/inappropriate names wouldn't be a big deal since it is, after all, the EZ server. Had I known that people took this server this seriously, and felt the way they did about names, I never would have rolled my warrior with that name.

Hunter bans me, oh well. I'll reroll Frapsfraps Please Dont Ban Me Hunter.

The point I'm trying to make here is that you may have every right to write someone off as immature or someone you're unwilling to play with because of a silly name. However that seems a narrow way of looking at things. I don't think we've ran into each other once in game Xiggie. You don't know anything about my playstyle, maturity level, skill set, etc. Yet you're willing to throw people out with that bathwater.

Good luck. I bet your ignore list is a million miles long. Always seemed a silly way to play a game to me. Meh.

My 2c. I'm done watching this thread now. Trolls abound in these parts.
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