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Author Topic: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE  (Read 454642 times)
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« Reply #420 on: August 16, 2011, 08:43:31 am »

BTW - My personal email is not private or hidden like most of you..
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« Reply #421 on: August 16, 2011, 08:57:48 am »

Grats on showing your teeth.  It's an (inevitable) eventual process for some, not so much for others.
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« Reply #422 on: August 16, 2011, 09:21:40 am »

Actually the comment about my child getting worse influence - I would agree partly about the school - but my parents are both deceased and so are my wifes. They were wonderful parents and grandparents that stood by me and my wife 100 percent - and loved their grandbabies with more heart than most.  Actually they have great schools as well.  If I felt EQ was a bad influence I would never let my kids play.  It isnt EQ - it is the lack of moral fiber exhibited by some of those who play the game that worries me.  The displays that I see are part of the reason that I have a job working in foster care and as a treatment parent.  I wish I didnt have this job.  But because in part of this attitude (I can do what I want no matter who it offends or how morally right it is) I can see that I will have a job for a long time - helping and encouraging kids. Teaching them that this world is a gift from God and we need to treat it as such... I would be glad to talk to anyone about the issue at hand - but would prefer to do so in an adult manner with no name calling and no violent outbursts.  Guess What?  God loves you and so do I... Paul Out..
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« Reply #423 on: August 16, 2011, 09:24:12 am »

And that is wrong how? You're against smoking weed, but you promote playing video games that are equally or even more addictive and have known prolonged issues with health than the weed you mention does.

Hypocrisy at it's best?

Apparently you need to train up in your reading comprehension skills. I clearly stated that I don’t have a problem with drugs or people doing them. My problem is making a guild or characters named after drug references in an online fantasy game. This is supposed to be a PG rated online game with the same naming conventions as EQ Live. Thus this guild name doesn’t belong.  Where do you draw the line on drug references? Can someone make a character named "Snorting Coke". Easy solution, keep character names PG. No drug references.

It is almost like you read something else out of my text that wasn’t even there and then took it way out to left field on your pointless tirade. I don’t promote online games or care one way or another about them. However if I was to post a counter argument to your moronic statement, clearly you can’t compare a video game addiction to doing an illegal drug.

Idiocy at its best?
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« Reply #424 on: August 16, 2011, 01:32:54 pm »

Futility at it's best. Drug references aren't covered in the naming policy - I'll reference it again in this thread just to refresh everyone's memories. We don't use the classic EQ live naming policy, or else anything that was a three word phrase would be in violation or anything that was outside of the realm of high fantasy.

Offensive words in names or public chat will not be tolerated, such as anything sexual, racist, hateful, etc." - http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0

Rules are rules.. and these rules say that drug references are A-Okay, just nothing sexual, racist or hateful. If you don't like the rules or want them changed send Hunter an e-mail. He has always gotten back to be in a timely manner and answered my questions adequately. Now, that being said that little etc at the end of the quote does indeed leave quite a wide hole for Hunter to use his own discretion. Smokin Bluntz or whatever the guild name is is fine for now, who knows if Snortin Coke and Mainline Heroin would be considered inappropriate by Hunter... besides Hunter.

But here's the bottom line, Xiggie - the guy who's been hangin around on this server for 4 or 5 years, says he hasn't seen anyone banned for drug references ever in his entire time spent on the EZ server. To me, that's a huge hint as to how Hunter feels about drug references on his server. You can argue and debate whether it's moral and appropriate to have drug references in a fantasy game till the cows come home.. but it probably won't change anything here on the EZ server.

A side note for the haters, you learn a lot of logic in philosophy classes, at least I did =P. And yes, correlation vs causation arguments do indeed get very complicated/complex/convoluted and very quickly, if you insist that this statement is false then I challenge you to give me a brief, concise summary of the three matrix movies and how this correlation vs causation argument is presented and executed throughout them (as they as a great example of above argument type) with a clear well thought out thesis completed with cited sources and written at the college level. MLA format is preferred though Chicago or APA will be accepted.

If correlation vs causation was simple, we would've figured out whether the chicken or the egg came first a long, long time ago.

Also, cannabis is a legal medicine in a number of states now, including mine - California =D And if you really, really, want to go down that road comparing video games to drugs we could pull up the stats of how many people have committed suicide over MMO's, I can think of at least 2 documented cases involving EQ off the top of my head and I'm sure there's more now that there's more MMO's. Total number of documented cases of cannabis overdose in the entire human history: 0. 

And if we could get off the topic of bashing each others' personal lives then maybe we could get back to the point of this thread... enforcing the actual naming policy.. not the one that you want enacted.

--Galadedrid Damodred of the Light
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 01:51:43 pm by Kylok » Logged

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When you log in, Hatin' Trolls are coming for you! Yes oh yes they are, and they're hatin' from their cubicles and Basements!
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« Reply #425 on: August 16, 2011, 01:41:31 pm »

I am getting old I really did not know what fapfap mean

same here

~Guild Pa'ahana~

~Bladethorn, Ironskin, Ironhyde, Stormfade, Redthorne, Redwynd, Xhaidis, Forbid, Vailyn, Aayen, Greyshadow~
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« Reply #426 on: August 16, 2011, 03:02:23 pm »

Drug references aren't covered in the naming policy - I'll reference it again in this thread just to refresh everyone's memories.

Just because I haven't listed a rule, doesn't mean you can't get banned for a certain action. Use your head, You know right and wrong. Don't be an idiot or you'll get banned.

I think I will side with common sense on this one but it will be Hunter's judgment call so continuing to argue about it is pointless. I just posted this to "refresh your memory" since you are good at quoting only pieces of the policy and not others.

Rules are rules.. and these rules say that drug references are A-Okay

No these rules do not say anything about it being okay. These rules state specific examples and then "etc...". That ETC... along with the common sense line from above leaves it open for interpretation by the owner. We all get that and didn't need your inaccurate post to revisit it.

Also, cannabis is a legal medicine in a number of states now, including mine - California =D And if you really, really, want to go down that road comparing video games to drugs we could pull up the stats of how many people have committed suicide over MMO's, I can think of at least 2 documented cases involving EQ off the top of my head and I'm sure there's more now that there's more MMO's. Total number of documented cases of cannabis overdose in the entire human history: 0. 

First off, I didn’t go down that road, the other poster did. I just pointed out the ignorance of comparing gaming addiction to using illegal drugs. They aren’t really comparable other than they prey on a human weakness, addiction. Secondly, you might need to go back to your college in Chicago and ask for a refund if you think that comparing suicides and overdoses is even a valid argument. Why don’t you try comparing apples to apples and googleup how many people have committed suicide because of weed? Probably 0, I have no idea, but at least formulate an appropriate argument before posting it in the public forum. I can't even defend that nor would I.
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« Reply #427 on: August 16, 2011, 03:15:23 pm »

The proof is in the pudding, if Hunter didn't like drug references he would've banned people for it by now. If common sense were truly common more people would have it. Go ahead, send Hunter an e-mail and ask him out right whether he cares about drug references in the naming policy and see what he says. As far as I can tell, Hunter enforces the naming policy with the ban stick VERY STRICTLY to things that are "sexual, racist, hateful" outside of those three things the bannings are few and far between. No it does not directly say that drug references are okay but it also doesn't say that they aren't.

And when I said you, I meant the second person plural you, as in I was addressing everyone who has posted in this thread (you all or y'all is more common then my usage).. was not singling mokaloka99 out. Chicago is a style of citation formatting for college papers, I've never been to the actual place, like I said I live in California.. and go to school here as well. And comparing the outcomes of addictions in terms of mortality is fairly valid.. people do it all the time with cannabis vs alcohol. And no, I'm not trying to get into any sort of debate about this. Though I appreciate your response =D.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 05:24:57 pm by Kylok » Logged

Just remember... no matter where you are.... how old you are.... where you were at the time you checked the forum....
When you log in, Hatin' Trolls are coming for you! Yes oh yes they are, and they're hatin' from their cubicles and Basements!
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« Reply #428 on: August 16, 2011, 03:57:09 pm »

Thought I`d throw in my 2 cents in here.  I saw Fapfap a while back and the only thing that came to mind was that it was a pretty silly name.  I had no idea that it was a slang for masturbation until I saw it refferenced in a link to the Urban Dictionary.  I`d really love to know what % of people actually knew that!  Since anyone can add ANY word they wish to the urban dictionary, I fail to understand how it can be considered credible.
Secondly as far as this debate with drug refferences and the naming policy I will say this;  I haven`t been a user of them for a great number of years however drug use and fantasy do have a very long history together.  Examples are numerous: Àlice in Wonderland for example had more drug refferences than Cheech and Chong`s up in smoke.  Tolken had many many drug refferences within The Lord of the Rings.  These are just to name a couple, the list would be almost endless.  So do I have a problem with it, absolutely not.  The people who are worried about kids seeing it should be just as worried about the endless violence, or alcohol usage within EQ, not to mention the adictive nature of EQ itself.

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« Reply #429 on: August 16, 2011, 04:21:23 pm »

Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #430 on: August 16, 2011, 04:21:49 pm »

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAP (last one)

http://www.google.com/search?q=Fap&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi&biw=1262&bih=825 (NSFT!!)

It is fairly common.

Never debate drugs on a forum. No resolution ever.

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« Reply #431 on: August 16, 2011, 04:31:39 pm »

OK.... so Fap is noted on sites other than the Urban Dictionary you have made your point however unless it`s in print within a dictionary such as Websters I still don`t feel its credible. 
As for debating drugs on a forum I will agree Xiggie there is no resolution, but everyone has thier opinion and is welcome to share it  Smiley

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« Reply #432 on: August 16, 2011, 04:54:17 pm »

OK.... so Fap is noted on sites other than the Urban Dictionary you have made your point however unless it`s in print within a dictionary such as Websters I still don`t feel its credible. 

Many things aren't in Websters that we use every day and everyone knows the meaning of.  Even so, it doesn't matter if you think it is credible or not, because apparently Hunter did.
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« Reply #433 on: August 16, 2011, 05:13:16 pm »

Many things aren't in Websters that we use every day and everyone knows the meaning of.  Even so, it doesn't matter if you think it is credible or not, because apparently Hunter did.

I can`t argue with Hunters rational for banning the toon as it was obvious after the fact that the name was chosen intentionally based upon it`s inherent slang connotation.  That being said if the name had been just Fapfap with a surname other than Fapfapfapfapfap, I would have seen no issue.

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« Reply #434 on: August 16, 2011, 05:23:52 pm »

Exactly, ultimately Hunter is the Judge/Jury/Executioner for whatever issue there is on the server.

Agreed the drug topic is a moot point and no resolution will ever be reached we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Xiggie - I know I pick on you a lot but it's nothing personal =D. None of those links are primary sources >.> (the wikipedia one even lacks a reference link, sadly. The oldest Google image I could find, though admittedly I didn't look very hard, was roughly 1 year old) and the one about memes (pronunciation?) posted by lerxst2112 that mentions Fap is roughly a year old and was last updated 11 months ago which makes this a neologism (new word) and its fair to assume that most people haven't heard of it that aren't internet trolls such as myself. For example, I asked a friend of mine's younger brother (19) if he knew what Fap meant and he had no idea, he could tell me all about the M.O.B. - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=M.O.B. - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=money%20over%20bitches and the entire history of the California Bay Area rap scene going back to before he was born.. but he had no idea what Fap meant and when informed he laughed hysterically at the stupidity, and the fact that it was even an issue to us silly people who play our silly internet games.. I'm paraphrasing as what he said was much more graphic. So how many of you (second person plural you, not singling anyone out) have heard of this M.O.B. philosophy? Probably not many unless you're from where I live and love hyphy http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hyphy rap =P It takes time for new words to spread around especially if you're not involved in the field where that word evolved. And of course some of us take our knowledge of internet slang for granted and figure everyone knows - a poor assumption to make, at least from an academic/scientific standpoint.

That being said, Fap is clearly against naming policy and moreover Hunter personally said to not play a character with that name. Now that the dead horse has been beaten to a pulp does anyone have anything new and relevant to add to this thread?

« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 05:26:25 pm by Kylok » Logged

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